Two doctors from the University Hospital in Krakow who had contact with a 23-year-old woman infected with the A / H1N1 virus, the tests confirmed the presence of the same virus.

Treatment was initiated. The condition of the patients is good at the moment – Stefan Bednarz, Deputy Director for Treatment of the University Hospital in Krakow, told PAP on Friday.

He added that 18 people from the medical staff who had contact with the patient were examined. The presence of the A / H1N1 virus was found in only two people: a gynecologist and an anesthesiologist.

If any of the patients staying at the gynecology clinic at that time has any disturbing symptoms, they should absolutely see their GP and inform them about the risk. The doctor should order control tests – said Bednarz. Ordinators and doctors on duty were also instructed that if anyone had the first symptoms of the disease, tests for this virus should be carried out – he added.

The 23-year-old, 27 weeks pregnant, diagnosed with A / H1N1, was admitted to the Gynecology Clinic of the University Hospital just before Christmas. The pregnancy was terminated by caesarean section. The child was not found to have a virus that causes the so-called swine flu. The woman is currently in the intensive care unit of the XNUMXnd Department of Internal Medicine at the Collegium Medium of the Jagiellonian University. She is kept in a pharmacological coma and connected to an ECMO machine that allows her blood to be oxygenated.

Last year, the AH1N1 virus caused a pandemic called swine flu; experts predict that this year it may trigger a second pandemic wave. According to scientists, the AH1N1 (swine flu) virus is no more dangerous than the regular seasonal flu; They also remind you that the seasonal flu vaccines that were available in 2010 also protect against the AH1N1 virus.

Every year, several hundred people die in Poland due to influenza, in about 6 percent. patients, it may be severe. (PAP)

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