Twins could have died before birth if they hadn’t hugged

The doctors were worried that complications would arise during pregnancy, because in half of the cases they still occur. But not this time. The brothers were too dear to each other.

Multiple pregnancies are always a risk. Especially when it comes to identical twins developing in a common amniotic fluid. According to experts, in half of the cases there is a risk that the umbilical cords of babies will get tangled and babies will die of suffocation even before birth.

Vicki Pluright found out that she would have twins when she was ten weeks pregnant.

“We went for an ultrasound scan together with my sister. I didn’t even believe it at first. My husband and I already have a daughter, our Joselin is four years old. Do I have enough strength for three children? She teased me, everyone laughed, – told Wiki. – And then the doctor said that the kids are too close to each other. I didn’t think it could be dangerous. “

So along with joy came fear. Vicki’s case was precisely from the risk group: the babies shared one amniotic membrane for two. The case is very rare, one in 35 thousand pregnancies.

“I was shocked. The doctors explained that such closeness is harmful to babies. Their umbilical cords can become tangled and deprive babies of nutrition and oxygen. In this case, they will die of suffocation, ”recalls Vicki.

It was too early to make any predictions. The mom-to-be was asked to return for a second scan after another two weeks. She spent this time as in a nightmare.

“It seemed to me that I was having a hysteria that would never end. I cried, I could not find a place for myself. Chris, my husband, consoled me as best he could. But the uncertainty was killing me, ”says Vicki.

Finally, the day of the second ultrasound has come. And its results amazed even specialists.

“We saw that our little ones got closer to each other and … hugged each other.

They were both alive, they were all right. In this position, their umbilical cords simply could not get tangled. The kids were safe, ”says mom.

Despite the good news, the parents were still nervous: you never know how babies can turn in the womb. But those were quite comfortable: they rested in each other’s arms. Doctors examined Vicki every week or two – there was no cause for concern. The babies held hands and calmly waited for their term. And at the 13th week, the umbilical cord of one of the babies was slightly wrapped around him. The likelihood that the umbilical cords will become tangled has become even less.

In the 17th week, Vicki found out that she was going to have boys. And on the 32nd, the doctors advised the woman to agree to a cesarean: one of the babies stopped growing due to the fact that the two of them became too cramped in the stomach.

The operation was successful: both babies were absolutely healthy, although they weighed a little – about 1800 grams each. The boys were named Ruben and Theo. They had to stay in the hospital longer than usual, because they had to be born a little ahead of time. Five weeks later, Ruben and Theo had already caught up with their peers in weight and development and went home. They will be celebrating their second anniversary very soon.

“You know, they are still just inseparable – just like before birth,” smiles Vicki.

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