Two in one: tools that make life easier
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Versatile items are gaining popularity as we all strive for comfort. Why buy several items separately when you can buy one and it will work for two?
Remember, in the “Diamond Hand” with a slight movement of the hand of the hero of Andrei Mironov, trousers turned into elegant shorts? And today, with the same light movement, pans turn into double boilers, vacuum cleaners – into mops, a bed – into a table. The course is taken to combine several functions in one subject. Woman’s Day offers the top 5 of such multifunctional gizmos that you cannot do without.
Shampoo and conditioner in one bottle
For the first time such a universal remedy appeared on store shelves in the 1980s. Its creators noticed that customers rarely take conditioner along with shampoo, no matter how they explain that this thing is necessary. Therefore, they came up with a formula where these two funds would be together. People liked the effect, and soon they started buying both shampoo and conditioner separately. Now, the 2-in-1 bottle is an indispensable item on a trip, as it reduces the number of tubes in a suitcase. And besides, it is very profitable for the money!
All mothers know – this is a really useful thing! As it was before? A baby is born – you bought a stroller with a carrycot. Six months later, when the child is already sitting and it becomes interesting for him to look around, you urgently need to run to the store for a new stroller with a walking block. How is it now? It’s all sold in one kit! The bottom line is simple: one or another block is installed on the same wheels. There are even 3-in-1 strollers: in addition to the listed items, the kit also includes a car seat.
At this point, you can list almost all modern household appliances: multicooker, combine harvesters, washing vacuum cleaners, washing machines with dryers – they all perform several functions at the same time, primarily saving space in the house. And also such inventions as a frying pan-steamer, reconcile family members with different lifestyles: some with a cutlet in butter, and some with a couple.
Multifunctional furniture
A sofa bed or folding armchairs have long taken their place of honor in small apartments. Now, to save square meters, they have created complex children’s furniture. For example, a crib for a newborn can also serve as a changing table, and the second position goes well with a chest of drawers for storing things. And the drawing table can be at the same time a storage box for toys.
It is unpleasant to get sick, but this can happen to each of us. And if before, at the first sign of a cold, we had to run to the pharmacy and buy a whole package of medicines (antipyretic drugs, remedies for the common cold, cough, antivirals, and so on), now all this can be replaced by one pill. Agree, this is especially convenient when you are collecting a first-aid kit on vacation or a business trip.
One of these drugs is
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