Types and varieties of pines, mountain pine
All types of pine trees have medicinal properties. They purify the air and kill harmful microorganisms. They are also used to decorate garden plots.
Popular types and varieties of pines
Growing a pine tree is easy. It is not demanding on the composition of the soil, easily tolerates waterlogging and dryness of the soil, is practically not exposed to diseases and pests, and most importantly, it can grow in ecologically polluted regions, making the air cleaner.
There are dwarf and tall varieties, but all pines are long-lived. Life expectancy is at least 100 years.
Varieties of conifers:
- Scots pine. It grows up to 25-40 m in height. The trunk is straight, 0,5-2 m in diameter. The crown of a young tree is conical, of an old one – wide and rounded. The needles are gray-green. Popular varieties “Aurea”, “Alba pica”, “Bona”.
- Siberian pine. The crown is dense, the branches are thick. Trees grow 25-40 m in height. Fruiting from the age of 60. Cones ripen in 14 months.
- Mountain pine. Grows as a bush or tree up to 10 m in height. The needles are dark green, up to 4 cm in length.
- Crimean pine. The crown is pyramidal or umbrella-shaped. The height of the tree is up to 45 m in height. The needles are long, 12 cm in length.
- Weymouth pine. Growth area – North America. The crown is pyramidal, the branches grow horizontally. The needles are blue-green, up to 10 cm in length.
There are more than 100 species in total. The most decorative varieties are of Siberian pine, Weymouth and Banks pine. On the Crimean peninsula, Crimean, or Pallas, is popular.
Varieties and types of mountain pine
This species has over 120 varieties. Most of them are represented by dwarf and stunted trees.
Popular mountain pines:
- Benjamin. Trees grow up to 70 cm in height. The crown is dense, spherical in shape. The needles are dark green, collected in bunches of 2 pcs.
- Mugo. Trees up to 10-20 m, and crown diameter – 3 m. Needles 2,5 cm long, dark green. Gray-brown buds appear in November.
- “Nest”. This is a coniferous shrub with a nest-shaped crown. The maximum height is 1 m.
- “Pug”. The height of an adult tree is 40-60 cm.
Mountain pines can be grown in rock gardens, gardens, parks and containers. Colored varieties look unusual. They have an unnatural color on the needles, for example, golden. The Kokardo variety has yellow spots on the needles. Pine “Ophir” is only 0,4 m high. The needles are dark green, but the top is yellow. The needles of the varieties “Winter Gold” and “Carstens Vin-tergold” are painted in golden color.
Pines are natural healers. The needles and buds contain vitamins and nutrients, so conifers can be used for decorative and medicinal purposes.