Nadia Savalia hated her body for many years and does not want her daughters to experience the same.
“Carefully! The video contains an image of a terrible phenomenon known as cellulite, ”the star of The Loose Women captioned her video. Nadia Savalia claims that the Instagram video of her shaking with cellulite is the most daring thing in her life. She decided to do it after years of dieting and fighting for her image. And all in order to help their daughters Muddy and Kiki come to terms with cellulite. The video is really not very pretty.
Nadia herself says that she was regularly shamed by the media for daring to appear on the beach in a bikini with such an imperfect body.
“Yes, I was overweight, so what?” She asks now. But it took Nadia several years of psychotherapy and a lot of effort to embrace her body to find the courage to ask such questions. But now Nadia feels “stronger and happier than ever.”
Nadia on the right.
She recalls her sad youth when she cried at night because she did not look the way she wanted. Doubts and fears arose again when she was in her 40s and recovered greatly after the birth of her second daughter, Kiki. Nadia stopped looking at herself in the mirror and wore sweatpants all day.
Diet and exercise helped her lose a lot of weight, but she still felt bad.
“I dreamed about it, but, having achieved my goal, I could not believe it. I still felt like I was fat and could only wear baggy clothes. I have always had curvaceous forms, and when I saw a thin figure in the mirror, it seemed to me that it was not me. “
Returning to her healthy weight, Nadia learned to love and accept herself as a whole, including cellulite, and not even against being naked.
Most importantly, she wants her girls to feel the same way about their body, whatever it is. Nadia says that the daughters are proud of their fearless mother. But here we must make a reservation that her eldest baby, Muddy, is 16 years old. And the youngest is only 11. It seems too early to instill a love of cellulite and belief in body positive.
Do you think children need body positive lessons?
It would be better to teach something useful. Cooking, for example.
You need to learn to keep yourself in shape, take care of yourself, and not accept anyone.
But girls will never have anorexia!
Why not? All people are different, not everyone is born a model.
Anyone needs to love themselves.