Turkish coffee: what you need to know + 14 recipes at home

A cup of aromatic coffee is a familiar start to the day for most adults. And for many, the process of its preparation is another, additional, pleasure. They brew and drink coffee in different ways. But for real gourmets, there is only one way to prepare a fragrant drink, invented by the ancient Arabs.

Shake will share the subtleties of brewing coffee in a Turk and the most interesting recipes in this article.

How to choose a Turk for coffee

A variety of dishes for brewing an invigorating elixir will baffle even the most sophisticated coffee lover.

Turks make from metals, ceramics, clay, glass, porcelain, crystal. Yes, and they are called differently: along with the familiar name, there are exotic ones (cezva, sergep, feinjan, raki), although in fact these are all synonyms for the same dishes.

Какой же вариант лучше подходит для домашнего использования:

  1. Copper Turk

    Знатоки утверждают, что именно в такой посуде получается лучший кофе. И не случайно: медь хорошо проводит тепло, обеспечивая равномерное прогревание напитка и усиление его вкуса.

    But the noble metal has its own “minus”: it oxidizes and forms soluble compounds that are harmful to health. Therefore, when buying, make sure that there is a protective layer of food-grade tin, steel or silver inside the container, and if it is damaged, be sure to replace the Turk with a new one.

    When choosing between a vessel with a thick or thin bottom (walls), it is better to give preference to the first.

  2. Ceramic cezve

    Another good option for making coffee: a drink in such a dish will turn out tasty and fragrant.

    A thick-walled vessel retains heat for a long time, so the liquid in it continues to boil even after the fire is turned off (keep this in mind when cooking).

    Ceramic does not absorb odors and is easy to clean.

    Of the minuses – the high fragility of the material: it is easier to break such a container.

  3. Clay Turk

    It is a subspecies of ceramic vessels. Due to the porous structure of the material, the drink is enriched with oxygen during the brewing process and acquires a brighter taste.

    Сама емкость прогревается медленно и равномерно, подчеркивая все оттенки кофейного букета.

    However, such a cezve quickly absorbs odors, so it can only be used for one type of coffee, or you will have to thoroughly wash the vessel after each preparation.

  4. porcelain cezve

    Another type of ceramic products. It differs from ordinary ceramics by a higher price and elegance, especially when it comes to handmade vessels.

    Glazed containers are similar in terms of performance to ceramic ones, unglazed containers are similar to clay ones.

  5. aluminum cezve

    It has good thermal conductivity, is unpretentious in maintenance and is cheap.

    However, coffee is not as aromatic as in a copper or ceramic container, and sometimes acquires an unpleasant metallic taste.

    In addition, such dishes are often unstable on the stove, easily damaged and look very simple.

    Turk made of pure aluminum, cannot be used with induction hobs.

  6. Turkish stainless steel

    Affordable and popular option, but not the best.

    Due to insufficient thermal conductivity, the walls of the vessel heat up more slowly than the bottom.

    As a result, coffee is brewed unevenly and loses its taste.

    Of the benefits: affordable cost, aesthetic appearance, strength and long service life.

  7. Enameled Turk

    It is also made of steel, only covered with a protective layer of glass-ceramic.

    This is a practical, durable, inexpensive and easy-to-care vessel in which you can not only brew coffee, but also cook porridge, heat milk, and melt chocolate.

    It has a large volume (350–500 ml), a wide mouth and a bottom of medium thickness.

    It is not necessary to expect from such dishes the preservation of a subtle coffee aroma. Definitely not the best option for coffee lovers.

  8. glass cezve

    For the manufacture of such dishes, a special type of glass that is resistant to heat is used.

    It is recommended to avoid strong temperature fluctuations and to take care of the vessel very carefully so as not to damage it.

    The glass container heats up quickly, which saves time, but impoverishes the taste and aroma of the drink.

    Of the additional advantages: affordable price, easy care and stylish appearance.

  9. Crystal Turk

    An elegant option, ideal for a gift to a coffee lover.

    In terms of performance properties, it is not inferior to ceramics and clay, but it costs several times more and requires careful handling.

