Turning off hot water: how to survive, tips

The easiest and most obvious way is to install a hot water heater and enjoy life. But for those not looking for easy ways, we’ve found 10 other ways to stay clean and fresh.

1. Vacation or business trip

Yes, a business trip or vacation that coincides with the hot water cut-off date is ideal. Since the schedule for turning off hot water can be found in advance on the website of state services, if you wish, you can organize a vacation for yourself just at this time and not wait for random coincidences. A business trip is a less predictable plot of our life. Therefore, you can organize it for the very dates only if you are your own manager or if you have the opportunity to discuss dates with those who are involved in sending employees on business trips.

2. Bathhouse

The bath will be useful for cleansing not only the body, but also the soul. The Japanese and Scandinavians, for example, go to the bathhouse every 10 days for peace of mind. Our sauna is most often associated with a summer cottage, beer or jumping into snowdrifts. Although if we consider the bath not as an entertainment, but as a cleansing and health-improving event, then it will be good in the summer season as well. In addition to the feeling of cleanliness, you can get rid of accumulated toxins, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and strengthen blood vessels.

3. Fitness center

If you are used to going to sports 1-2 times a week, the lack of hot water can be a good motivation to increase your sports records and master new types of yoga, dance and Pilates. In fact, you will get not only a cleanly washed body, but also a toned one. The main thing is not to go out of the schedule after turning on the hot water.

4. Water park

To get into the water sports territory, you simply have to be clean. Therefore, you will have to wash both before and after. Blood adrenaline levels and mood will increase significantly, and skin and hair will squeak from cleanliness.

5. Friends and relatives

The phrase “Can I come to you to wash?” sounds a little strange these days. And most of the summer meetings take place in city parks and cafes. Nevertheless, this old Soviet version has a right to exist. And if these are really close friends and relatives, then they will not be surprised by your request. Perhaps they will also need such a service later. So, when asking for a visit, be prepared to show mutual courtesy.

6. Massage and spa salons

If you are actively rubbed with oils and do all sorts of procedures with you, it means that you will later want to wash it all off your body. In parallel, you can wash your hair and get clean from head to toe. Relaxation and cleanliness – what could be better?

7. Beauty salons and hairdressing salons

The service “shampooing” is provided not only as an attachment to the haircut, but also as an independent item. As a rule, it costs from 300 to 700 rubles, depending on the level of the salon and on the used care products. Often in beauty salons light styling is a bonus. Therefore, in addition to a clean head, new ways of quick transformations await you. And, possibly, the opening of new beauty salons in their area.

8. Cold douches

Nothing awakens so beautifully in the morning as an ice shower, and better – pouring. Not only the body wakes up, but also the brain. Remember Porfiry Ivanov, who walked in shorts all year round, did not wear shoes and practiced a cold shower in the cold. Thanks to this lifestyle, he lived to be 85 years old. Hardening is stress for the body. Therefore, the reaction to an ice shower is an increased production of lymphocytes and monocytes, which prevent the penetration of infection. As well as strengthening vascular tissue and improving overall performance and mood. This is due to the stimulation of the areas of the brain responsible for the production of norepinephrine.

9. Changing your diet

Of course, changing your diet isn’t a substitute for taking a shower, but you can reduce sweating by cutting down on certain foods. These are primarily spices, especially coriander, ginger, salt, pepper, as well as tea, coffee, energy drinks, chocolate, coca-cola, alcohol, fatty meats, garlic, and sugary carbonated drinks. In turn, the diet should include foods that reduce the production of sweat: carrots, buckwheat, figs, yeast, parsley, greens, lettuce, kohlrabi cabbage.

10. Reducing the amount of care and styling products

Hair products aimed at nourishing and restoring make the hair heavier, and because of this, you have to wash your hair every other day. If you replace nourishing oils with light moisturizing fluids and reduce the use of styling products, then the effect of “clean hair” can be extended for several days. And in case of emergency, shampooing can be substituted for shampooing. Unfortunately, all 10, or even more, days on dry shampoo will not be able to hold out. Therefore, you will have to try something from the previous 9 points.

And yet …

Here are some thrash-but-effective ways to freshen up if you don’t like the previous 10:

collect water in the evening… Pouring cold water into a bowl or bucket will bring it to room temperature overnight. Not a hot shower, of course, but no longer ice cold. In the morning, repeat the procedure with water intake to make a reserve for the evening.

buy a boiler… Previously, this device was in every home. And now any respectable housewife and mother will faint: how so, it’s not safe! What if a child or a pet will fit into the bucket? Even if it fits, nothing terrible will happen if you do not touch the heating element itself. But it is still better to put the water to bask away from curious hands and feet.

stock up on wet wipes… Our parents, who sometimes traveled for a long time by rail, would give a lot for such happiness. You can’t take a shower on the train, you know. And one large pack of baby wipes is at least a day, if not absolutely clean, then at least relatively fresh. And it smells good.

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