Tiger is afraid, Tiger needs to be supported. Mayon Payne supports him like a man, with his confidence and demand: «You can do it!»
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The support can be communicative, bodily, emotional, physical and business.
- Communication support.
You give signs of listening: a friendly and lively face, head nods, «Uh-huh» and other signs of agreement. Show that you understand a person: do not find fault, do not object to trifles, but look for the reasonable thing that stands behind his words. See Speech Forms of Support
- Support by physical contact.
Hand touching the hand, forearm, sometimes shoulder, between relatives — hugs.
- Support by deed
Make an important call that only you can make. To suggest, because of a person, something does not work out.
- emotional support
Listen, approve, share the emotion, sympathize, give a magic pendel. Approval is a statement of an interlocutor or strangers containing a positive assessment of actions.
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