Turn off the TV at least two hours before bedtime. This is why
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A few episodes of your favorite series, a few moments on the console, and finally a quick look at the board on social media and you can go to sleep. Many people end their day with such rituals. Unfortunately, it turns out that not only how much time you spend in front of the screen matters, but also when you do it. Two hours before bedtime, you shouldn’t use screens at all. The reason is serious.

  1. Watching TV before going to bed or using other blue light screens can seriously disturb your sleep
  2. As a result of the influence of blue light, the circadian rhythm and melatonin levels may be disturbed
  3. The screens can also damage the health of the eyes
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Usually, we underestimate the importance of sleep until we suffer from poor hygiene and insomnia problems. One of the deadly sins that we commit repeatedly that spoil our sleep like nothing else is the use of screens before falling asleep. The expert also warns against other effects of the abuse of devices emitting the so-called blue light.

In the pages of express.co.uk magazine. ophthalmologist Alastair Lockwood cautions against the abuse of screen devices, especially going to bed. The expert gave the ideal time to turn off or limit blue light exposure in the evenings.

Harmful evening habit

Blue light has become more widespread in our lives than ever before – it comes from all kinds of screens (TVs, mobile phones, laptops, tablets and smartwatches). The best way to avoid any screen effects affecting your sleep quality is to leave them behind your bedroom door. However, few people follow this rule.

The doctor has no doubts you should limit the amount of blue light you are exposed to at least two hours before bedtime. Excessive exposure to this type of light will not only make it difficult for you to fall asleep, but also make your sleep very poor quality. Although watching TV accompanies many people as a way to relax before going to bed, it is definitely better to read a book or listen to a podcast.

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The long-term effects of blue light also have far more serious and far-reaching effects. As Lockwood argues, it can lead to long-term eye problems, such as macular degeneration. The troubles increase with age.

Why does blue light make it difficult to fall asleep?

Many people question the harmfulness of blue light because they believe that the TV set does not prevent them from falling asleep, but even lulls them to sleep. Unfortunately, the matter is much more complicated.

Most of the available research shows that too much screen time, especially just before bed, can negatively affect sleep quality. Using electronic devices just before falling asleep is associated with poor sleep quality and an artificial shift of the biological clock. This in turn results in late falling asleep and trouble getting up in the morning.

According to the researchers, the use of visual media such as television before bedtime is also associated with increased stress and fatigue.

To support your body in falling asleep, it is worth reaching for Hemp4Sleep for a good sleep – a dietary supplement with CBD that relaxes and calms down, accelerating falling asleep and improving its quality.

How blue light disrupts the circadian rhythm

Late night TV viewing disrupts the internal biological clock. Exposure to artificial light so late in the day can disturb your circadian rhythm and melatonin levels. This means that your brain is artificially forced to stay alert. The presence of blue light means that it is daytime – this is how our bodies function. Watching TV before bed will make you go to bed later, stimulate your brain and keep it alert, preventing you from falling asleep.

It is also not recommended to fall asleep with the TV turned on, it creates a greater risk of waking up during sleep.

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