Twin pregnancy – how to recognize? Symptoms of twin pregnancy

A twin pregnancy is a double source of joy. The sooner parents find out that two children will be born, the more time they have to properly prepare for their care.

How is a twin pregnancy formed?

twin pregnancy it is caused by the implantation of two embryos in the uterus or the dividing of one embryo into two. twin pregnancy it may therefore result from the fertilization of two separate ova by two sperm or it may arise from the division of a single egg by one sperm. twin pregnancyalthough it is less common than a pregnancy in which only one embryo implants and develops, it is not unusual. However, it is always treated as a high-risk pregnancy, or at least one where the risk of complications, including natural miscarriage, is higher. Majority twin pregnancies however, it proceeds correctly and ends with the birth of healthy children. The first trimester is the most risky, but the same is true for other pregnancies. In the early stages of pregnancy (until the end of the first trimester) it may also happen that one of the fetuses twin pregnancy it dies and the other continues to develop and then gives birth to only one child. Such a situation rarely occurs in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Types of twin pregnancies

twin pregnancy it can be fraternal or monozygotic. In the first case, each of the two fetuses has its own placenta and its own amniotic sac. twin pregnancy the binomial is always the two and the two. twin pregnancy The monozygotic process is where one embryo divides into two, and in the later stages of pregnancy, it develops into two fetuses. twin pregnancy The monovascular can be two and diamniotic – the embryos then have separate placenta and their own amniotic sacs, the monoventicular diaphragmatic – the embryos have a common placenta and separate amniotic sacs, or the monovillial monoamniotic – the embryos have a common placenta and a common amniotic sac. Whether the embryos have a common or a separate placenta and amniotic sac depends on how many days after fertilization the egg will divide. twin pregnancy monozygotic is also called monozygotic pregnancy. Twins born as a result of this will have the same sex and identical genetic code. Twins born as a result of fraternal birth twin pregnancy they can be of different sex and their genetic code is not identical. The similarity between the twins with twin pregnancy fraternal siblings are the same as siblings born of two different pregnancies. Sometimes such babies are called twins, reserving the name twins for babies with an identical genetic code.

Symptoms related to twin pregnancy

twin pregnancy requires the mother-to-be to lead a sparing lifestyle, especially in the second half of its lifetime. Then, body weight increases significantly, the abdomen is enlarged, back pain, leg swelling and general fatigue appear. A pregnant woman should rest as much as possible, avoid physical exertion, doing and heavy shopping, strenuous cleaning and similar activities. twin pregnancy is a heavy burden on the body and its additional overload is not recommended; it can even lead to premature birth. However, if the expectant mother feels in twin pregnancy well, he does not have to give up his job, unless of course it is manual work. twin pregnancy it is also a recommendation to be cautious about having sex. In second half twin pregnancy It is not recommended, and if the expectant mother wants to grow it, she should avoid deep penetration and irritation of the nipples, as it may cause premature birth.

A test to recognize a twin pregnancy

A twin pregnancy can be diagnosed at the beginning of pregnancy (in the 4th week from the day of the last menstruation) thanks to ultrasound examinations. Main doctor twin pregnancy should have experience in managing multiple pregnancies. In week 12 twin pregnancy an ultrasound should be performed to precisely define its type. The greatest risk of complications is associated with twin pregnancy monohydrate, the smallest is affected twin pregnancy of the diamellar diaphragm.

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