Rice is known in many cuisines of the world. However, for each recipe, only one of its many varieties is ideal. Therefore, cooking enthusiasts need to know the different types of this product.
Types and varieties of rice
Rice is most commonly classified by grain length. Round grain rice grows in China and Japan, as well as in Italy. This rice contains a lot of starch and becomes sticky after cooking. To preserve this property, the Japanese and Chinese cook rice in special rice cookers, where boiling and steaming are used at the same time. Sushi is made from such cereals, and boiled round grain rice is also served with Japanese and Chinese dishes of meat, fish and vegetables. In Italy, risotto is made from arborio round-grain rice. In Russian cuisine, this type of cereal can be used to cook porridge in milk. Round grain rice is also suitable for casseroles and puddings that are dairy or egg based.
Rice with a medium grain length is the most versatile. It is less sticky than round grain and boils well. This one has a fairly neutral taste. Rice with medium grains is good for paella, as an addition to soups, and can also be served as a side dish and used to make pilaf. But be careful: this rice is easy to digest – it will spoil its consistency.
After cooking, rice can be seasoned with a piece of butter.
Long grain rice, especially its Basmati variety, has become an important part of South Asian cuisine. When properly cooked, such rice remains crumbly and retains its shape. Basmati rice is the perfect base for curry. It can be served without sauce at all, pouring lemon juice and adding salt and pepper. Some cooks recommend rinsing such rice not only before but also after boiling to make it even more crumbly. Long grain rice is also good for steaming.
Long grain rice goes well with saffron and other oriental spices
In addition to the classification according to the shape of the grain, there is also a distribution of types of rice according to the type of processing. Most often, white rice is found – it is completely free from the shell, which gives it a special taste, but deprives it of many useful properties. There is also brown rice – it is rich in vitamins and is often recommended for dietary nutrition. Steamed rice is less common. It combines the advantages of the other two types, but it becomes harder and is not suitable for dishes where cereals should be boiled.
In addition to a variety of cultivars, wild rice is also eaten. It is black in color and has an elongated shape. This product is especially popular with healthy food advocates. Wild rice is especially delicious when mixed with regular rice. This side dish can be served with a vegetable stew or fish.