Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

Turnip is a valuable vegetable crop. It is distinguished by unpretentiousness, high content of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. The product is well absorbed by the body and is suitable for baby food. Root crops are stored for a long time and do not lose their useful properties. For planting, turnip varieties are selected that are adapted to the conditions of a particular region.

What family does the turnip belong to?

Turnip is a member of the cruciferous family. The plant is grown as an annual or biennial. In the first year, a root crop and a rosette of leaves develop. The following season, a long stem with leaves and flowers appears. Close relatives of plants are: various types of cabbage, kohlrabi, radish, radish.

The root system is a fleshy root crop. A tall stem with numerous leaves grows above the ground. They are lyre-pinnate, green, naked or slightly pubescent.

The turnip is native to Western Asia. It has been eaten since ancient Egyptian times. In Our Country, culture has become the most important food product. Today it is added to salads, boiled, baked. The product improves appetite, stimulates the intestines, promotes the absorption of food.

Types and varieties of turnips

Varieties of turnips are divided into several groups. The most common classification is by ripening time. This takes into account the period that passes from the emergence of seedlings to the complete harvesting.

Types of turnips by maturity:

  • early – gives a crop for a period of 40 – 60 days;
  • mid-season – in 60 – 90 days;
  • late – for a period of 90 days or more.

According to the shape of the root crop, the culture is of the following types:

  • round;
  • flat;
  • elongated.

Not only root crops are used for food, but also the aerial part. For this, special leaf varieties are selected. Greens are harvested 5 – 7 weeks after the emergence of seedlings on the surface of the earth. Young stems and leaves are added to salads, used as a seasoning for first and second courses.

According to the method of application, all varieties are divided into non-types:

  • dining rooms;
  • feed.

Table varieties of turnips are suitable for preparing a variety of dishes. They have a good taste, rich in vitamins and nutrients. Feed – called turnip. They are characterized by increased productivity and large size, so they are used as animal feed.

Important! There are varieties of turnip with good taste that can be grown in summer cottages.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

The best turnip varieties for the Moscow region for open ground

In the middle lane, two crops are obtained without problems. The first sowing is carried out in early May, the next – at the end of June. The early harvest is not stored for a long time, the root crops are used for food. The second crop is used for long-term storage. The turnip varieties listed below are also suitable for the North-West of Our Country.


Geisha is an early maturing variety. Its root crops are spherical in shape, have a smooth surface and white color. The minimum weight is 60 g, the largest grow up to 200 g. Their flesh is sweet, white, juicy, without coarse fibers.

Young leaves are used in cooking as herbs, which contain minerals and vitamins. The variety grows well in the shade, is not subject to florescence and bacteriosis. The yield is up to 4 kg per 1 sq. m.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Petrovskaya-1 is a well-known variety, included in the State Register of the Federation in 1950. Ripening falls on medium-early terms. Seeds of culture germinate well even after spring frosts. Productivity from 1 square. m beds is up to 3,2 kg.

The form of root crops is flat-round, weight – from 60 to 150 g. Their color is bright yellow. The pulp contains potassium salts, vitamins B and C, it is firm, juicy and tasty. Harvest is used fresh, as well as for cooking. Turnip Petrovskaya-1 is stored for a long time in a cool room.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Lyra is an early ripe variety that yields a crop in 2 months. It is suitable for growing farms and garden plots. The variety is valued for early maturity and good taste. Lyra is good for long-term storage throughout the winter.

The shape of the roots is spherical. The average weight is 80 g, however, there are specimens weighing up to 100 g. The pulp of root crops is tender, firm, white in color, contains a lot of juice. Productivity from 1 square. m landing is 3,4 kg.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Dedka is an early turnip variety. The crop is ready for harvest 45 days after the seedlings appear above the ground. Root crops ripen together. Grade Dedka has a rounded shape. The color of the root crops is two-tone: purple – in the upper part and white – in the lower. The bark is smooth, shiny, thin.

