Tutta Larsen and the secrets of her beauty

Tutta Larsen and the secrets of her beauty

Tutta Larsen believes that the main thing is to feel young, in love and full of energy! A famous TV presenter about energy sources, beauty taboos and cosmetic curiosities.

What are the requirements for the appearance of a TV presenter?

I don’t remember a case when my appearance was criticized by employers. They were more interested in my knowledge and abilities. I have never been asked to cut my hair, change my hair color, or lose weight. I think I was lucky.

Is appearance important in a career?

Sure. They meet, as they say, by their clothes. A person with unkempt skin and dirty nails is unlikely to arouse sympathy in anyone.

Are there flaws in your appearance?

They are obvious. Therefore, it would be strange to hide them. Why say that I am tall and I have big breasts, if this is not so ?! But do not attach great importance to the appearance. This is just a shell that should be filled with something light, warm, bright.

What compliments do you hear most often?

“What are you clever!” People also note my youthfulness. This is true. At 34, I don’t look my age at all, which is what I’m proud of. It’s just genetics though.

They say you use the services of a wonderful cosmetologist?

Have you heard of her ?! I keep the name of this wonderful specialist a secret, and I can only make an appointment with a close friend. Irena Ponaroshku advised me to be a cosmetologist. For this I recommended a coach to her.

“Bright, feminine, passionate! I love this photo. The dress, by the way, is also my favorite “

“Wearing the legendary Chanel glasses specially purchased for the MTV Russia Movie Awards ceremony

“Retrostyle, retro make-up … And the picture itself is already many years old. Here I am still a nursing mother. Believe it or not, 10 kg more than the permissible weight! “

I wonder which fitness club does he work in?

He has his own small office and a small room where we do gymnastics, which he invented on the basis of yoga, qigong and tai chi. I visit him three times a week. After each session, he does a massage and, if there are serious problems, puts needles. I also visit World Classto swim, sit on a stationary bike, or run on a treadmill.

Do you have the same serious approach to the choice of cosmetics?

Rather versatile. I mainly buy for life Clinical, for work – Shu Uemura or MAS… Among foundation creams I chose Divinora, Guerlain… This is something fantastic! A tone that is ideal for going out into the city, and for photography and television. After all, TV needs a very dense make-up; for photography, the tone should evenly cover the skin, but be invisible, not clog in wrinkles and not stain. What is especially important for macro photography is a close-up of the face. This tone can handle any challenge.

What cosmetics do you always carry with you?

Only powder and lip gloss. All this I throw into the pocket of my giant bag. You can’t even imagine what you can find in it: discount cards, throat lozenges, discs, a diploma of graduation from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University … A lot of everything! But in the cosmetic bag, oddly enough, there is only cosmetics and a nail file.

The most luxurious remedy in your arsenal?

Silver Eyeshadow Palette MAS fantastic beauty, with monograms like a snuffbox from the time of Queen Victoria.

The most humble?

Hygienic lipstick “Fruit Kiss” for 15 rubles. An ingenious remedy! Suitable for both me and my child.

The most daring?

Fuchsia eyeshadow. They accentuate the color of blue eyes. You just need to bring a wide arrow so that the eyelid does not seem inflamed.

Is there a beauty taboo for you?

For me, a taboo is to pluck your eyebrows in a thread. I don’t understand how women, who by nature have beautiful eyebrows, voluntarily turn them into these monstrous strings.

Have you had any cosmetic oddities?

Live. After all, on television, it is important to put on makeup not only beautifully, but also quickly. As a result, the teeth are in red lipstick, then the eyelashes are not painted, then one eye is drawn.

2. Тон Divinora, Guerlain

3. Духи Patch, L’Artisan Parfumeur

6. Shampoo La Roche-Posay

Your most daring beauty experiment?

Mesotherapy for the face. The experiment took place shortly before the MTV Russia Cinema Awards ceremony. I have fragile, closely spaced vessels. And although the procedure was performed by an experienced master, I woke up with a hellish, black-brown-raspberry bruise under my eye, which no corrector could completely hide. Then the idea came to my mind – to put on glasses so that the frame would somehow cover the camouflage. My partner, Alexander Anatolyevich, was also wearing glasses. We performed as a couple, both with glasses and eerily elegant. It’s funny that later some magazines wrote: “Tutta Larsen chose the conservative image of a governess, wearing glasses with a somewhat heavy frame.” But they would have known what a monstrous bruise this frame hid. Here is a real victory!

Is resourcefulness the only secret to your beauty?

Yes, something else passed from mom and dad. In general, a woman is beautiful when she feels loved, in demand, like a woman. It seems that Yves-Saint Laurent said: “To be beautiful, a woman just needs to put on a black skirt, a black pullover and walk arm in arm with her beloved man. You just need to change accessories – bracelets, necklaces, ribbons, belts. And add a drop of perfume. ”

Favorite remedies of Tutta Larsen

I hate strong odors, but body cream Clinical (5) is fragrance free. I found a wonderful brand in the pharmacy La Roche-Posay (6). Now I can not do without shower gel and shampoo for sensitive skin. For 7 years Patch, L’Artisan Parfumeur (3) is my favorite and only scent. I like hair products Tigi: conditioner with vitamins, mask, shine spray. Everything smells so delicious! Mascara – only Clinicalbecause I wear contact lenses. Shadows, powder, pencils – also mostly Clinical (one). The tone was perfect for my skin Divinora, Guerlain (2). Love translucent lip gloss Juicy Tube, Lancome… If bright red lipstick, then Lancome (4) or Dior.

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