Turn back time: how to stay young and healthy

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The heroines of magazine articles have time to complete all tasks at work, to do housework – and at the same time they look great! In real life, unfortunately, everything is not so rosy. If we are still coping with the responsibilities, then there is absolutely no time left for ourselves. How to achieve balance? How to keep up with everything and at the same time defeat others with beauty and feel great? Maria Cook, Executive Director of the Cook & Cook Power Kinesitherapy Center, discusses this topic.

– We have to solve impossible tasks every day. How to look gorgeous while saving your family budget? How to Become a Successful Professional and Remain a Caring Mom? How to prepare delicious, healthy and varied food with as little time and money as possible? How to stay slim and beautiful with all this? All these issues require a certain amount of stress and safety margin from us, which is not always enough.

The situation is aggravated by a purely Russian peculiarity of consciousness: we do not have the habit of taking care of ourselves, but we have a habit of saving on ourselves and even sacrificing ourselves to some extent. So we rush between home, work and the supermarket. Between times we manage to give birth and raise children, do not forget to maintain the interest of our husband, periodically try to lose weight – and we do all this, gracefully swaying on graceful heels. We spend the working day at the office table or on our feet, that is, in a static position. Homework gives us a monotonous load, overloading some muscle groups and leaving others without development. The same sluggish body movements that we proudly call gymnastics, firstly, are one-sided. Secondly, we perform them, as a rule, no longer than several days in a row, starting “on enthusiasm” immediately after an unsuccessful attempt to fit into old jeans or a week before the vacation. The quality of performance of these exercises also cannot be called high. As a result, episodic bursts of physical activity, instead of a beneficial effect, have a stressful effect on an unprepared body and can negatively affect health.

In general, despite the confidence of any woman that she is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and at the same time has time to do everything, we have to admit: our life is sorely lacking competent physical activity.

Proper physical activity will help to avoid diseases

Why is it needed at all? Why is her absence so bad? At first, nothing happens, the body’s natural safety margin allows for some time to use innate resources – and this strengthens us in the confidence that this will always be so. But gradually the first symptoms of malaise appear: decreased flexibility and mobility of the joints, pain in the neck, headaches, decreased concentration, heaviness in the legs at the end of the day, swelling. These changes are exacerbated by the weight gain that many of us experience. And during pregnancy and the hormonal changes that accompany it, many of us develop flat feet, postural disturbances, the muscles of the press are overstretched, and the knee joints are deformed. There is also no need to talk a lot about a decrease in general muscle tone and a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles – unfortunately, these phenomena (and most importantly, their consequences) are too familiar to most of us.

But we, out of habit, do not pay attention to unpleasant phenomena until the painful sensations become more pronounced. And when it is already impossible not to notice them, we usually write off everything on age and resign ourselves to “inevitability.” All these degenerative phenomena negatively affect both the physical and psychological state: irritability, sleep disturbances appear, or vice versa – drowsiness. Nervous stress often leads to a violation of eating habits (overeating or refusal from regular meals in favor of snacks with a predominance of carbohydrate foods), and most importantly, a sense of control over the situation is lost. We cease to feel that we are the masters of our own lives.

It is better to start classes under the supervision of specialists.

So are all references to age a lie? Unfortunately, all people are really subject to age-related changes, but an inactive lifestyle significantly accelerates and aggravates these processes. As a result, we get pronounced postural disorders, herniated intervertebral discs, arthritis, arthrosis. Age-related hormonal changes in the female body lead to the leaching of calcium from the bones (osteoporosis – the risk of this disease is unusually high in women), and this significantly increases the risk of fractures and slows down bone healing. Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles can lead to prolapse of the pelvic organs, urinary incontinence … In general, the quality of life is absolutely not in line with our expectations and inner self-awareness.

We can do everything! You just need to make up your mind

So what, you say? It’s inevitable, age. Yes, that’s not how it would be. Any doctor will say: timely prevention is much better and more effective than treatment. And even in the case when health has already faltered, it can still be restored completely or almost completely up to a certain stage (if you do not pull it to the last). By allowing physical exercise into our lives, each of us can significantly prolong our youth, health and beauty. But here a fundamental question arises: where is it better to study – at home, in a comfortable environment, or in a specially equipped room, under the supervision of a professional?

