Turkish wine: history, producers, best brands

Grape drinks from Turkey are little known among Russian consumers, despite the excellent quality of the products. This is connected, firstly, with insignificant volumes of exports to our country, secondly, with a high price, and thirdly, with the almost complete absence of advertising.

Individual travelers who have visited Turkey and had time to taste local wines speak well of the drinks – that’s all that is known about them in Russia.

wine cocktails

History and features of Turkish winemaking

It is curious that Turkey, along with Georgia, Armenia and Greece, is considered one of the progenitors of the wine craft, which appeared here about 6 thousand years ago.

The climate of the country is the best suited for growing grapes. The problem is only in finding fertile soils.

Not all regions of Turkey can boast of having land suitable for growing vines.

The production of raw wine and the manufacture of drinks from it is carried out only in a few regions of the country – mainly on the coasts of the Marmara and Aegean Seas.

Among the best areas for cultivation are Izmir, Cappadocia, Diyarbakir and Eastern Thrace.

During the Ottoman Empire, grapes were grown exclusively for fresh consumption or for juice.

The fact is that drinking alcohol was never welcomed by Islam. In fact, little has changed since those times: most of the grape fruits are used for food.

Modern Turkish winemaking is mainly export oriented. The largest deliveries of local drinks are carried out in Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium.

In addition to alcohol from grapes, fruit and berry wines are produced in the country, which are more famous and popular outside the country. For these purposes, they harvest: apple, pomegranate, cherry, blackberry, peach, melon, raspberry and mulberry.

Main producers

In Turkey, there are about a hundred small wineries working the old fashioned way: with the use of “retro equipment”.

Do not treat them with disdain: some “ancient” farms produce very decent products, taking into account local traditions.

It is better to try such drinks while traveling around the country in small village taverns.

As for industrial production, there are 6 main ones among the giants of the winemaking market:

  1. Doluca

  2. Kavaklidere (Каваклыдере)

  3. Sarafin (Сарафин)

  4. Turasan

  5. Beloved (Севилен)

  6. Melen (Мелен)

The most significant volumes of deliveries fall on the share of the first two. The rest of the enterprises are on the way of development, but over time they promise to oust eminent manufacturers.

The main wineries pay great attention to quality and use modern equipment for making wines: steel vats, classic bottling lines, temperature control systems, etc.

As raw materials, both native grape varieties with difficult to pronounce names (Yokuzgozu, Dekulgen, Beylerje) and world-famous (Chardonnay, Merlot, Riesling, Cabernet, etc.) are selected.

Most of the products are blended (from a mixture of different varieties).

As for fruit wines, the best winery producing them is located in the Ephesus area – in the village of Shirince (brand “Şirince”).

They can be tasted directly in the production area or bought in any Turkish store. These are sweet drinks from the “amateur” category, reminiscent of liqueurs: someone will like it, someone will not like it.

Pomegranate wines are good from the Kutman brand.

The best wines of Turkey

Wine experts and experienced travelers recommend tasting local dry drinks, which are the majority in Turkey.

There are also sweet, semi-sweet, sparkling, but they are considered less interesting.

What to try first

  1. Kalecik Karasi

    One of the most famous wines from Doluca Winery, made from local raw materials.

    A drink made from red grapes with a pronounced fruit and berry flavor, dominated by cherries.

    May be young or mature.

    The wine is recognized as worthy among local connoisseurs and foreign tasters: the products have repeatedly received awards at international competitions.

    Suitable with poultry and red meat dishes, cheeses and pâtés.

  2. Shiraz от Melen Winery

    Soft, enveloping wine with the taste of plums, cherries, light notes of pepper and vanilla.

    The drink is characterized by an intense purple color and a pronounced fruity aroma.

    It will be a good addition to lunch and hot dishes.

  3. Summer Blush от Doluca

    Light rose wine for women’s company.

  4. Bogazkere от Kavaklidere Winery или Turasan

    A dark ruby ​​drink that combines astringency with the freshness of fruits. The perfect accompaniment to meat dishes.

  5. Emir

    A classic white wine made by Turasan.

    It has a pronounced aroma of apples and citrus fruits.

  6. Narince от Melen Winery

    Exquisite refreshing white wine, combined with seafood, chicken and pasta.

    The taste is dominated by citrus, peach and melon.

  7. Angora от Kavaklidere

    Red wine from a blend of European and local grape varieties, among which Cabernet Sauvignon prevails.

    A well-balanced drink of rich dark ruby ​​hue with fruit and berry aromas.

  8. Pink Foam

    One of the few Turkish-made sparkling drinks worthy of special mention.

    Rosé wine is produced by Kavaklidere Winery. The products have won the highest awards at international competitions several times.

Wine prices in Turkey are quite high

This is due to government policy that restricts the consumption of alcohol. However, the cost is justified in many cases: some connoisseurs compare local wines with French ones and believe that the former are in no way inferior to the latter.

You can appreciate the taste and quality of Turkish alcoholic products at specially organized tastings or when visiting restaurants.

Wine tours to Cappadocia and other regions are popular.

Buying expensive wines in stores is risky: there is no guarantee that the drinks were stored in appropriate conditions.

But simple, unpretentious grape products are quite acceptable to purchase and try on your own: sometimes quite worthy specimens come across among them.

Relevance: 29.10.2018

Tags: wine and vermouth

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