    Кофе в таком сосуде получается насыщенным и ароматным благодаря равномерному прогреву.

  10. Silver Turk

    Another expensive gift option that will look spectacular on a shelf or in a sideboard.

    Coffee in such a cezve comes out mediocre due to rapid and uneven heating.

    And even the potential enrichment with silver ions does not convince you of the expediency of the purchase: it is unlikely that they will have time to get into the drink.

  11. Brass Turk

    Сосуд из сплава меди и никеля – неплохая альтернатива чисто медным вариантам.

    Coffee in it warms up well and turns out rich. The cezve itself looks beautiful, durable, reliable, inexpensive.

    Минусы: при долгом простое и редкой чистке материал может окисляться и ржаветь. Менее подвержены порче сосуды с защитным серебряным или оловянным внутренним слоем.

  12. Bronze Turk

    A great option for those who do not spare money for quality dishes.

    A bronze cezve is strong, durable, stylish, and most importantly, it conducts heat well and reveals the coffee bouquet to the maximum.

  13. The cupronickel Turk

    Quite an exotic vessel, which is found infrequently. Cupronickel in its properties is almost identical to copper.

    Coffee in such a container boils a little slower and the material itself is less toxic. Otherwise, the pros and cons are the same.

  14. Geyser Turk

    This is no longer the usual cezve with a handle and a narrow neck, but a special design that resembles a simplified coffee maker.

    Such an apparatus consists of two tanks, between which there is a filter with a funnel.

    Water is poured into the lower compartment, and ground coffee is placed on a strainer above it. Next, the device is heated on the stove or plugged into the network.

    The main advantage of the device is the ease of preparation of the drink. No need to measure anything: the amount of water and coffee corresponds to the volume of the tanks.

    In addition, during cooking, you do not have to constantly monitor the process.

    There will be no difficulties in caring for the device.

    Cons: the inability to change the amount of the prepared drink, the loss of aroma and taste during the preparation process, a significant consumption of coffee.

  15. Electric Turk

    It is represented by options of different materials, shapes and sizes, on which the characteristics of the resulting drink depend.

    The main plus is the speed of preparation and versatility. You can brew a cup of invigorating liquid in a matter of minutes, in some models you can also prepare other drinks and dishes.

    However, coffee connoisseurs argue that an electric device significantly impairs its taste due to the rapid boiling of the liquid. And you can’t argue with that. Although there are devices with automatic regulation of the heating time, the only drawback of which is the high cost.

  16. Turk with sand

    You can try the original oriental method of making coffee at home.

    The set includes a metal (ceramic) Turk and a special brazier with sand for heating on a stove or from the mains. Such equipment is usually expensive and takes up a lot of space.

    Thanks to the uniform heating in the hot sand, the coffee is excellent. And yes, the cooking process is fun.

  17. “Specialty” coffee for Turks

    Coffee gourmets prefer to brew coffee of the highest quality in a Turku – specialty coffee.

    Lobadin Coffee Roasters is a company that offers specialty not only for selected coffee connoisseurs. The company is headed by the “coffee alchemist” Daniil Lobadin and his brother Tikhon. Grains for Lobadin Coffee Roasters are supplied by Russia’s largest importer of green coffee. Thanks to the skill and knowledge of the Lobadins, as well as one of the best and most expensive Loring roasters of 2019 (USA) at a price of 30 million rubles, the finest flavor notes of each grain are revealed.

    The Lobadin brothers promote an individual approach to each client. They are responsible for every grain, they know its history. Coffee is selected based on the taste preferences of the buyer and the method of preparation chosen by him (including Turks).

    For example, if you prefer coffee with a pronounced sourness, you may be recommended “Ethiopia Lalisa” with notes of lemongrass, lemon and peach. And for those who want to try several flavors at once, Lobadin Coffee Roasters has kits for cupping (coffee tasting) – a hobby that is gaining popularity for coffee lovers.

To summarize

If you are a real connoisseur of coffee and the budget allows, choose a bronze, copper or cupronickel cezve. If you need an affordable option that does not impoverish the taste of the drink, the ideal choice is a ceramic Turk and its varieties.

