Two-thirds of Poles are concerned about their health. We have the results of the poll
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According to a survey conducted by the BioStat Research and Development Center, a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, almost two-thirds of Poles fear the deterioration of their health. A year ago, the proportions were completely different – less than 30 percent had such concerns. respondents. A significant proportion of Poles also believe that the level of treatment decreased during the pandemic. What else can we learn from the report?

  1. BioStat® Research and Development Center prepared a survey on the health of Poles a year after the outbreak of the pandemic A thousand people took part in it
  2. It shows that as many as 82 Poles believe that the level of treatment has decreased in the last 12 months. The vast majority of respondents also experience difficulties in accessing doctors
  3. The survey also asked how we intend to spend Easter
  4. More information about the health of Poles can be found on the main page of TvoiLokony

Health of Poles during the pandemic

According to the report, Poles are much less optimistic about their health than a year ago.

Currently, two-thirds of Poles fear the deterioration of their health due to restrictions related to the coronavirus epidemic, not directly related to SARS-CoV-2 infection. In March 2021, only 36% do not report concerns about their health. respondents.

In March 2020, the proportions were reversed. A possible deterioration of the health condition last year was worried by 29,6 percent. respondents, and 70,4 percent. there were no such fears.

The year of the coronavirus in Poland. We are treated worse

According to Poles, what was the level of medical care in the past months?

  1. Polish “patient zero”. How does it feel a year after infection?

According to 82 percent. of those surveyed during the pandemic, the level of treatment has fallen and is worse than before the restrictions were introduced. Almost 15 percent believes that nothing has changed in this regard, while over 3% of the respondents believe that the treatment is at a higher level than a year ago.

A year with the coronavirus. How do we rate access to doctors?

Almost 70 percent. participants of the BioStat survey noted that in direct contact with a doctor, they encounter difficulties resulting from the epidemic situation.

Easter during the coronavirus – how do Poles plan to spend holidays?

Another Easter is ahead of us, which we will spend in conditions of limited movement and gathering. How do Poles plan to spend these holidays this year?

  1. What About Easter in a Pandemic? Experts are under no illusions

During the upcoming Easter, as much as 40 percent. Poles are going to meet their relatives regardless of the restrictions. 29 percent will stay at home, and another 28,8 percent. of the respondents declare that they will limit meetings and trips due to limitations. 2,1 percent will choose to go on holiday. survey participants.

Participation in holiday meetings – despite pandemic restrictions – is promised by more than every second person up to 34 years old. The older the respondents, the more likely they are to limit their contacts during the Easter season.

Coronavirus in Poland. How do we evaluate the regional restrictions?

From February 27 restrictions apply in the province. Warmia-Masuria Province. Hotels, cinemas, theaters, museums, swimming pools and tennis courts are closed, and shopping malls operate to a limited extent. From March 13, the restrictions will apply in the Pomeranian voivodeship, and from March 15 – in the Mazowieckie and Lubuskie voivodeships. How do Poles evaluate such decisions?

  1. Coronavirus COVID-19 – the latest changes in restrictions

Limiting restrictions at the regional level depending on the situation in a given voivodship is assessed positively by two-thirds of Poles. The older the respondents, the greater the support for regionalization of the restrictions.

Coronavirus and the health of Poles – expert’s comment

– After a year of a pandemic, Poles fear for their health. In March 2020, when the number of coronavirus infections was lower and restrictions on access to doctors were less severe, only less than 30 percent of Poles feared that the restrictions could adversely affect their health. Now two-thirds of respondents report concerns about health, for reasons not related to the coronavirus. This shows the hidden scale of the problem our health care system has to deal with. Diseases other than the coronavirus have disappeared from the public space, while the number of people undiagnosed or not treated as a result of pandemic restrictions is growing – comments Rafał Piszczek, president of the BioStat Research and Development Center.

  1. We can definitely speak of the Third Wave ». How long will it take and what might be the future?

– The latest BioStat survey highlights the high percentage of people who intend to visit their relatives during the Easter world. Such intentions are clearly more often confirmed by young people up to the age of 34, i.e. waiting in the queue for vaccinations. The assessment of the regionalization of restrictions is also related to the age of the respondents. The older they are, the more numerous they consider it appropriate to differentiate the restrictions at the voivodeship level, and probably also poviat level – adds the president of BioStat.

The latest survey of the BioStat® Research and Development Center was carried out from 9 to 10 March 2021 using the CAWI method on a group of 1000 Poles, representative in terms of gender and age. CBR BioStat® has been monitoring the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the lives of Poles since March last year.

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