Tussal Antitussicum – indications, dosage, contraindications, side effects of the drug for dry cough

Tussal Antitussicum is a drug used for dry cough. The preparation contains dextromethorphan, which has an antitussive and inhibitory effect on the cough center near the central nervous system. Other substances in the drug are, inter alia, lactose and cellulose. Pregnant women should consult their doctor before taking the drug. The drug is in the form of coated tablets and is available without a prescription.

Tussal Antitussicum (Biofarm)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
tabl. powl. 0,015 g (10 tabl.) OTC (over-the-counter) dextromethorphan (dextromethorphan)


Tussal Antitussicum contains a morphine derivative with a central antitussive effect.

Tussal Antitussicum – indications and dosage of the preparation

Tussal Antitussicum is intended for the treatment of dry cough that is not accompanied by secretions in the respiratory tract.

Dosage of the preparation

Tussal Antitussicum is in the form of film-coated tablets and should be taken orally. Do not exceed the recommended dose of the drug as it may endanger your life or health.

  1. Adults and children over 12 years of age 30 mg every 6-8 h, max. 120 mg / day.
  2. Children 6-12. 15 mg every 6-8 h, max. 60 mg / day.

Tussal Antitussicum a przeciwskazania

Contraindications to the use of Tussal Antitussicum are:

  1. hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation,
  2. asthma and inflammation of the lower respiratory tract,
  3. severe liver failure,
  4. use of MAO inhibitors in parallel or within the last 14 days,
  5. respiratory failure or the risk of its occurrence,
  6. cough with discharge
  7. the period of breastfeeding,
  8. use in children up to the age of 6.

Tussal Antitussicum – drug warnings

  1. If the cough persists for more than 4 days and is accompanied by fever, headache or rash, consult a doctor.
  2. Check if any other medicines you are taking contain dextromethorphan to avoid overdosing.
  3. Do not consume alcohol during treatment with the preparation.
  4. Particular caution should be exercised in people suffering from hepatic dysfunction.
  5. Patients with hereditary disorders of galactose intolerance, the lactase deficiency or malabsorption of glucose-galactose should not use the preparation because it contains lactose.
  6. It is not recommended for pregnant women to take the drug, especially in the third trimester. Pregnant women may take the drug only after consulting a doctor and in a situation where the doctor determines that the benefit for the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
  7. The use of Tussal Antitussicum during breastfeeding is contraindicated.
  8. The drug may cause drowsiness and dizziness, and impair the ability to drive vehicles and impair psychophysical fitness. This should be taken into account especially in people who perform activities that require concentration, e.g. driving a car, operating machinery or working at height.

Tussal Antitussicum with other drugs

  1. Do not take the drug with MAOani inhibitors within 14 days of stopping their use. Use despite warning may cause high blood pressure, high fever, collapse, coma and nausea.
  2. Taking the drug Tussal Antitussicum with quinidine, amiodarone, fluoxetine may lead to an increase in the concentration of the preparation in the blood and intensify its side effects.
  3. Use with other drugs that depress the central nervous system may increase the effects of these drugs on the central nervous system.
  4. You should not drink alcohol while taking the drug.

Tussal Antitussicum – side effects

Treatment with Tussal Antitussicum may lead to the following side effects:

  1. somnolence,
  2. dizziness,
  3. constipation
  4. nausea,
  5. vomiting,
  6. stomach pains,
  7. allergic reactions in the form of: rash, urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm.

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