Five beautiful slender girls told how to look at the world, what to eat and how much to sleep in order to look spectacular. Let the men turn after!
World Model Fitness Champion, TV Presenter, Trainer
Eat often! Eat often, but in small portions and only the right foods – the body will begin to slim before our eyes. Drink plenty of clean, still water for a healthy complexion.
Sleep a lot! You need to sleep at least 7 hours a day and, if possible, a couple of hours during the day – at least once a week. Sleep is the key to beauty and youth.
Enjoy your workout! You must always keep a positive mood! It doesn’t matter in what mood you come to the gym, it is important that you leave it happy. This is exactly what a spectacular girl looks like!
Love yourself! Love yourself! When the inner cup of love is full, you want to share your warmth with the outside world. Recently I saw a fat girl at a dance, but in her eyes there was such pleasure in the way she moves that she outshined many slender women, and I was once again convinced that the main thing is not external. All self-control levers are inside.
Develop! In order to radiate joy, the human “engine” must be fueled by constant development. Here hobbies, knowledge, work come to the rescue. Interesting people are always attracted to them.
Be the pioneers of this world! Look for something new for yourself all the time: products, places, communication. And look at everyday events and moments with a fresh, childish look. For example, see the sea in a cup of tea.
Actress, model, ballerina
Smile! A smile is a success! Your face! A good mood and positive thoughts will help in solving any situation.
Move! Movement is life! People who live on the move and devote time to sports are healthy, younger-looking, slim and (that’s why) self-confident. My beloved son and my work do not allow me to stop and get out of the rhythm of life.
Eat right! I agree with Hippocrates, “we are what we eat.” This does not mean that you should only eat broccoli and kefir. But meetings with fast food are best kept to a minimum.
You can eat everything! I don’t go on a diet or go to the gym. I eat everything! And the cakes too. Everything that you “ate” with your eyes has already “deposited” in unnecessary places! Therefore, if you feel like it, eat it, but remember the measure! You can eat everything! Seriously! But little by little.
Be in harmony with the world and with yourself! Stress, nerves and negative emotions take health and beauty! Wake up with a smile! Love life! It is very important to love yourself for who you are, then you can share love with family and friends. And for those who love us, we are the most beautiful!
Do not be lazy! Yes, you can’t argue with genetics. But this does not mean at all that you need to blame everything on her and fold your hands. Even if there is no way to go to salons and gyms, no one has canceled home treatments: folk face masks, coconut and burdock oil for hair, coffee body scrub, and abs and squats can be done in front of the TV. The main thing is not to be lazy!
Work! When you work a lot, you are on the move all day, and you are not sitting at home, you simply have no time to eat, and you feel at ease. And I like to eat deliciously and do not like to limit myself to sweets, but … when I think about weight, I start pumping my abs in the morning and in the evening, and I just don’t want sweets.
Don’t sunbathe! Drink water to keep your skin soft, smooth and firm. Plenty of water! Moisturize your skin daily with quality creams and masks. Do not sunbathe without sunscreen.
Choose an incentive! To keep in shape, there must be an incentive: a beloved man, a new dress, a trip to hot countries …