Ever wonder why you often get a headache after eating an orange? Why does nausea and persistent belching appear a few hours after dinner? You have bloating, diarrhea or constipation that recurs after visiting your favorite restaurant where you always eat the same thing. You can’t lose weight, your joints hurt and you fight eczema even though you’re not a teenager anymore. This is due to a type III food allergy. What does this mean for you and how do you deal with it?
What is a type III food allergy?
A common food allergy is simply intolerance to a particular food product. You drink milk and you know it’s not good for you. A rash or abdominal pain appears, and the body reacts quite quickly. In the case of type III food allergy, the situation is more complicated. It is very difficult to determine what makes us allergic, because the body’s reaction can be delayed for several hours or even days. It is then difficult for us to associate our state with a specific meal that does not serve us.
Is undetected type III food allergy dangerous?
None of us like stomach problems, especially recurrent ones. Tiresome diarrhea and constant abdominal pain make us feel uncomfortable. A long-lasting, undiagnosed and untreated disease can lead to weakening of the body, chronic fatigue, and depression. It can also cause hypertension, joint degeneration or type II diabetes.
What causes Type III food allergy?
Unfortunately, this type of allergy is becoming more and more common among many people. Recurring infections, chronic stress, the use of antibiotics for every ailment. All of this together leads to an imbalance in the delicate balance in the intestines and to the destruction of the bacterial flora that aids in digestion. The level of permeability of our intestines changes and the remnants of digested food end up in our bloodstream. Our immune system treats them as an enemy or allergen and produces IgG antibodies. Part of the immune complexes is excreted from the body and the rest remains causing various ailments.
The test will tell you the truth…
If we are unable to specify what harms us and sensitizes us, let us undergo tests to determine the immunological profile. It will give us the answer to the question of what products make us allergic. After eliminating them from the diet, we will feel relief.
How to treat type III food allergy?
The most important thing in this case is a properly selected diet. Eliminating allergenic products will give the best results. However, you cannot withdraw all products from the diet at once, because we will lead to a situation in which we will deprive ourselves of vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that are important for our body. The elimination diet should consist in replacing products – cow’s milk should be replaced not only with goat milk, but also with soy or rice milk and drink them alternately. Getting used to only one type of substitute food can lead to a new allergic reaction.