Two very cool tricks to achieve your goal

Hello dear blog readers! We often talk about the success and implementation of our plans, for example, in this article, where I talked about the main ways to achieve the goal, that is, visualization, meditation, positive, motivation … But there are still interesting and effective techniques for achieving the goal, and it is with them I will share with you today.


1. Walt Disney Method

Very effective, and in addition to giving a quick result, it also helps to look at the situation from different angles, develops a person. It was invented, you guessed it, by Walt Disney himself and constantly put into practice. The point is to look at your goal through the eyes of a dreamer, a realist, and a critic. There is a story that he divided his workers into these functions, and arranged their jobs accordingly on the floors so that they did not overlap with each other.

In fact, each of these parts is present inside us, someone uses one more, someone succeeds in several at once in different situations, and I want to invite you to consciously and more holistically approach the issue, skillfully juggling each way, in depending on the stage of implementation.

Two very cool tricks to achieve your goal

So, in order to make it easier to look at the situation through the eyes of each subpersonality, you can use a technique that psychologists call the “hot chair”. That is, put 3 chairs, giving each a role, and in the process of dialogue, change seats in order to feel the attitude of each. If the conditions are clear, let’s take a closer look.

Technique of execution

  • Introducing the dreamer first thing, because, as you remember from the article «How to set goals in order to achieve success in any activity», first we have a fantasy, an image, a desire … And only then do we give shape, in the form of a goal and an outline of an implementation plan. You need to think that your desire has already been fulfilled. Create a clear image of how the result looks in reality, describe it. How do you look at this moment? What do you say to yourself? What do other people say to you? What feelings arise, thoughts? What did you gain from this achievement? What has changed?
  • Now it’s time for a realist to enter the stage, who will put the goal on the shelves, finding the fastest and most realistic ways to achieve it. Move to another chair and ask yourself questions: What should be done first? How much time will it take? What resources are needed? Who to turn to for help? What skills and abilities can you apply in this situation?
  • Next, move to the last chair, with which you can critically review your plan. So, ask yourself questions: What and who can interfere? In which case the implementation of the goals will not be successful? What are the shortcomings and disadvantages? What difficulties can stop you? How realistic and feasible is it? Who will not support him and will devalue him?

All answers should be written down, at least briefly, so that not a single idea or any nuance is lost. Then, after going through these three stages, return with the list that the critic made to the realist’s chair to find solutions to the weaknesses that he pointed out.

If there are difficulties, for example, if a realist does not find an answer to some objection of a critic, contact the dreamer so that he fantasizes that this obstacle has been passed, let him tell you how he managed to cope with it. Such a system will give a completely new vision of the situation, unusual in everyday life.

2. Reframing

Two very cool tricks to achieve your goal

When there is a feeling that you have reached a dead end and no matter how hard you try to correct the situation, it still does not give the expected positive result, you can try to turn to your subconscious in order to change its mood and style. This process is called reframing, it consists of six steps. A very effective exercise, thanks to which it is quite possible to change your life, using it in different areas. So:

Execution scheme

  • Lie down on the floor, not on the bed, so that you are not tempted to fall asleep or subconsciously tune in to rest. Then close your eyes and relax. This can be done by alternately tensing each part of the body, each muscle with all your might, for 3-4 seconds, and then sharply relaxing. Then concentrate on breathing, which should be slow and deep, and you need to breathe like a “belly”. Lie down like this for 5 minutes, listening to your feelings.
  • Now imagine that you have a large white screen in front of you. When you can visualize it very clearly, move on to the next step.
  • Ask yourself if your subconscious mind is ready to cooperate with your conscious mind. The answer should appear on the screen.
  • After a positive answer, you can ask him any questions that relate to your current situation and options for getting out of it. It is necessary to formulate closed questions, that is, so that the subconscious mind has the opportunity to answer them briefly, only “yes” or “no”.
  • Then you can ask him about what exactly he gets when exactly this result occurs. After all, if something fails, then why do you need it so, sometimes you yourself unconsciously can hinder yourself. Therefore, it is important to understand which goal is true. Here the subconscious can already respond in detail. If you get an answer, turn to your creative part, asking for help, so that it offers options for a creative solution and still satisfy your needs, so that there is no so-called conflict of interest between the conscious and the subconscious.
  • When finished, pay attention to your breathing again. Allow yourself to just lie down to process the information received. When you’re ready to finish, mentally count to nine, take a couple of deep breaths, and slowly open your eyes as you return to reality.


You may be interested in learning more about the subconscious mind. You can read more in the article: “Effective methods to radically change your life by working with the subconscious”.

These methods can help you not only achieve your goals, but also become more holistic, developed. It is these people who receive worldwide recognition, because they understand themselves, know how to anticipate events, as they say, “look into the future”, and have in their arsenal options for solving force majeure.

That’s all, dear readers! Subscribe to my blog so as not to miss new interesting information that will help you improve the quality of your life.

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