If durability at an affordable price is a priority, a steel cezve will help out.

Well, for fans of exclusivity, crystal vessels or sets with sand are suitable.

Which coffee is suitable for Turks

The number of varieties of an invigorating drink is calculated in dozens of items that differ in the subtlest shades of taste. Before delving into the subtleties, let’s dwell on the types of coffee.

There are only four: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica and Excel.

The most common and the only one that can be bought in its pure form is Arabica. It accounts for about 70% of coffee plantations.

Arabica grains are distinguished by their elongated shape, and the drink from it turns out to be truly luxurious: rich, refined, bright, with an intense aroma and taste. It is this type of coffee that is recommended for brewing in cezve.

Robusta is characterized by a less pronounced taste with smoky notes, but there is 2-3 times more caffeine in its composition than in Arabica. This variety of grains is preferred by lovers of a strong drink with bitterness. Buying robusta in its pure form is almost impossible; it is usually included in blends.

Liberica and excelsa are rare, valuable and capricious types of coffee that are practically not exported outside their homeland.

Turkish coffee varieties

  1. Arabica Australia Skyberry

    A young Australian variety with a mild flavor and slight astringency.

  2. Arabica Yemen Mocha Mattari

    Coffee from Yemen, the first to enter Russia.

    Отличается нежной кислинкой и шоколадным послевкусием.

  3. Robusta India Cherry

    The Indian grade is a part of coffee mixes.

    It has a rich aroma and bitter taste with a fine acidity.

  4. Arabica Brazil Santos

    A classic variety with a rich, strong taste, slight sourness and hints of spices.

  5. Arabica Colombia Supreme

    It translates as “magnificent”.

    It has a delicate, velvety, slightly sweet taste with a fine wine sourness.

  6. Arabica Guatemala Maragogype

    The American variety is valued for richness and richness of flavors.

    It has a smoky aroma, a sharp bouquet with floral and fruity accents.

  7. Arabic Guatemala Antigua

    A popular variety among connoisseurs of the drink.

    It is distinguished by a pronounced bitterness, a bright bouquet with notes of prunes and a light citrus-spicy aftertaste with hints of chocolate.

  8. Arabica Jamaica Blue Mountain

    An elite variety for true coffee lovers.

    It has a soft, clean, smooth taste with sweet floral tones, nutty, chocolate, spicy, creamy notes.

  9. Arabica Burundi AA

    African variety from highland plantations.

    It is valued for its good strength, pronounced acidity and bright aroma. It has a rich chocolate flavor.

  10. Arabica Kenya Ruiruiru

    A unique African variety with a multi-layered taste.

    The bouquet starts with caramel sweetness, which turns into bitterness with tones of spices and tobacco, and ends with a cherry-chocolate finish.

  11. Arabica Ethiopia Sidamo

    An alpine variety harvested in the southern provinces of Ethiopia.

    Обладает бархатистым, шоколадным вкусом с тонкой кислинкой, сладковатым ванильно-фруктовым ароматом с тонами бергамота и карамельно-сливочным чуть горьковатым послевкусием.

Keep in mind that the taste characteristics of each variety vary significantly due to different degrees of roasting and grinding.

Turkish coffee grinder

Эксперты советуют измельчать кофе для джезвы по максимуму – почти до состояния пыли. Подойдет «сверхтонкий» или «эспрессо» помол. Мелкий кофейный порошок обеспечит качественное раскрытие букета даже за короткое время нагрева.

  1. If you plan to grind grains yourself

    It is better to do this just before brewing with a quality coffee grinder, setting the minimum grinding value.

  2. If you purchased ready ground coffee or processed a batch of beans in reserve

    Keep them in a dark cabinet in an airtight, tightly closed container such as glass or ceramic. For short-term storage, carefully rolled foil or special vacuum bags are suitable.

    The room temperature should not exceed +23 ˚C, the optimum humidity is 50-60%. Keep in mind that the longer coffee powder is stored, the more flavor it loses.

