Two methods of cytology description

Some gynecological clinics in Poland cooperate with laboratories that describe the results of the cytological test according to the latest classification of the so-called Bethesda. When registering for a Pap smear, you can ask how your test result will be described and choose the clinic that offers a more modern method.

Certain types of the human papillomavirus – HPV are responsible for the formation of cervical cancer. This virus is common all over the world. Cervical cancer develops when damaged epithelial cells infected with HPV begin to divide out of control. Tumor development takes a long time. Early detection of the lesion helps to cure the disease. Pap smear detects changes in the cervix before they become cancerous. The use of these studies has significantly reduced the number of deaths from this cancer. Since their introduction, the number of deaths in the US has fallen by 20% in 70 years. Unfortunately, this does not apply to Poland, as a small percentage of Polish women use cytological tests.

Pap test result

In Poland, so far the cytological test result has been given according to the Papanicolau classification. The Greek physician Georgios Papanikolaou developed and introduced this method in the 50s. The test result is the designation of one of the five groups. The first group is a normal image, the second is benign lesions, most often suggesting inflammation, the third is suspected cancer, the fourth is pre-invasive cancer, and the fifth is malignant.

Today, due to the development of knowledge on the formation of neoplasms, this classification is considered insufficient. Therefore, in its place, the US National Institute of Oncology in Bethesda in 1988 proposed a classification that is referred to as the Bethesda system. The test result is descriptive, extended with information about the detected bacteria, viruses and fungi.

In Poland, more and more laboratories perform cytology assessment according to this scale. Sometimes the result is given according to two classifications – old and new.

Preparation for cytology

It happens that the Pap smear test result is false. The reason for the distortion is often inadequate preparation for the examination. It is best to report for a Pap smear in the first half of the cycle, 4-5 days after the menstrual period. If you have used any vaginal remedies before, including contraceptives or irrigations, you must wait at least 3 days. Two days before the smear test, you should not have sex.

According to the latest recommendations, the method of performing the test is also important for the correctness of the result. Previously, the material for research was collected with swabs placed on a stick or with the use of metal or plastic spatulas. According to the latest research, the most suitable tool is a special plastic brush. It makes it possible to collect an appropriate amount of material containing cells not only from the cervical disc, but also from the canal. After the examination, there may be slight bleeding.

The test result is obtained after about 10 days. Show it to the doctor. Do not try to interpret the results yourself, because you may overlook the changes that need to be treated.

Treatment after cytology

If the doctor finds inflammation, he will prescribe vaginal tablets. You need to take them as prescribed. Do not wait for the ailment to resolve itself. If left untreated, it can cause more serious problems. Pre-neoplastic changes are treated with a laser, frozen or excised. The doctor selects the treatment method individually. In the case of early neoplastic changes, more detailed diagnostics are used. Cervical cancers are treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Sometimes the entire uterus is surgically removed.

Text: Halina Pilonis

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