Twin Pin Stretches to gain flexibility

Twin Pin Stretches to gain flexibility


Follow this stretching training proposed by the Pin Twins to stay in shape and remember that after this first round you must do another one

Twin Pin Stretches to gain flexibilityPM6:22

How important are stretching before a workout! But many times, if the time we dedicate to stretching is quality time, we could say that we have done a good mobility session And we wouldn’t need anything else

Stretches not only prevent us from injuries, they also help us to unblock the body and ensure that the muscles are not stiff. In addition to achieving greater flexibility, Esther and Gema Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, assure that they improve sports performance and reduce pain.

This Pin Twins routine is made up of five exercises, each of which is repeated for one minute. In addition, you have to do the complete circuit at least twice, and try to do them in a place where you can relax and have room to stretch your arms or legs to the maximum.

This week’s training was recorded on the premises of The Corporate Gym.

1 Exercise

With your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your torso towards your feet as if you wanted to bend over and place your hands on the ground. Now bring one arm up while the other remains in the starting position, so that you form a straight line. Then lower yourself to the ground and bring your other arm up. Toggle between left and right for one minute.

2 Exercise

In the quadruped position, keeping the knees resting on the ground, we lift the opposite arm and leg at the same time, that is, we stretch the left arm forward and the right leg back. We alternate for a minute of work.

3 Exercise

Lying on the floor, raise your legs at an angle of 90º and bring them in that position to the left. Without losing your posture, return to the center, stretch them up as far as you can and put them back in a 90º angle position to bring them to the right side. Remember not to separate your back from the ground and to keep your arms stretched out on both sides of your body. Repeat the exercise for a minute.

4 Exercise

Rest your knees on the ground but take one of your legs as far forward as possible, without lifting the other knee off the ground. Now leave one of your hands resting at the level of the foot in front and bring the opposite arm straight up to the level of the buttocks. Repeat the exercise for a minute and on the next lap, switch legs and arms.

5 Exercise

To finish this stretching workout, you have to do a little flexibility. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out as far as you can, bringing your hands to the tips of your feet and lowering your trunk to the ground, and then lean back, supporting your back and bringing your knees to your chest, as if you wanted to get down. fetal position. Repeat this exercise for a minute.

And the training does not end here … Remember that after this first round of stretching you have to do another one. The Pin Twins advise doing it daily or, if not possible, at least three times a week.

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