Ideal proportions for Turkish coffee

If you drink coffee alone, it is best to purchase a cezve for brewing 1 serving of the drink (per 100-200 ml).

Pour coffee mass into it in the calculation: 6-10 g per 100 ml of water.

For a standard serving of 200 ml, they usually take 2 teaspoons of coffee without a slide or one with a slide and a little more at the tip. This is the gold standard. But it all depends on the desired strength: some gourmets almost double the volume of coffee.

Если турка больших размеров, воду заливают до сужающегося горлышка, рассчитывая количество порошка по той же схеме, но чуть уменьшая его количество. Напиток в крупных емкостях получается более концентрированным, поэтому кофе требуется меньше.

How much to brew coffee in Turkish

Во время нагрева джезвы на поверхности смеси образуется тонкая шапочка, после чего кофе начинает потихоньку подниматься. Напиток снимают с огня, когда появляющиеся по бокам пузырьки накрывают пенную шапочку.

To intensify the aroma, hold the cezve a little away from the heat, then return to the fire and let the foam rise again. If desired, repeat the process again. The average cooking time on the fire is 7 minutes.

  1. На газовой плите

    Can be cooked in any container. For cooking use the smallest fire. This is necessary for maximum disclosure of the bouquet.

  2. On an electric stove

    Choose a ceramic or porcelain vessel. A copper cezve will require a special adapter.

    Please note that after turning off the electric stove, the burner does not cool down immediately. Therefore, do not forget to put the drink aside.

  3. On an induction hob

    You will have to purchase a special container with ferromagnetic properties (its bottom should be attracted to the magnet).

    No less important is the size and volume of the cezve: in order for the plate to recognize it, the bottom diameter must be large enough (8–12 cm).

Classic Turkish coffee recipe

Ingredients listed are for 1 serving. Water is added bottled or filtered, unboiled.

The recipe is also suitable for brewing purchased ground coffee in a Turk. If desired, it can be further crushed.


  1. Finely ground coffee – 1-2 tsp.

  2. Вода холодная – 100 мл

Method of preparation

  1. Warm the Turk over low heat for a few seconds.

  2. Pour coffee powder into the cezve and pour 50 ml of water.

  3. When bubbles appear, add the rest of the water.

  4. Stir the contents with a spoon so that no lumps form.

  5. Wait for the foam to rise and remove the drink from the fire.

  6. Allow the liquid to cool slightly, repeat heating 1-2 times.

  7. Hold the coffee in a Turk for 1-2 minutes until the thick settles.

  8. Перелить напиток в предварительно прогретую чашку.

Рецепт кофе в турке с пенкой + кофе латте

For a beautiful head of foam, it is better to use whole, rather than skimmed milk. For whipping, you can use a whisk, mixer or blender.

For latte, 50 ml of water take 2 tsp. coffee and 150 ml of milk.


  1. Ground coffee – 1-2 tsp.

  2. Вода холодная – 100 мл

  3. Sugar – 1 tsp.

  4. Milk – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Pour coffee and sugar into a cezve, pour water.

  2. Put the Turk on a small fire.

  3. While the coffee is brewing, heat the milk in a separate saucepan without bringing it to a boil.

  4. Pour the finished coffee into a warm cup.

  5. Whip the milk until bubbles form, carefully add it to the coffee drink from a vessel with a thin spout.

Turkish milk coffee recipe


  1. Coffee – 2 tsp

  2. Water – 50 ml

  3. Молоко – 100–150 мл

  4. Sugar to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Brew strong coffee the classic way.

  2. Heat the milk, without bringing to a boil, pour into a large mug.

  3. В кофе добавить сахар, влить молоко.

  4. Garnish with whipped cream if desired.

Рецепт кофе с корицей в турке


  1. Finely ground coffee – 2 tsp.

  2. Cold water – 100 ml.

  3. Sugar – 1 tsp.

  4. Salt – pinch

  5. Cinnamon – 1 stick

Method of preparation

  1. Warm the cezve, put all the dry ingredients into it, pour in the water.

  2. Heat the liquid until foam forms, remove from heat.

  3. Wait 1 minute and repeat heating.

  4. Let the drink brew for 2-3 minutes, extract the cinnamon, pour the coffee into a warm cup.

Turkish coffee recipe in Turkish

If desired, sugar can be added along with other ingredients, and heating can be carried out three times.


