Type 2 diabetes – everything you need to know about it. |

Type 2 diabetes is called a lifestyle disease for a reason – its impact is becoming wider and wider. In a way, we can reverse this trend by paying more attention to what we eat. Our daily diet and active lifestyle may mean that a strict diabetic menu will not be necessary to introduce – and may it actually happen, because fighting this disease is a long, arduous and full of sacrifices process.

Reasons for the development of type 2 diabetes. General information

The enemy has multiple faces. The former is largely independent of us, while the latter remains under much greater control. There is also a third one – each of them will be described in more detail below. However, first it is worth finding out what exactly this type of diabetes is.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized as follows:

  • it is related to improper eating, which is why it is called a diet-related disease,
  • remains the most common metabolic disadvantage,
  • is a chronic disease,
  • very often you can also come across the term “adult age diabetes” or non-insulin dependent,
  • the first mentions come from long before our era, while the classification as a disease was to take place as early as the XNUMXth century AD,
  • the method of treatment was developed only in the twenties of the last century,
  • type 2 diabetes is associated with the phenomenon of insulin resistance, i.e. problems with both insulin deficiency and the body’s resistance to its effects,
  • As a result, blood glucose levels rise, and this may consequently increase the risk of other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, the words “glucose” and “insulin” remain key, and the diabetic diet itself (or to be precise, the diet in diabetes) is very closely related to them, which we will write about later.

Worth knowing:
Due to the age at which the disease develops, type 2 diabetes is called adult-age diabetes. Unfortunately, due to the large problems with obesity also in children, the age limit is increasingly shifting downwards – even teenagers are now ill.

Obesity, genetics, poor lifestyle – the causes vary

We already know that humanity has been struggling with this disease for many years. Why are we now talking about a disease of civilization, already having treatment options? Here are the three reasons why type 2 diabetes develops:

  • Genetic. We have about 36 genes that, when mutated, can drive the development of type 2 diabetes.
  • Medical. These are most often associated with the side effects of specific groups of drugs and possible complications during the course of other diseases. People with a tendency to glucose intolerance at different levels, as well as women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome and people suffering from endocrinopathy, must be especially careful.
  • Related to obesity. We wrote about the scourge of obesity last year, both in relation to Poland and the whole world. It is worth taking a look at this article to see that 61% of Poles have a problem with excessive body weight, i.e. they are at risk when it comes to a disease such as type 2 diabetes.

Interestingly, another reason may also be … smoking! So is alcohol, and so is the lack of physical activity. The conclusion (as usual in such cases) remains at a similar level – we really need to take care of our health!

Worth knowing:
Unfortunately, this disease can be inherited. The chances are estimated as high as 50% if one of the parents is ill. Even worse, because we are 100% sure in the case of monozygotic twins – if one is diagnosed with such a diagnosis, the other will also develop diabetes.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Diabetes isn’t like the flu – it’s not a virus. The disease does not develop overnight, but gradually and often in hiding. In many cases, it is the result of many months or even years of problems, poor lifestyle and a poor diet. If we have a hereditary predisposition, the more negligence, the more likely it will occur.

Direct diagnosis is by measuring blood sugar or oral glucose load. Fasting blood tests are the most popular. You can easily make them yourself at home, using a handy meter and special straps.

  • The ideal result should be 70–99 mg / dL.
  • The pre-diabetes condition is 100-125 mg / dl.
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus is found with fasting measurements above 126 mg / dl if the result persists for 2 consecutive days.

You watch at home frequent urinary tract infections, you have excessive thirst, you function in general weakness all the time, urinate large amounts of urine? These problems are classified as symptoms of type 2 diabetes and could be a sign that your body has been struggling with carbohydrate imbalances (glucose and insulin fluctuations) for years and is now on the verge of exhaustion. If this is linked to obesity, heart disease, familial vulnerability – you are at risk!

How not to get sick?

Even before the above symptoms of type 2 diabetes appear, especially when blood glucose is recorded at the pre-diabetes level, it is worth taking care of yourself. A diabetic diet can help.

Is it only her? Not really – especially at the beginning, it is worth simply restoring the body weight to the appropriate state. Do you feel that you are gaining weight, you are drawn to sweet, and beer is your everyday friend? It’s time to change that! The schedule should be supplemented with physical activity with gradually increasing intensity, and the menu – significantly modified.

Diet for diabetics

The first step, when you notice the symptoms of carbohydrate problems mentioned by us (e.g. excessive thirst, polyuria), should be to contact your doctor. This general contact will certainly refer you to a specialist, i.e. a diabetologist. Here, in turn, a special menu for diabetics will be the basis, as well as insulin therapy or special oral medications.

Worth knowing:
During the course of the disease, obese people should get rid of excess body fat. In practice, a diabetic’s diet is supposed to lead to a loss of about 2,5 kg per month, i.e. 30 kg per year.

One of the most important considerations for those undergoing treatment is to become more nutritious. If, until now, crisps, white bread, ready meals, colorful drinks and other such things have been absorbed by such a person without thinking, now it will be necessary to change the way of thinking. First of all, learning about the role of individual ingredients (artificial and natural) and their impact on the functioning of the human body.

What to eat in diabetes

With type 2 diabetes, we risk many unpleasant consequences. If left untreated, the disease, and thus the body taken to an extreme, may even end in the death of the patient. Blindness, diabetic foot, and limb amputations, skin diseases – even in the area of ​​the face, also progress.

First, we’ll list what not to eat for type 2 diabetes:

  • You should definitely limit the consumption of alcohol, which can lead to, for example, hypoglycaemia. Did you know that beer has a higher glycemic index than glucose solution?
  • You have to give up foods rich in saturated fats.
  • Cholesterol – is a definite enemy of diabetics! Like salt …
  • Simple carbohydrates? Oh no, they should be avoided like fire – which doesn’t mean that carbs are a bad idea on their own. You just need to choose the right ones (see here: https://.pl/czy-cukier-uzaleznia).

In addition, it is important not only what to eat in diabetes, but also how to eat. Here is the menu for a diabetic 5 smaller meals consumed approximately every 3-4 hoursis the best and most frequently chosen strategy. They should include:

  • carbohydrates, mainly complex carbohydrates (it is indicated that the share of carbohydrates in the diet should be 45-65% DRP) – complex carbohydrates can be found in whole grain products,
  • fish,
  • olive oil, rapeseed oil,
  • fruit, let’s rather choose those with a low and medium glycemic index, and if we want a fruit with a high glycemic index, serve it with fat or protein, then the glycemic load of the meal will decrease,
  • vegetables rich in magnesium,
  • steamed or sleeved dishes will be ideal, without fat, thanks to which we will ensure the proper supply of fiber.

Is that all? Absolutely not! A lot of books have been written about type 2 diabetes, and a lot of studies have been prepared. The purpose of this article was only to provide basic information on this topic. What do you think would be worth supplementing it with? Maybe you have your own experiences? Be sure to share with us in the comment!

Recently, we also wrote about gestational diabetes: https://.pl/Co-to-jest-cukrzyca-ciazowa.

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