TV presenters of Samara: photos

November 21 is World Television Day. Bright and spectacular beauties-TV presenters told us about their beauty secrets and funny cases on the set.

The most charming TV presenter of Samara according to Woman’s Day

Dear friends!

Unfortunately, due to the artificial winding up of votes, we were forced to stop voting ahead of the announced deadline.

All our TV presenters are bright, beautiful and lovely girls, and each of them deserves the title of “The most charming TV presenter”!

And after long discussions, the editorial board came to a unified decision – reward all participants thank you letters for participating in our survey!

We are waiting for all the participants in the editorial office! Thank you for your attention!

Victoria Sharaya, presenter on the Samara-GIS channel

How many years have you been working on TV: “15 years”.

Why did you choose television: “I am a journalist by my first education. I did an internship on TV, I liked it. I love to be in the thick of things, to be the first to learn new things, to communicate with people. “

The funniest curious incident on the set: “I walked live on burning coals and broken glass when I hosted the Free Space program on the Orion TV channel.

Hobbies and hobbies: “I go downhill skiing, I read classic books”.

Beauty secret: “Never be discouraged, try to see the positive sides in all situations, stay optimistic.”

You can vote for Victoria on the last page!

Alexandra Lukyanova, director and presenter of the Studio 1 program on the SKAT-TNT channel

How many years have you been working on TV: “More than 10 years.”

Why did you choose television: “By the will of fate. I didn’t choose him. I was invited to talk about sweets from a Samara company in one weekly program. Then it started – cake, ice cream, dumplings, dumplings, things, French, Italian, Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. Oh, those were great times. All my friends at that time ate in restaurants, and only in the morning, before opening. And we made the wine from green tea. And somehow on the set the glasses of a couple of our guests were smoking. This is normal, this is television. Somehow, through the taste, I got involved. And then serious topics began. But it’s always more interesting to start with gingerbread. ”

The funniest curious incident on the set: “I jumped on a trampoline, flew on a plane with parachutists, and getting on this plane, perhaps, was more terrible than jumping out of it, I was engaged in fencing on the instructions of the editorial board for six months, dived into an ice hole on a stand-up, and then it turned out that the driver had left. There was nothing funny about it. Once, on the set, the cameraman and I were hounded by a dog, and the dog clearly did not want to bite us. Alabai was very nice. And one of the best shootings in my life was testing men’s swimming trunks. In the sense, men experienced on themselves what is more comfortable, safer and more beautiful – boxers, slips or thongs. The journalist worked with the cameraman, and I directed. Our models were bodybuilders and fashion models. Most of our then editorial staff spent half a day on the beach. I still cannot believe that we have received a salary for this. “

Hobbies and hobbies: “I love English – to teach, to study, to watch films. I love the British, their country, TV shows, sense of humor, William ours, that is, them, Shakespeare. In Lozinsky’s translation, it may be even better. I love swimming, I can teach five forgotten swimming styles. Now I’m doing Krav Maga (Israel’s self-defense system). “

Beauty secret: “I have no secrets here. Thanks to my dad and mom – my mom is beautiful – for the good genes. “

You can vote for Alexandra on the last page!

Svetlana Bessoltseva, host of the program “News. Samara “on the TERRA-REN TV channel

How many years have you been working on TV: “I have been working on television for 5 years, as a TV presenter for 3 years”.

Why did you choose television: “Probably, the stars coincided so. Studying in the third year of the university, during the winter holidays I become the winner of student competitions in alpine skiing in Abzakovo. The award ceremony is filmed by a local TV company and an interesting interview is being recorded with me. Immediately after the holidays, I get to practice at one of the Samara TV companies and plunge into the insanely fascinating world of filming, reporting, facts. It was then that I really became imbued with the world of television journalism and realized that this is what I dream of doing. “

The funniest curious incident on the set: “Of course, funny situations happened. I’ll tell you about one. Before the news broadcasts, I do exercises to improve my diction. Including holding a cork in my teeth, I try to read the script of the program as clearly as possible. Once my colleagues recorded my workout on video and inserted it into a video, which, in turn, was shown at the New Year’s corporate party of the TV and radio company. I would like to note that the celebration was attended by guests of honor, for example, the former mayor of Samara. I don’t think they knew such subtleties of our profession before ”.