Usually a woman is guided by the most traditional arguments: sorry for money from the family budget; it is immoral to devote time to yourself, taking it away from your husband and children. Less often, considerations such as: I will look stupid in the gym, it would be better if I work out at home, get in shape – then you can go “into people”. And some people think: I have never been in sports, I tried to skip physical education at school under any pretext, and after all, so many years have passed since then – now it is too late to start. We need all these arguments in order not to take any action and with humility to accept all changes in our appearance and well-being. But will we go to heaven for a dog’s patience, as Bulgakov’s Sharik hoped?

Of course, looking for an option in the “cheap and cheerful” style is very typical for women, and especially for Russians. But let’s answer ourselves honestly: where, for example, is that super trainer for training absolutely all muscles in three minutes a day that we bought in the “store on the couch”? In the best case, it has washed laundry on it. And what effect did anti-cellulite pants or a fat-burning cocktail help to achieve? That’s just it, instead of saving, endless and, most importantly, useless spending is obtained. And constant experiments in search of “the very” miracle-Yudo-remedy not only take up a lot of time (it seems to be always lacking?), But can seriously undermine health. Independent, regular (and therefore effective) classes at home are the lot of the few, and if you (yes, it is you) do not do this today, most likely you will never do it, stop deluding yourself.

Attempts to run in the morning or work out on a complex from the Internet to get in shape are also rarely crowned with success. First of all, who of us has not promised ourselves that on Monday he will certainly start a new life? Did everyone even get to the first try? At home, it is so easy to find a reason to skip a workout today, but tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, you must work out … Secondly, for an unprepared person, a morning run, and even on asphalt, in unsuitable shoes, without any technical training might just be dangerous. Thirdly, a monotonous existence is a serious stress, and the opportunity to “go out” and devote a couple of hours personally to yourself will relieve nervous tension and, ultimately, have a positive effect on family relationships. After all, arguing to ourselves the unwillingness to take care of our health, the lack of time for the husband and children, we are cunning, forgetting about how much time we spend on ailments and what a “wonderful” mood we give the same husband and children because we have “everything hurts, nothing helps. “

A healthy person is cheerful and handsome. And his close people with him are easy and good. The time spent on your health pays off a hundredfold with comfort and love in the family – this is important and needs to be understood by any woman. Investments (effort, time, money, etc.) in oneself beloved is not selfishness, but reasonable behavior, it does not need to be shy and avoided. We always find an opportunity to buy a beautiful dress and explain to ourselves the necessity of this important step. But a beautiful and healthy body is even more important. Otherwise, what to wear this dress? And why would it be needed at all? “You can’t buy health”? A common argument that, like many common arguments, is completely outdated in modern conditions. Now you can buy a lot that we stopped doing personally. Clothes, shoes, food … And health, oddly enough, too. In our case, this primarily concerns the knowledge of how and what to do, as well as the creation of optimal conditions for training and regular “poking”, which, to be honest, we all lack so much.

We all know: if a toothache hurts, you have to go to the dentist, if your throat hurts, you need an ENT. But somehow we ignore lower back pain as long as we are able to get out of bed. For headaches, we drink the first pill that comes along. And we treat the injured knee with poultices according to the neighbor’s prescription. Everything was done “before us, in the XIV century”. But life does not stand still. Today, to preserve and restore the health of the back and joints, there is a direction that can get rid of the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle – power kinesitherapy. There are professional doctors who, without any heroism and wonderful stories, will engage in work that is understandable and familiar to them. And they will do it – as calmly and simply as a dentist will fill a tooth. Classes using a modern, scientifically grounded and proven methodology, under medical supervision, is a great way to restore excellent health, correct your figure, carry and give birth to healthy children, get in shape after childbirth, relieve nervous tension – and stay young, light and happy.

Power kinesitherapy centers “Cook & Cook” operate in two districts of Perm:

– Cosmonauts highway, 166/1, tel .: (342) 257-89-50, +7 (902) 79-57-539;

– st. Pushkina, 50, tel. (342) 207-00-88.

Details – on the center’s website.

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