TV star called breastfeeding disgusting

Hardly anyone has heard the name Cameron Eubanks in Russia, but in her homeland, in the UK, she is a star with hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram. The 34-year-old TV presenter became a mother three months ago. And the other day I published a post that became the most popular in the entire history of her account – 20 thousand comments, not counting the deleted ones. The TV star had to overwrite the responses because of their extremely negative, if not offensive, content. And all because of what Cameron thinks about breastfeeding.

“So, I announce that breastfeeding is over. I did this for three whole months, and now it’s time for my breasts to rest, ”she wrote.

Cameron’s milk is all right – it is enough to feed her daughter. The woman is perfectly healthy. She just doesn’t like doing it.

“I know that they will shower me with slippers now, but this is my choice. I need free to stay sane. This freedom can be given to me by a bottle of mixture, explains Cameron. – You are not a bad mother if you do not like breastfeeding. A happy mom is the best gift you can give your child. “

They really showered her with slippers. But many also spoke out in support of their favorite: they say, to feed or not to feed is a personal matter for everyone. Moreover, Cameron had previously disapproved of the feeding process. She posted a selfie in an oversized T-shirt covered in spots on Instagram: “This is reality. It’s disgusting. Just one feeding and I’m covered in milk. And you still don’t smell it! “

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