  1. Сахар – 1–2 ч. л.

  2. Ground coffee – 1-2 tsp.

  3. Вода холодная – 100 мл

Method of preparation

  1. Pour coffee into a preheated cezve, pour water over it.

  2. Cook over low heat until frothy.

  3. Remove the Turk from the heat, add sugar, heat the drink again.

  4. После поднятия пенки перелить жидкость в теплую чашку.

Turkish espresso + americano recipe

Americano is prepared in a similar way in a Turk: the recipe differs only in the addition of hot water. It is poured into a cup before or after espresso (it turns out Americano in Italian or in Swedish).

The amount of water is usually equated to the amount of brewed coffee, but you can change the proportions to your liking.

If desired, the drink is sweetened with sugar.


  1. Ground coffee – 2 tsp.

  2. Вода холодная – 50 мл

Method of preparation

  1. Pour coffee into a Turk, heat it “dry” for 10-15 seconds.

  2. Pour preheated water into the cezve.

  3. Boil coffee on low heat until the foam rises.

  4. Repeat heating after the cap has settled.

  5. Pour the drink into a cup, let it brew for 1 minute.

Turkish coffee recipe with honey

Ground cinnamon is added to cezve along with coffee.


  1. Ground coffee – 1,5 tsp.

  2. Вода холодная – 150 мл

  3. Honey – ½ tsp.

  4. Nutmeg – a pinch

  5. Cinnamon – 1 stick or pinch

Method of preparation

  1. Warm up the cezve on the fire.

  2. Pour coffee and spices into the hot bottom of the vessel.

  3. Pour in water, boil the drink until the foam rises.

  4. Pour coffee into a cup, let cool slightly, add honey.

Рецепт кофе в турке с перцем или имбирем

Instead of black pepper, it is permissible to use red: ground or capsicum. It is added to the finished drink in a very small amount and the liquid is allowed to brew.

Turkish coffee with ginger is prepared in the same way, replacing or supplementing pepper with it. It will take 1-2 tsp. ground or grated root. For the appearance of new flavors, you can include cinnamon in the recipe.


  1. Freshly ground coffee – 3 tsp.

  2. Вода холодная – 200 мл

  3. Ground black pepper – 1-2 g

  4. Allspice – 1-2 peas

Method of preparation

  1. Heat the Turk, put ground pepper and coffee in it, mix.

  2. Pour the mass with water, wait for the foam to rise, remove the cezve from the fire.

  3. Add allspice to the drink, heat again.

  4. Ready coffee to insist a little and pour into a cup.

Turkish cocoa coffee recipe

If desired, you can prepare a pure tart drink without milk and sugar by mixing the dry ingredients in advance or pouring cocoa into the finished coffee.

If you add a little rum or cognac to the milk mocha, it will turn out even tastier.


  1. Coffee – 1 tsp

  2. Cocoa – 1 tsp

  3. Water – 50 ml

  4. Milk/cream to taste

  5. Sugar to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Mix cocoa and coffee, heat the dry mass in a Turk, pour water.

  2. Heat the mixture, without bringing to a boil, pour in milk or cream.

  3. Wait for the foam to rise, pour the drink into a mug, add sugar.

Turkish coffee recipe with chocolate


  1. Ground coffee – 1,5 tsp.

  2. Cold water – according to the volume of the cezve

  3. Bitter chocolate – 30 g

  4. Salt – pinch

  5. Vanillin – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Combine coffee with water in a Turk, put on the stove.

  2. After the first raising of the foam, pour sugar, salt, vanilla and 15 g of chocolate into the container.

  3. Heat the liquid again, wait for the foam to rise, pour the drink into a cup.

  4. Grate the remaining chocolate, sprinkle it with coffee, cover the cup with a saucer.

  5. Taste after a couple of minutes.

Arabic coffee recipe in Turkish


  1. Sugar – 1 tsp.

  2. Вода холодная – по объему турки

  3. Coffee – 1-2 tsp.

Method of preparation

  1. В предварительно разогретую турку выложить сахар и налить ¾ воды.