Hobbies and hobbies: “I really love traveling and skiing.”

Beauty secret: “It seems to me that there is no secret. The main thing is to feel like a happy person and try to radiate positive in any situation. “

You can vote for Svetlana on the last page!

Daria Bolgova, presenter of the daytime news and the program “Word to the Prosecutor” on the channel “Gubernia”

How many years have you been working on TV: “Almost 4 years on TV”.

Why did you choose television: “Working with a picture is always more interesting. More space for creativity. And sometimes it is simply impossible to describe something in words. This is especially true of emotions: how the fans rejoice at winning their favorite team, how the happy father of triplets takes the family from the hospital, how the veteran of the Great Patriotic War meets his colleagues at the Victory Day parade. We, journalists, experience all these moments together with the heroes of our stories, and then we share it with the audience. Every time this happens, I understand that I have chosen the right profession. “

The funniest curious incident on the set: “There are more than enough curious cases. What are the only attempts to record a stand-up, when all the circumstances are not in your favor. “

Hobbies and hobbies: “It is extremely difficult to have a hobby with such a busy work schedule as for journalists. My hobby can be called cooking, because if I’m not at work, then most likely at the stove. “

Beauty secret: “We have a very large and friendly team on the TV channel, as a result – a lot of jokes, of course, smiles and laughter. Therefore, we do not go on the air without a “spark in the eyes”. Probably, sincere emotions and favorite work are the secret of beauty. “

You can vote for Daria on the last page!

Inga Penner, host of the programs “Events”, “In my opinion” on the channel “Samara-GIS”

How many years have you been working on TV: “I have been working on television for 14 years.”

Why did you choose television: “As they say on TV: if radio is a madhouse, then television is a fire in an insane asylum. Maybe that’s why I went to work on TV, because I like endless time pressure, adrenaline and the opportunity to change something for the better in our imperfect world. After all, the media is the fourth estate, and it is extremely difficult to undo this fact.

The funniest curious incident on the set: “Curious cases: given that, as a rule, most of my work is devoted to acute social topics, then on the set, as a rule, I have incidents that can hardly be called curious. “Bad people” tore my ID, threatened to “roll me into the asphalt”, file a lawsuit, etc., but there is one positive moment in all these events. This is when, after the broadcast of a story, “the ice starts to move” and problems that have often not been solved for years begin to be solved. And the heroes of your reports say “thank you”.

Hobbies and hobbies: “My hobby since early childhood is reading books non-stop. And in recent years, there has also been photography. I love taking pictures myself, especially when traveling, but even more I like the work of a model in various interesting photo projects. “

Beauty secret: “Successful combination of genes! Thank you mom and dad! Well, time will tell if there is also my merit in that ”.

You can vote for Inga on the last page!

Alena Malinina, editor and presenter of the program “Your Morning” on the channel “SKAT-TNT”

How many years have you been working on TV: “I have been working on television for over 5 years.”

Why did you choose television: “Working on television is like space for me! Better place and not come up with. Why? Too long to explain, ask me this question when you meet. “

The funniest curious incident on the set: “I have been working as a presenter of live broadcasts for more than two years, of course, there were funny cases, funny and not so much. It is not worth talking about the fact that on the air, sometimes, we confuse words, letters in words and plots. We even have a “Book of Reservations” in our editorial office, where we write down our reservations, respectively. “Much more fun”, when, for example, 5 minutes before the broadcast, it turns out that the guest has not come or the microphone refuses to work. And when guests come to the studio with animals – that’s another story. I remember how we pulled out from under the sofa a python, which did not want to be removed, or how I put on a Santa Claus costume on a huge dog of the Alabai breed a minute before the broadcast. In general, we are getting out as much as we can. “

Hobbies and hobbies: “Besides the fact that my job is a hobby, I still do not miss fitness, I go to sewing and sewing courses, and I can also cut and do hair. After graduating from one course, I then find others, I constantly want to learn something new, in different creative fields. “

Beauty secret: “Sleep, fitness, the ability to tune oneself to positive thoughts. Only a confident, self-satisfied person is truly beautiful. And of course we must not forget to smile. “

You can vote for Alena on the last page!