The yield of the Dedka variety is up to 4 kg per square meter. Purpose – universal: for fresh consumption, stewing, salting. Juicy and tasty fresh root vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

Snow White

Turnip variety Snow White ripens in medium terms. The leaves of the culture grow in a vertical rosette. Root crops are white, rounded and weigh about 250 g. Inside they are tender, juicy, with white flesh, good taste, no bitterness and a slight aftertaste of turnip.

Variety Snow White brings a high yield. In 1 sq. m beds are removed up to 4,5 kg of root crops. Snow White is valued for its presentation, yield and long shelf life.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Mid-season variety, ripening for a period of 80 – 90 days. The plant forms a semi-vertical rosette of leaves. Its roots are rounded, short, with a concave base and head. The color of the skin is yellow. The leaves are green, their top is slightly curved.

The mass of the Nurse variety is 200 – 250 kg. The taste qualities of root crops are rated as good. Their flesh is not coarse, yellow, very juicy. The purpose of the variety is universal: it is suitable for preparing fresh salads, baking, stuffing. The yield is up to 4,2 kg/m2.

Advice! To get a good harvest, the crop is planted in a lighted area.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Hybrid Snowball is a mid-season representative of the culture and one of the best turnip varieties for central Our Country. Ripening takes less than 3 months. Root crops with a smooth skin, white color, spherical. The weight of each vegetable reaches 300 g, the snow-white flesh has become and became the reason for such a name. Vegetables have a good spicy taste.

The variety is not subject to flowering. The harvest of culture is leveled, has a trade dress. Vegetables are consumed fresh and after heat treatment, they are well suited for organizing medical nutrition and diets.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Hybrid Size is a record holder among other varieties, which is reflected in its name. This is a variety of large turnips with fleshy roots. The pulp of vegetables is juicy, crispy, with a traditional taste. It is characterized by the richness of vitamins and other useful substances.

Variety Size has an excellent taste in boiled, fried and fresh. The mass of one vegetable reaches 2 kg. Harvest is easily transported and stored all winter.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


The variety Orbita yields a crop at a later date. Ripening takes about 4 months from the moment the sprouts appear. The leaf plate of the vegetable is dark green, slightly curved, the shape is round, white, very large. The average weight is 450 g. Inside the root crop is dense, but contains a lot of juice. It tolerates long storage well.

Orbita is valued for its different maturation, presentation and wonderful taste. Plants withstand even prolonged cold snaps. The yield is about 3 kg per square meter.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Sapphire is a leaf variety whose greens are ready to eat 30 days after germination. Its leaves are petiolate, grow in an upright rosette of medium size. Young shoots are used for canning, salads, snacks and seasonings.

From 1 sq. m plantings remove up to 3,5 g of fresh leaves. The mass of each plant does not exceed 20 g. The leaf plate is round-oval, blue-green in color, slightly wrinkled. There is no wax coating and pubescence on it.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

The best turnip varieties for Siberia

In Siberia, turnips are planted in early to mid-May, when the soil warms up. This will allow you to get an early harvest that will ripen by the end of July. Turnips intended for winter storage are planted in the first or second decade of June. For cultivation in Siberia, it is best to choose medium-ripening varieties. Late hybrids do not always have time to form a crop in harsh climatic conditions.


Variety Kupchikha ripens in medium early terms. After seedlings germinate, vegetables are ready for consumption after 55 days. Plants of medium height, with dark green leaves, slightly curved and wavy along the edges, which form in an upright rosette.

Flattened vegetables, two-tone. Above the ground, the skin has a red-violet color. The part of the root crop, which is located in the ground, is white. The mass of turnip is 220 – 240 g. It has a good taste, a little spicy. The yield of the Kupchikha variety from 1 sq. m reaches 9,8 kg.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

May yellow

May yellow turnip is valued for its precocity. Vegetables are flat, white, green near the head. The vegetation period of the plant does not exceed 70 days. The crop ripens in July.

The pulp of the Mayskaya variety is light yellow, juicy, pleasant to the taste. The size of root crops reaches 12 cm. The crop ripens amicably, suitable for children’s diet and diet. Turnip is resistant to color, suitable for long-term storage.

