Turmeric Milk: 12 Reasons to Drink Every Day! Recipes
Turmeric Milk: 12 Reasons to Drink Every Day! Recipes

Golden milk with turmeric is a delicious drink that will be useful for both adults and children. It can help you get rid of many health problems. It helps to relieve inflammation from the joints, helps to increase immunity, protects the heart and blood vessels, stimulates the process of getting rid of excess weight, and will help control blood sugar levels. In addition, scientists have proven that turmeric has antitumor activity.

12 Reasons to Start Drinking Turmeric Milk Every Day

Turmeric Milk: 12 Reasons to Drink Every Day! Recipes

Turmeric milk has many health benefits. This “golden” drink is a real source of health and longevity.

  1. Reduces inflammation in the body. Curcumin, which is part of turmeric, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is so strong that it can be put on a par with medicines, but unlike medicines, the spice has virtually no side effects. The action of curcumin is due to its ability to block the NF-kb molecule, which triggers the process of inflammation in the body.

  2. Antioxidant effect. Antioxidants are the main fighters with free radicals, which are stimulators of cell aging in the body, and also lead to the development of various diseases. The body defeats a huge number of free radicals every day, and curcumin helps it in this invisible struggle for health and youth. Turmeric is able to neutralize free radicals due to its unique chemical composition. It not only directly destroys them, but also increases the body’s resistance by stimulating its antioxidant defense.

  3. Improves brain functions. Turmeric improves the functioning of the brain and prevents the development of degenerative diseases. Scientists have proven that nerve cells can regenerate and even increase in number. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a significant role in this process. Curcumin from turmeric has been found to increase levels of this growth hormone. Thanks to the regular intake of turmeric in the body, you can not only delay in time, but also reverse some diseases. In particular, this applies to depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Turmeric also increases mental activity, which is important at any age.

  4. Reduces the risk of heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among the world’s population. Turmeric helps maintain the health of the lining of blood vessels. It is known that its defeat leads to increased pressure, deterioration of blood clotting and other serious problems that lead to serious illness and even death. It has been proven that curcumin has an effect on the body similar to atorvastatin therapy. In addition, turmeric helps to relieve inflammation from the heart muscle, and prevents pathological oxidation of cells.

  5. Fights cancer. Turmeric prevents the development of cancer. It is possible that the spice can help in the fight against cancerous tumors. It was found that curcumin leads to the death of mutated cells, prevents the growth and development of tumors, and prevents them from spreading metastases in the body. There is evidence that the substance can be used to prevent cancer of the digestive system, namely colorectal cancer.

  6. Useful in Alzheimer’s disease. The main cause of senile dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. It is widespread throughout the world. To date, no cure has been found for it, so the prevention of neurodegenerative processes comes to the fore. There are studies that prove that turmeric has a beneficial effect on the brain and helps clear amyloid plaques. It is their accumulation that plays a key role in the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

  7. Relieves arthritis pain. Arthritis is the most common disease, accompanied by inflammation of the blood vessels. Curcumin, which is part of turmeric, helps to eliminate the pathological reaction, which has been proven in several studies. It is known that taking turmeric helps to reduce pain in the knees, improves their mobility. The effect is similar to that which develops with Ibuprofen therapy. It will not be possible to completely replace drug treatment with the use of spices, but it will be possible to reduce the dose of drugs taken, which means reducing their negative impact on the body.

  8. Eliminates the symptoms of irritable bowel. Turmeric can be used to treat various diseases of the digestive system. There is evidence that it alleviates abnormal bowel contractions in IBS. The spice will be useful for diarrhea and abdominal cramps of various origins.

  9. Diabetes protection. Turmeric prevents the development of diabetes, improves the function of pancreatic beta cells. They are responsible for the production of insulin. Studies show that the regular inclusion of spices in the diet slows down the progression of prediabetes and even starts the process of its reverse development. People with diabetes are most often overweight. Turmeric normalizes bowel function and helps fight obesity. Spice reduces appetite, reduces cravings for sweets. With its help, the body manages to control the level of cholesterol in the blood.

  10. Relieves stress and depression. Turmeric has proven effective in treating depression. Curcumin, which is part of it, alleviates the symptoms of this mental disorder. There is evidence that the spice enhances the effectiveness of antidepressant therapy and may itself act as a drug in the treatment of clinical depression.

  11. Promotes weight loss. Turmeric does not allow fat cells to be deposited in tissues, so it is actively used for weight loss. Nutritionists often include spice in nutrition programs for obese people. The spice normalizes metabolic processes, promotes the burning of calories, removes excess water from the body, and normalizes blood circulation in tissues. Such a complex effect contributes to rapid weight loss.

  12. Helps with skin diseases. Thanks to the use of turmeric in food, the skin is rejuvenated, inflammation is reduced. Regenerative processes are accelerated, wounds heal faster, the skin is restored, collagen production is activated. Turmeric is useful for psoriasis, scleroderma, vitiligo, acne, eczema, alopecia, lichen planus, helps with scabies and burns.

Recipes for making “golden milk”

There are many recipes for making milk with turmeric, all of which have tangible benefits for the body. Therefore, you can choose the drink that is more to your taste.

The basic recipe for “golden milk”

To begin with, prepare a paste based on turmeric. It will act as the base of the drink. This is very convenient, as the pasta is stored separately in the refrigerator, so it can always be mixed with fresh milk.

Cooking pasta:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. turmeric, add 1 cup of water to it, mix until gruel.

  2. Put the container on the stove, turn it on to minimum power.

  3. Cook pasta, stirring constantly. Cooking time – 7 minutes.

  4. As soon as the mixture begins to thicken, turn off the stove.

If time has been lost and the paste has become too thick, you can add a little water. The finished composition is cooled, transferred to a glass jar, closed with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

Turmeric Milk: 12 Reasons to Drink Every Day! Recipes

Therefore, add the following components to the paste:

  • vegetable oil – 70 ml (it can be replaced with coconut, olive or linseed oil);

  • freshly ground black pepper – 1 tsp.

Pepper is an indispensable component of the preparation of “golden milk”, and oil can be introduced into the paste both immediately and into a ready-made drink.

Turmeric Milk: 12 Reasons to Drink Every Day! Recipes

Recipe for Golden Milk:

  1. A glass of milk is poured into a suitable container and placed on the stove.

  2. Without letting the drink boil, add 1 tsp to it. pastes.

  3. To improve the taste, milk can be supplemented with sweet syrup.

To make the drink better absorbed, put 1/2 tsp in it. coconut or almond oil, you can also add clarified ghee to the glass.

The milk itself can be anything: cow, goat, soy, coconut or almond. It all depends on personal preference.

Video: Vitaly Ostrovsky will tell you about the incredible benefits of turmeric with milk:

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