Anastasia Zubareva, host of the program “News. Samara “on the TERRA-REN TV channel

How many years have you been working on TV: “I have been working on television for 3,5 years, although my” friendship “with the screen began even earlier – from the first year of university.”

Why did you choose television: “It was a deliberate choice back in school. I’ve always wanted to combine creativity and something really useful for other people. In art lessons, on the assignment to draw a dream job, I tried to portray Maria Sittel. We were told that this way dreams will come true faster. It seems to work. “

The funniest curious incident on the set: “Curious cases happen all the time, if only because emergency situations are the norm. And you cannot approach them otherwise than with a smile – no nerves will be enough. And they came to an event where the main star of the evening mixed up her performances and sincerely thought that she was in a completely different place; and we ourselves were confused with other people; and had to deal with great admirers of mysticism; got stuck in snowdrifts and flew for the first time in their life on airplanes; themselves came to the wrong place. Every shooting trip can actually be completely unpredictable. Although it seems that everything has been worked out to the point of automaticity. “

Hobbies and hobbies: “My work, in all its diversity, is a wonderful hobby. Music, cinema, photography, literature and a foreign language (and the endless possibilities of the Russian) – all this becomes part of journalism when you start to seriously deal with them, and then tell others about it. Recently, the geek world, gadgets, Internet production, the limitless possibilities of social networks and other aspects of virtual reality have become more and more interested. “

Beauty secret: “There are no ugly people. The main thing is inspiration and sincere interest in everything you live. Beauty inside”.

You can vote for Anastasia on the last page!

Nina Vanina, host of the programs “Time for Innovations”, “Public Opinion” on the channel “Gubernia”

How many years have you been working on TV: “I have been working on television for three years.”

Why did you choose television: “I chose TV because my mother always said:“ Beautiful girls should work on TV ”. Well, in general, in my life there were newspapers, online media and so on. There are more possibilities on television: anything that cannot be said can be conveyed through video sequences or with the help of intonation. Television teaches us to “read between the lines”, not to trust, but to check ”.

The funniest curious incident on the set: “Just a year and a half ago, the program“ News of the province ”was conducted in pairs. My colleague (and a good friend in combination) and I conveyed greetings to our friends during the broadcasts. Of course, these were not phrases like “take this opportunity to congratulate Masha on her birthday”. We came up with signal words like herring or doctor, communicated them to friends, and wrote the studio liner text using them. During the broadcasts, they focused on these words, while exchanging glances with each other. It turned out to be such a get-together on the scale of a regional TV channel. It was fun, but only for us. “

Hobbies and hobbies: “I love physical education. In the summer I run in the park, last winter I started downhill skiing, I train in the gym all year round. Without fanaticism, everything is a pleasure. Unfortunately, I never learned to swim well. But this is in the plans for the coming winter – I will take lessons in swimming technique. “

Beauty secret: “The secret of beauty is to go in for sports (I like the word“ physical culture ”more), not to get nervous over trifles and get enough sleep. Although with our work (filming in the evenings and weekends) it is difficult. Well, if the daily regimen really does not allow you to sleep for 8 hours at all, and the circles under the eyes eloquently testify to this, make a face mask in the morning and paint your lips brighter. “

You can vote for Nina on the last page!

Inessa Panchenko, host of the Right to Mom and Health programs on the Samara-GIS channel

How many years have you been working on TV: “I’ve been working on TV for 25 years.”

Why did you choose television: “I chose a profession because miracles are not always possible in life, but on TV – every day!”

The funniest curious incident on the set: “Curious cases are not uncommon in our work. Here is one of them.

