Type 1 diabetes mellitus
How do people live with an entry in their medical record – type 1 diabetes? And most importantly, is the disease curable?
Type 1 diabetes symptoms
Unlike type 2 diabetes, which can be asymptomatic for a long time, the symptoms of type 1 diabetes are quite pronounced, and if you know about them, you can prevent complications.
Stages of type 1 diabetes
It is not necessary to talk about the gradual development of type 1 diabetes, but all because the disease comes on abruptly, always unexpectedly.
Diet for type 1 diabetes
People with type 1 diabetes should pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates in foods, so we have selected a menu for a diet for type 1 diabetes with this in mind

Type 1 diabetes is also called the “disease of the young”. Since it manifests itself, as a rule, in adolescents and people under the age of 30 years. However, unfortunately, it does not disappear with age.

Let’s see what type 1 diabetes is, whether it can be prevented, how to deal with the disease, and whether there is some magic remedy to forget about the diagnosis forever.

What is type 1 diabetes disease

“Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by impaired carbohydrate metabolism, when absolute insulin deficiency occurs, in other words, when insulin stops being produced,” says endocrinologist, author of the project “Endocrinology with Meaning” Konstantin Smirnov.

In most cases, this is caused by destruction (destruction – approx. Auth) of pancreatic beta cells as a result of an autoimmune lesion. For those who don’t know, it’s worth explaining: autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system “something went wrong” and it starts attacking healthy cells instead of protecting them.

Useful information about type 1 diabetes

Prevalence among people with diabetes10-20%
Gendermen get sick a little more often
AgeMost patients are under 25 years of age
Appearance of patientsthin
Main treatmentinsulin

How Type 1 Diabetes Occurs

Unfortunately, the nature of the disease is such that you will never know for sure why the immune system suddenly started a war against the native organism. However, there are some factors that, according to experts, affect the occurrence of type 1 diabetes.

“The development of the disease includes not only a genetic predisposition, but also a large contribution is made by the environment,” says Dr. Smirnov.

In addition, there are opinions that type 1 diabetes can cause acute respiratory viral infections or other viral infections at a very young age.

There are also suggestions that in babies with a hereditary predisposition to hyperglycemia, artificial formulas or early accustoming to cow’s milk can provoke diabetes.

We are talking about children for a reason.

– Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age, but it mainly develops in children and manifests itself before the age of 30, – says Dr. Konstantin Smirnov.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, 1 adolescents aged 70 years and older are diagnosed with type 000 diabetes each year.

It is noteworthy that, unlike type 2 diabetes, this disease always begins in an acute form – and can often manifest itself as a severe form of acidosis (disturbance of the acid-base balance of the body) or even diabetic coma.

How is type 2 diabetes treated today?
Doctors are looking for new approaches to treat serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes. What drugs and procedures are used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes today, we learn from doctors
Learn more
On a note!

Can type 1 diabetes be cured

– In this matter, it would be more correct to use another term – a state of long-term remission (not to be confused with compensation and achievement of target glycemic values). And yes, such a state can be achieved, for example, in patients who underwent combined pancreas transplantation, our expert notes.

– And in order to achieve a state of compensation for the disease, when patients still require the introduction of insulin from the outside, it is enough to correctly calculate the dose of insulin per meal. Therefore, the main task of the endocrinologist is to teach the patient with diabetes the skills of self-control.

No, you can’t completely heal. But you can adapt. Like, for example, the well-known Sylvester Stallone, who suffers from type 1 diabetes, but at the same time built a breathtaking career and who, for a second, is already 73 years old!


Type 1 diabetes, unfortunately, cannot be prevented, but can be diagnosed in the early stages of the disease.

The classic symptoms of diabetes are:

  • polyuria – frequent urge to urinate does not give rest even in a dream, forcing you to get up several times at night; this condition used to be called sugar diabetes;
  • polydipsia – a constant desire to drink (you drink a lot, and after a few minutes you want to again);
  • significant weight loss;
  • constant weakness, feeling of fatigue, drowsiness.

“With such complaints, it is recommended to contact an endocrinologist who will confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis,” says Dr. Smirnov. – In the case of late diagnosis of diabetes mellitus or untimely access to a doctor, the risk of developing a ketoacidotic state and coma increases. It is not uncommon for patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes to be admitted to the hospital on an ambulance.

The following methods are used to make a diagnosis:

  • Assessment of fasting blood glucose levels. Capillary blood is examined – using a glucometer, or venous – laboratory equipment is already involved here.
  • Estimation of the level of glycated hemoglobin – make several measurements on different days, and the result will be ready only after a couple of months. Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis. This criterion has been used as a diagnostic criterion since 2011.
  • Glucose tolerance test. It is done like this: first, blood is taken on an empty stomach, then a person is given a drink of sweets, after which several more blood samples are taken. And analyze the data.

Popular questions and answers

What are the treatments for type 1 diabetes?

In 100% of cases, these are insulin preparations. Currently, there are dozens of types of insulin that are used both in the mode of constant injections (basic bolus insulin therapy) and in the mode of continuous infusion of insulin preparations through insulin pump therapy.

This is a substitution therapy, that is, patients receive from the outside what is missing in the body. The substance that the pancreas should produce, but does not produce, is delivered to the body by injection.

Is it necessary to follow a diet for diabetes?

As such, there is no diet for type 1 diabetes. Patients are required to inject insulin in accordance with the amount of food consumed (mainly the amount of carbohydrates consumed, which are estimated in XE – bread units), but there are no food restrictions for such patients.

What are the possible complications?

If, due to various circumstances, the patient fails to adhere to the recommendations and achieve the target values ​​of glycemia during the day, the risk of developing complications of diabetes increases.

These include: eye damage (retinopathy), kidney damage (nephropathy), nerve damage (neuropathy) and damage to various parts of the cardiovascular system, which are the main cause of deterioration in the quality of life in patients with diabetes.

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