Important! To grow a large turnip, fertilize the soil with humus before planting.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Turnip Luna ripens in medium-late terms. It takes about 70 days from germination of seedlings to harvest. The variety is characterized by increased cold resistance. The roots of the culture are yellow in color and spherical in shape. Their weight ranges from 150 to 250 g. The peel of vegetables is thin and smooth, the pulp is juicy, has a good taste, and is suitable for dietary nutrition.

The Luna variety is good to use fresh, it is also suitable for cooking. Productivity. The plant is valued for its stable yield (which is about 2,5 kg per 1 sq. M) and evenness of root crops.

Attention! Turnip reacts negatively to transplantation. Therefore, its seeds are planted immediately in open ground.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Turnip Vnuchka is another representative of early ripening varieties. After germination, 50 days pass before harvest. The leaves are collected in a rosette 30-35 cm high. They are dark green, with a curved top, slightly wavy along the edges.

Root crops of the Vnuchka variety are obovate. The color of the upper part of the turnip, which is above the ground, is purple. Its underside is white. The flesh of the vegetable is juicy, with a delicate pleasant taste. Weight – exceeds 150 g, the largest specimens reach 300 g. The yield is high, up to 4 kg per square meter.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

Burnt sugar

Turnip Burnt sugar is an original hybrid. It is distinguished by an unusual form of root crops, which also have good taste, early maturity and medicinal properties. Vegetables aligned, cylindrical, without branches. Their rind is black, the flesh is white inside.

Root crops weighing about 0,3 kg have compacted, crispy, juice-rich pulp. The crop does not crack, it is stored without problems in a cool place. At the same time, vegetables do not lose their taste and commercial properties.

With the help of a photo, you can evaluate what the Burnt Sugar turnip looks like:

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

early purple

Variety Early purple ripens in 60 days. Spherical root crops are pink-raspberry on top and white on the bottom. The mass of vegetables is from 80 to 100 g, their flesh is white, juicy, compacted. It contains many minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

Turnip Early purple is valued for amicable ripening, uniformity of the harvest, excellent taste. The purpose of the variety is universal: the preparation of salads, side dishes, hot dishes. Vegetables are also suitable for organizing the nutrition of children, diabetics and people suffering from excess weight.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Tokyo turnip is an unusual variety whose fresh leaves are eaten. They are harvested 25 days after germination. The plant forms a rosette with elongated leaves of a rounded shape. They are dark green in color, juicy, with a delicate pleasant taste.

Tokyo turnip leaf is rich in ascorbic acid and vitamins. The plant is cold tolerant. To get high-quality and tasty greens, it is important for the culture to ensure constant watering.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

The best turnip varieties for the Urals

Turnip tolerates the Ural climate well: frequent frosts and temperature fluctuations, heavy rainfall. For table purposes, early vegetables are chosen, which quickly yield a crop. If you need to prepare turnips for the winter, then varieties of medium ripening will be the best option. For planting in the Urals, seeds of the best turnip varieties for open ground are chosen.


Turnip Cometa yields a crop in the middle late: 75 days after the appearance of seedlings. Its green leaves, slightly curved and wavy at the edges, grow in an upright rosette. The elongated root crops are purple in the upper part, and white in the lower part. The mass of vegetables leaves from 150 to 250 g. They have a high tasting score. The yield reaches 3,5 kg per 1 sq. m.

Advice! In the Urals, planting work is best carried out in mid-late May.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

White Night

Turnip White Night is another representative of mid-season hybrids. From the formation of seedlings to the stage of technical maturity takes about 2 months. The root crop is white, up to 12 cm in size, immersed in the ground by 2/3. Inside, the vegetables are juicy and tender in taste.

For summer use, turnips are planted from the end of April to the last days of May. If you need to get vegetables for winter storage, then work is carried out at the end of June. The variety gives a high yield – up to 8 kg per 1 sq. m.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Turnip variety Snegurochka ripens in the early period. After germination, 1,5 – 2 months pass before harvesting vegetables. The rosette of leaves is slightly spreading. Root crops of a grade of spherical shape, white, with a smooth skin. Their average weight is 65 g. The pulp of the vegetable is juicy, with a pleasant delicate taste.

