Turmeric with kefir at night: benefits, recipes
Turmeric with kefir at night: benefits, recipes

Residents of Eastern countries know a lot about spices and seasonings, so it’s not without reason that turmeric is considered the “queen” of all dishes. This spice has many beneficial properties for the body, and if you use kefir with turmeric at night, the effect is multiplied by the widow. This combination helps not only cleanse the body, but also helps to get rid of excess weight.

The benefits of turmeric with kefir

Turmeric with kefir at night: benefits, recipes

Turmeric is added to kefir by people who want to lose weight and improve their health.

The unique properties of the drink:

  • Removal of excess fluid from cells.

  • Cleansing the body, getting rid of salts of heavy metals, toxins and slags.

  • Prevention of the accumulation of fat layer in the waist and on the sides.

  • Normalization of blood cholesterol levels.

  • Improving the condition of the skin.

  • Increased immunity, so that it better resists colds.

  • Normalization of the work of the digestive organs, relief of inflammatory processes in the intestines.

  • Stimulation of skin renewal.

  • Normalization of metabolism.

  • Healing gums, removing inflammation from them.

The main active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin.

Possible harm

Turmeric with kefir at night: benefits, recipes

Turmeric can only be harmful in special cases, such as people suffering from gallstones. The spice has a choleretic effect, against which the stones can set in motion and clog the ducts.

People with diabetes need to consider the fact that the drink lowers blood sugar levels, and hypoglycemia is unsafe for health.

With excessive consumption of kefir with turmeric, the following side effects may develop:

  • Heartburn.

  • Flatulence.

  • Stomachache.

  • Chest discomfort.

Contraindications for use

Turmeric with kefir at night: benefits, recipes

The tool has a number of contraindications, which you need to familiarize yourself with before taking:

  • hypotension;

  • urolithiasis disease;

  • allergy to turmeric or kefir;

  • blood clotting disorders;

  • diabetes;

  • age is less than 5 years;

  • hepatitis;

  • pregnancy and lactation;

  • inflammation of the bile ducts;

  • inflammation of the pancreas.

Dosage and frequency of use

To prevent kefir with turmeric from causing health problems, the daily dose should not exceed 250 ml. The remedy is recommended to be taken in the evening or at night. A drink is good to end the day.

The duration of the course is 1 month, after which they take a break for 30-60 days.

Recipes for cooking turmeric with kefir

Classic recipe

Turmeric with kefir at night: benefits, recipes


  • Kefir – 250 ml;

  • Water – 1 tbsp. l .;

  • Turmeric – 1/2 tsp

The seasoning is diluted in hot water, after which it is mixed with kefir. Drink the drink in small sips, one serving per day. Course – 1 week. During this time, it will be possible to improve health and cleanse the intestines.

Experience of using turmeric with kefir at night for weight loss:

Useful articles about turmeric:
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  2. Witam ja mam cukrzycę typu2 (tabletki) i od roku piję kurkumę z pieprzem i oliwą około godziny 18tej później jeszcze przed spaniem około godz 22 a 23ej wypijam szklankę wody czosnkowej zrobionej z dwóch lub trzech ząbków czosnku,mimo że biorę tabletki,mam też nadciśnienie tętnicze, dnę moczanowową i choroba serca,czekam też na operację kręgosłupa i kolano(ednoproteza) Moją waga była 118kg w tej chwili ważę narazie 88,1kg i to przez nie cały rok czasu, czuję się o wiele lepiej jedynie kręgosłup daje się we znaki,no ale tu tylko operacja poprawi ten stan zdrowia,to tak w małym skrócie.Pozdrawiam i życzę wszystkim duuużo zdrowia!

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