“Two cabbages” and salted gooseberries: star preparations for the winter

“Two cabbages” and salted gooseberries: star preparations for the winter

Summer has passed, but its taste can be preserved. Oksana Stashenko, Nadezhda Angarskaya and other housewives, and also celebrities, shared homemade recipes.

“On our site mainly fruit trees, cherries, plums, apple trees, bushes of raspberries, currants, of course, greens grow. As a rule, all this is eaten, but when the harvest is decent, it is possible to prepare something. But something simple, because I believe that there is no need to waste time on such things, which is already lacking.

Once my grandmother taught me how to make dumplings, an obligatory ingredient in them is dried green onions. There is always a lot of it at home, because it fits perfectly into many dishes, for example, potato pancakes. This year, the greens were not prepared personally by me, as usual, since the schedule did not allow, but my mother. She also provided me and my daughter Anna-Maria with dried apples from our garden, which Anyuta and I love to eat like chips, sprinkling them with various sweets: powdered sugar, vanilla or cinnamon. An excellent and healthy dessert, but it is very simple to prepare it: all you need to do is cut the apples and send them to the oven. “

Nadezhda Angarskaya, actress

“I love to cook very much. Even as a child, my mother taught many culinary tricks. To this day, I continue her traditions. I like adjika. I make it exclusively according to my mother’s recipe. For cooking, you need 5 kg of ripe tomatoes, 3-5 kg ​​of bell pepper, 3-5 pieces of hot paprika, half a kilo of garlic, a glass of vinegar and a tablespoon of salt. Rinse everything thoroughly. Cut the tomatoes into pieces by removing the stalk. Peel the seeds and garlic from the husk. Pass everything through a meat grinder (not in a food processor: a different consistency is obtained). Add salt, vinegar. Stir. Let the mixture sit for about an hour. Pour adjika into sterilized jars or bottles. Place in a cold storage place. “

Oksana Stashenko, actress

“To make an ever-fresh jam, I grind 1 kg of berries with 2 kg of sugar. Most of all I like black currants and raspberries, as they have medicinal properties, decorate any dessert and enrich the taste of fruit drinks. “

Oksana is not averse to adding a watermelon to the New Year’s table, which she has been preparing for the holiday since summer.

“Take an old string bag. Put a watermelon in there. Only it should be tight and without any cracks. Hang it in a closet or garage so that it does not touch the walls or floor. Thus, when you cut it in winter, it will be absolutely fresh. “

Alla Budnitskaya, TV presenter

“Cold appetizer“ Two cabbage ”will perfectly complement any holiday. You will need beets, two white cabbages, five cloves of garlic, two carrots, and two red peppers. Wash all vegetables, peel and chop on a medium grater. Chop the garlic finely. Then lay several layers in this order: cabbage, beets, carrots, garlic and pepper. Cook the brine in parallel. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add a glass of apple cider vinegar, a glass of sugar, two tablespoons of salt, and half a glass of sunflower oil. Bring it to a boil, then immediately pour into pasteurized jars and close them with a lid. Let the blanks cool at room temperature for about two days. “

A couple of phrases: what are your favorite homemade preparations?

Tatiana Bulanova, singer:

– Since I follow the figure, I allow myself sauerkraut.

Alexey Glyzin, singer:

– I like citrus fruits in any form! I can pamper myself with homemade orange jam.

Daria Poverennova, actress:

– I have a rather exotic favorite homemade product – salted gooseberries. It goes well with any meat or fish dishes.

Yana Poplavskaya, actress:

– I love pickled tomatoes and adjika very much.

Daria Sagalova, actress:

– It is important for me that the food is light. Therefore, I love zucchini in any form. For example, in the winter I like a salad made from them. I consider it a universal addition to everything.

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