In the morning a man called our editorial office and asked if we would like to film the lynx that lives in his house. The audience adores such stories, and I gladly agreed. We agreed for the evening. At lunchtime, he called back to inquire if our agreement to shoot the cougar was still valid. “You have a lynx ?!” – I specified. He replied that the puma, the son brought from the Far East. Okay, I was looking forward to the shooting and communication with the “domestic” predator all day. In the evening we rang for a long time at the door of the appointed apartment. Finally, a child’s voice told us that Dad was drunk and asleep. “Does the puma live with you?” – we tried to find out from the child. He replied that there were no animals in the house and there were none. So the story of the shooting of the lynx-puma ended ingloriously. Apparently, it was “squirrel”, that is, delirium tremens. “

Hobbies and hobbies: “My hobby, hobby and even passion is traveling. I love new places and interesting people. “

Beauty secret: “I have only one beauty secret – love! When you love your loved ones, your work and life, when you know that it is mutual, you will definitely be a beautiful person! “

You can vote for Inessa on the last page!

Katerina Kolontaevskaya, host of the STV program on the SKAT-TNT channel

How many years have you been working on TV: “On TV since 2000”.

Why did you choose television: “While studying at the university (at the Faculty of Journalism) I did an internship on TV, then I fell in love with my profession. Therefore, after graduating from the university, I did not have any questions with the choice of work ”.

Hobbies and hobbies: “I love music, cinema, in my free time I learn to draw.”

Beauty secret: “8 hours sleep plus a good mood.”

You can vote for Katerina on the last page!

Yulia Chernysheva, host of the programs “Universal Format”, “Afisha” on the channel “Samara-GIS”

How many years have you been working on TV: “I first appeared on TV as a presenter 7 years ago.”

Why did you choose television: “Mom suggested, but mom needs to listen. In fact, I really love the camera! I really like to smile! I really love creativity! I really love to talk! I really love people! Having collected all my “love” together, I realized that I would work on television. “

The funniest curious incident on the set: “I work live, which is always interesting and exciting. One day a man called a live studio. Introduced himself. From his voice, I realized that he was drunk. Before I even had time to ask him a question, he began to sing “Golden Domes”. Laughter and horror! What I told him then, I don’t remember now. But it was fun! “

Hobbies and hobbies: “If not for television, I would have chosen the professional scene. Dancing is my love, which has been with me for 15 years! I miss the times when I performed at competitions and festivals, when I was worried behind the scenes, when I “poured” my hair with varnish, when I ran away from the stage with shortness of breath. I still dance … even if not on stage! “

Beauty secret: “Less makeup! It is probably strange to hear such advice from a TV presenter, but it is so! I only use cosmetics on the day of broadcasts. Outside of working hours, my skin “rests” from make-up. And yet, even if it is trite, but beauty is inside! The woman who is loved is always beautiful! Smile and they will love you! “

You can vote for Julia on the last page!

Ksenia Artemieva, editor and host of the program “Your Morning” on the channel “SKAT-TNT”

How many years have you been working on TV: “November 21 has been exactly 5 years since I have been working on TV. Hooray!”

Why did you choose television: “It may sound trite, but I have dreamed of being a journalist and presenter since childhood. At the age of 6 I had a beautiful bright yellow jacket, a camera and a microphone, so while all the girls were playing as mothers and daughters, I imagined myself interviewing some star. My dream of becoming a journalist has become a goal. I am a very enthusiastic, curious person, I like to constantly expand the sphere of my interests, meet new people, take part in important events and do something useful myself. In my opinion, it is journalism that unites all these sides. ” A funny story is connected with the work in the program “Your Morning”. Once upon a time I won a beauty contest, the gift for the first place was participation in the live broadcast of the program “Your Morning”. During the broadcast, the presenters asked me: who I want to be when I get older, I proudly answered: “TV presenter”. The presenters laughed: “Well, then come as you grow up.” Well, I grew up and came! “

