Two new symptoms of Omikron infection. They are more and more common. Be sure to pay attention
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We learn more and more about Omikron every day. The coronavirus variant discovered six weeks ago in Botswana is already present in almost every country in the world, including Poland. The course of the infection appears to be milder than in the case of the existing variants, which have raised concerns among scientists. We also know more about the symptoms. The British recently reported two new ones, which are another unusual symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection. One of them has to do with food.

  1. The list of symptoms of infection with Omikron – a new variant of the coronavirus – is growing longer
  2. Among them are typical such as a scratchy throat, runny nose and headache
  3. However, patients report more and more unusual symptoms, such as loss of appetite
  4. These are not the only non-specific symptoms that appeared with Omikron – previously patients said, inter alia, about night sweats and strange back pain
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Those infected with Omikron report new problems

The British informed about the new symptoms of infection with Omikron. The UK has the ZOE Covid app to self-report symptoms and support epidemiological research in the country. The team overseeing its operation noticed recently that patients increasingly report two unusual symptoms.

The first is related to food, but it is not a loss of smell and / or taste, which is characteristic of previous SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Patients report loss of appetite.

The second symptom that appears more and more frequently in recent reports of infected people is brain fog. It is characterized, among others, by she feels lost and has a hard time focusing and remembering.

  1. Also read: Cerebral fog after COVID-19 – what is it and how to deal with it? [WE EXPLAIN]

For the British, it is a signal that it is worth updating the list of classic symptoms of coronavirus infection. Only three symptoms are permanently entered in this list: fever, cough and loss of smell and / or taste.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Other symptoms of Omikron infection

When it comes to infections with the new coronavirus variant, the most commonly reported symptoms in the app are:

  1. runny nose,
  2. Headache,
  3. fatigue (light or severe)
  4. sneezing,
  5. sore throat.

Doctors from various countries have recently also reported other ailments with which patients diagnosed with Omikron infection come to them. For example, Dr. Unben Pillay, GP in individual practice in Johannesburg (South Africa, South Africa), reported that patients complained of increased sweating during the night.

  1. See also: Atypical Omicron symptom. Appears at night

In turn, the British COVID-19 advisor, Prof. John Bell of the University of Oxford spoke of the strange muscle aches that patients complain of. They are unusual in that they are located in one place, around the back. In addition, patients mentioned gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

London’s family doctor, Dr. David Lloyd, noted that there are some differences in symptoms in children infected with the Omikron variant compared to adults. His observations show that about 15 percent. the young patients he treated had a red rash all over their body.

  1. What are the symptoms of Omikron in children?

The researchers also concluded that infection with the new strain of coronavirus differs from earlier variants also within one symptom. It is about the discomfort felt by patients in the throat area. While most of the patients have so far complained about the classic sore throat, with Omikron patients talk more about a scratchy throat than the pain itself.

According to previous reports, the most common symptoms of Omikron infection, this:

  1. stuffy / runny nose
  2. sore throat,
  3. scratchy throat
  4. cough,
  5. Headache,
  6. muscle pain (especially in the back area)
  7. slightly elevated body temperature,
  8. severe fatigue / weakness,
  9. loss of appetite
  10. gastrointestinal complaints,
  11. night sweats
  12. brain fog,
  13. rash (in children).

Omikron – the most important information

Omikron is a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that was first detected on November 11 in Botswana. It was considered “worrying” by the World Health Organization, and scientists were primarily terrified by the number of mutations found in it (over 50). The strain was predicted to be extremely contagious. These forecasts were confirmed – within a month, Omikron was already present in almost all countries in the worlddespite the fact that most of them introduced travel restrictions and the countries with the highest number of cases were entered on the flight red lists.

Omikron appeared in Poland a week ago. On December 16, it was detected in a sample from a 30-year-old citizen of Lesotho, who flew to Katowice for the UN Digital Summit. Later, two small outbreaks of infections arose in Warsaw, where a 3-year-old girl fell ill, and in Gdańsk – a 7-year-old girl was infected. So far, the country has officially reported seven cases of Omicron infection.

According to the first studies on the effectiveness of vaccines against the new variant, it is known that it is weaker than with previous mutations, but vaccination still protects well against the severe course of COVID-19. The best protection is provided by preparations based on mRNA technology, but it increases significantly after taking a booster dose. The Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, and those produced in China and Our Country are doing worse with Omikron.

  1. Also read: Some vaccines may not work for Omikron. Latest research

Protect yourself against coronavirus infection. Keep your distance, disinfect your hands, cover your mouth and nose. You can buy a set of FFP2 filtering masks at an attractive price at

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Omicron – what are the symptoms compared to previous mutations?
  2. Omicron attacks the vaccinated. An epidemiology professor reveals what the symptoms are
  3. When will the Omikron wave come in Poland? Scientists’ forecast
  4. The record of deaths is behind us. Who dies most often from COVID-19 in Poland?

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