  2. Heat the liquid well without letting it boil.

  3. Remove from heat, add coffee, stir.

  4. Heat the drink until frothy, add the remaining water.

  5. After the foam has risen, pour the coffee into a cup.

Turkish caramel coffee recipe

It is important not to overheat the sugar so that the drink does not acquire a burnt aftertaste. Instead of cinnamon sticks, you can use regular ground cinnamon.


  1. Fine ground coffee – 1 tsp.

  2. Regular / cane sugar – 3 tsp

  3. Вода холодная – по объему турки

  4. Cinnamon – 1 stick

Method of preparation

  1. Pour sugar into a preheated Turk, let it melt to a brownish tint.

  2. Slowly pour water into the container and put cinnamon.

  3. Let the liquid boil, remove the cinnamon stick, add coffee.

  4. After raising the foam, remove the drink from the heat, let it stand for a couple of minutes, pour into cups.

Turkish cappuccino recipe

Для получения красивой стойкой пены лучше взбивать сливки миксером, блендером или френч-прессом (быстро поднимая и опуская поршень).


  1. Freshly ground coffee – 2 tsp.

  2. Cream / full fat milk – 150 ml

  3. Sugar to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Brew coffee the classic way.

  2. Heat the cream a little, beat until a thick foam forms.

  3. Half fill the cup with hot coffee.

  4. Pour the cream into the drink in a thin stream, distributing the foam on top.

  5. Sprinkle cappuccino with sugar, garnish with grated chocolate, cinnamon or cocoa.

Рецепт зеленого кофе в турке

A drink made from unroasted coffee beans is especially popular with losing weight people. It is believed to promote fat burning.

Also, green grains have a rejuvenating effect. Grinding such coffee is more difficult, usually medium or even coarse grinding is used to make a drink.

The recipe usually includes spices: cardamom, ginger, sage. You can mix green and black coffee.


  1. Green crushed coffee – 3 tsp.

  2. Water – 100 ml

  3. Spices – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Warm the bottom of the Turks, pour coffee and spices.

  2. Pour the mass with water, brew coffee until foam forms.

  3. Let the drink brew for 3-4 minutes.

The benefits and harms of Turkish coffee

Useful Properties

  1. Increases efficiency, relieves fatigue, improves mood;

  2. Prevents the development of cholelithiasis, diabetes, gout;

  3. Positive effect on brain function;

  4. Stimulates memory, digestion, cardiac activity;

  5. It has antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.

Without harm to health, you can drink up to 3-4 cups of coffee per day.

Exceeding the norm can have a bad effect on well-being. The drink should be used with caution by the elderly, hypertensive patients, pregnant women, with atherosclerosis, stomach problems, glaucoma, and some other diseases.

Why coffee does not rise in a Turk

Most often, such a problem is observed when the cooking technology is violated or the container is chosen incorrectly.

Main reasons

  1. Too big a cezve for a small amount of coffee;

  2. Неправильное соотношение ингредиентов;

  3. Poor-quality cezve (made of unsuitable material, with a wide neck, thin bottom);

  4. Too high heating temperature – the drink does not have time to rise and immediately boils;

  5. Inconsistency of the type and grinding of coffee with the method of preparation (for example, using a mixture for a coffee machine in a Turk);

  6. Old or poor quality coffee, bad water.

How to clean a coffee pot from burnt coffee

  1. In mild cases, it is recommended to fill the vessel with boiling water and let it stand.

  2. Small spots on the Turk will be cleaned with citric acid or juice.

  3. For more serious soot, cezva is boiled in soda (1 tablespoon per liter of water) or vinegar-salt solution (1 cup of vinegar with 1 tablespoon of salt).

  4. Также можно попробовать сухую чистку мелом, содой, зубным порошком.

It is strictly forbidden to use household chemicals, especially aggressive ones, as well as coarse abrasives.

Relevance: 03.10.2019

Tags: soft drinks

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