The funniest curious incident on the set: “Working on television is a special adrenaline rush. The program “Your Morning” is broadcast live, which means that anything can happen. The main thing is not to lose composure in any situations. Once a guest came to our live broadcast with a Malamute dog. I am terribly afraid of dogs, just to panic and trembling knees. None of my colleagues knew about my fear, and therefore, on the air, my co-host said the following phrase: “Ksyusha, hold the dog for now,” and let go of the leash. I stood firm, I hope that the audience did not notice anything. “

Hobbies and hobbies: “My biggest hobby in life is my profession. There is one more great love – dancing. I’ve been dancing professionally since I was three years old, I just can’t imagine my life without stage performances and fiery rhythms. I love fitness, roller skate, I love reading, I learn English. There are also “funny” hobbies: I collect hedgehogs, so all my friends bring me toys, figurines and other things with hedgehogs from all over the world. “

Beauty secret: “The secret of beauty is very simple – to always be in a good mood, to enjoy every day, to love, not to accumulate anger on others and to do what you love.”

You can vote for Ksenia on the last page!

Lina Shakhova, host of the program “Morning of the province” on the channel “Gubernia”

How many years have you been working on TV: “More than 3 years.”

Why did you choose television: “From the very childhood I learned to sing, play musical instruments. Then she graduated from a music school in two specialties “cello” and “piano”. She studied vocals, sang for 7 years in the Provincial Choir. I was always on stage. Considering my passion for everything new and love for performances, filming, camera – it is not surprising that after graduating from medical university I work on television. “

The funniest curious incident on the set: “During the filming of the morning poll on the embankment, I heard someone shouting loudly“ Hey, television, hey, journalist-journalist, here and there! ”. From an open-air cafe, waving his arms, an Italian chef called us. I was hoping that he decided to treat us to pizza or pasta. It turned out that he really wants to answer all our questions. He answered in broken Russian, not really understanding anything. It turned out super fun and very cool. All of us, the editorial board and TV viewers were delighted ”.

Hobbies and hobbies: “Sports (fitness), alpine skiing, books, television.”

Beauty secret: “My beauty secret = sleep + sports + proper nutrition.”

You can vote for Lina on the last page!

Oksana Shkayeva, managing editor and host of the STV program on the SKAT-TNT channel

How many years have you been working on TV: “I’ve been working for 20 years.”

Why did you choose television: “I didn’t choose television, it chose me. There was a competition for TV presenters, I went through the competition and started working for a TV company. “

The funniest curious incident on the set: “I didn’t have any funny cases on the set, I would definitely remember that. Curious cases happen to me in my life, but I cannot tell about them. “

Hobbies and hobbies: “I don’t have a hobby as such, but there are a lot of hobbies. This includes meeting with friends, fitness, reading, going to the cinema and concerts, I like to dance. But the main thing is communication with my daughter, I learn a lot from her ”.

Beauty secret: “Never be discouraged, relate easier to life, to what is happening around, smile more often, enjoy every day and move more. Life is motion. Take care of yourself – that’s all! “

You can vote for Oksana on the last page!

Dear friends!

Due to the fact that we discovered an artificial cheat of votes in some participants, we, unfortunately, were forced to stop voting.

You will learn about the results of the decision of the editorial board on December 4 at 15:00.

Thank you for attention!

“The most charming TV presenter of Samara according to Woman’s Day”

  • Victoria Sharaya, Samara-GIS

  • Alexandra Lukyanova, SKAT-TNT

  • Svetlana Bessoltseva, TERRA-RenTV

  • Daria Bolgova, Province

  • Inga Penner, Samara-GIS

  • Alena Malinina, SKAT-TNT

  • Anastasia Zubareva, TERRA-RenTV

  • Nina Vanina, Province

  • Inessa Panchenko, Samara-GIS

  • Katerina Kolontaevskaya, SKAT-TNT

  • Julia Chernysheva, Samara-GIS

  • Ksenia Artemieva, SKAT-TNT

  • Lina Shakhova, Gubernia

  • Oksana Shkaeva, SKAT-TNT

Please pay attention! In case of artificial vote cheating, the winner and awardees will be determined by the decision of the editorial board. Thanks for understanding!

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