Twin Pin Exercises to prevent back pain from spending too much time sitting or standing

Twin Pin Exercises to prevent back pain from spending too much time sitting or standing

Personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, propose this simple table of five exercises to prevent pain or discomfort in the lower back

Twin Pin Exercises to prevent back pain from spending too much time sitting or standingPM1:40

Have you ever felt a kind of prick in the lower back when raising a box to the attic of the closet, lifting the shopping bag or even after a loud sneeze? Lack of rest, bad postures during the endless days of teleworking (or face-to-face work in the office, with the tension and uncertainty that we have in this context of a pandemic) and the scarce physical activity make a dent in one of the most sensitive and least worked areas (from the point of view of fitness) of the body: the lower back or Lower back. And worst of all is that lumbago They are recurrent pains if the area is not worked to prevent and strengthen the body structure.

Routine for the lower back

15 rep. or 40 ”
TV Shows
Rest between sets
30 ”

This week the Pin Twins, who already have more than 87.000 followers on Instagram, propose just that, a short and easy routine that you can do daily to strengthen the lower back. This specific table is made up of five exercises. For some exercises they plan about 40 seconds of work and for others they propose about 15 repetitions. Once finished, rest 30 seconds and perform three series of the complete circuit.

Exercise 1: swimmers

We begin the exercise lying face down on the floor. Then we will do small and quick alternative lifts of the arms and legs, trying to keep the lumbar area activated and without arching. We will do 40 seconds of work or 15 repetitions (we will count each repetition when we have moved both arms and legs up and down twice).

Exercise 2: Raise arms and legs together

From the same position, lying face down, we will raise our arms and legs at the same time, trying to keep our hands and feet together and the lower back activated. We will do 40 seconds of work or 15 repetitions.

Exercise 3: Quadruped lifts

We place ourselves in the position of quadruped looking down at the ground. Then we will raise the left arm while we raise the right leg straight and then we will contract the leg and arm until we touch the right knee with the palm of the left hand and then repeat the exercise. Remember to keep your back straight. We will do 15 repetitions and then we will change legs and arms.

Exercise 4: Chest Raise

From the prone position we bring our legs together and raise our torso with our arms stretched out, trying to keep our head aligned with our back. We will do 15 repetitions. Remember to adapt the difficulty to your abilities.

Exercise 5: Balancing with elevation

We maintain the position, lying face down. At the same time we raise arms (open in the shape of a “U”) and legs together and maintain our balance in this position for 40 seconds. After performing the exercises, we started the circuit again and repeated it three times, after a 30-second rest between series.

As the Gemelas Pin, people who practice this routine on a daily basis will be able to strengthen the lumar area in a short time and thus will be able to prevent pain in the lower back. Regarding upper back pain, Esther and Gema Pineda propose this more specific arm and back routine to strengthen the upper body.

These two tables of exercises to strengthen the back are simpler than the previous proposals of the Pin Twins in ABC Wellbeing: the routine “makes tablets” to achieve a flat stomach or their ideas for us to achieve “buttocks like stones”.

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