In the conditions of the Urals, the yield of Snegurochka turnip reaches 4 kg from each square meter of plantings. The plant is valued for shade tolerance, resistance to flowering, quality of vegetables.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

Dream of childhood

Turnip Children’s dream ripens in the mid-early period. Its root crops are yellow in color, spherical in shape, weighing from 150 to 200 g. The skin of the vegetable is smooth, thin, the taste is excellent, and the pulp is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Variety Children’s dream is valued for the presentation of the crop, cold resistance, friendly ripening. Vegetables are used fresh or cooked.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

fairy tale

Variety Fairy Tale is ready for consumption in the mid-early period. After seed germination, vegetables ripen after 80 days. The harvest is formed at the same time. Yellow, thin-skinned roots are spherical in shape. Their flesh has a good taste. The average weight is about 200 g.

Turnip fairy tale has a universal purpose. Vegetables are rich in vitamin C, so they are ideal for winter consumption. Harvest is stored without problems in the cellar or basement.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Variety Zhuchka gives a harvest in the early period. Vegetables are harvested 50 days after sprout formation. The leaves grow in a semi-erect rosette. Root crops of yellow color, spherical shape have juicy pulp and pleasant gentle taste. Their average weight is 130 g. Up to 2,5 kg of vegetables are removed from each square meter.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Komatsuna is a leaf turnip. The shoots of the variety are ready to be eaten one month after germination. The leaves of the plant are oval, green, medium in size, slightly wavy at the edges. The socket is upright, the bush reaches a height of 20 cm. The vegetable has a mass of 150 g. Up to 3,6 kg of crop is harvested per square meter.

Attention! Komatsuna turnip leaves contain vitamins and other beneficial substances. Greens are used to prevent atherosclerosis, anemia, strengthen the immune system.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

The sweetest varieties of turnips

Not all gardeners like turnips due to their dense texture and tart taste. Root crops of modern varieties have tender and juicy flesh without any bitterness. The sweet taste of vegetables is due to the content of mono- and disaccharides. Varieties with white root crops have the best taste qualities. The following are the sweetest varieties of turnips suitable for growing in all regions with a photo.

The Golden Ball

The golden ball is the most delicious turnip variety, according to many gardeners. Yellowish-golden, spherical root crops ripen in the mid-early period. Their sizes are large, their mass reaches 400 g. Juicy and tender pulp has a sweetish aftertaste. It contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Harvest is dug as it ripens. Vegetables are well stored and transported. They are used for daily diet, including children’s.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


Variety Dunyasha is characterized by medium early ripening. The period of technical ripeness occurs 70 days after the formation of sprouts. The rosette of the leaves of the culture is semi-vertical, medium in size. Root crops have a spherical shape and a flat surface. The grade is steady against cold snaps, it is not subject to tsvetushnost.

Rich in vitamins and minerals, the skin and pulp of Dunyasha turnips are yellow. Vegetables do not contain coarse fibers. Their mass is from 150 to 200 g. Tasting qualities are rated as high. Up to 3 kg of root crops are removed from a square meter.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions

Milanese pink

Turnip Milanese pink ripens in up to 60 days. Its root crops are spherical, have a smooth skin. Inside the pulp is white, high juiciness, has an excellent taste. The variety is not susceptible to diseases and flowering, gives a high yield.

The average weight of a vegetable is 100 g, the largest specimens grow up to 200 g. The Milanese pink variety is good to use fresh and after heat treatment. It is included in the menu for children and diabetics.

Turnip varieties with photos and descriptions


The turnip varieties presented above are distinguished by good productivity and unpretentiousness. Zoned hybrids are chosen for planting. They are adapted to the conditions of a certain region. Particular attention should be paid to sweet varieties that have an excellent taste.

How I grow a turnip

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