Tumors in Poland. What does the report from the National Health Test of Poles 2020 say about them?
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Cancer is a problem not only for middle-aged and elderly people. It also applies to young people – one could say that increasingly younger Poles. However, neoplastic diseases are most often detected at a late stage. Only 18 thousand people suffer from bowel cancer in Poland. people a year, but a colonoscopy has never been performed by over 60%. of us. World Cancer Day, October 4, is a great opportunity to talk about the risk of cancer and remind you how to reduce it.

  1. What can we learn about cancer from the National Health Test of Poles? In 3 percent people who participated in it were diagnosed with cancer, 55 percent. came into contact with cancer in the immediate family
  2. Many Poles have never performed basic diagnostic tests, which should be done regularly, every few years. It is worst with colonoscopy, male testes examination and breast ultrasound
  3. Prevention is also limp – every fourth Pole does not use protective cosmetics with a filter, which significantly reduces the risk of skin cancer
  4. On October 4, we celebrate the World Day of Oncology. This is a great opportunity to talk about the risk of cancer and remind you about preventive examinations

More than half of us have come across cancer – found in ourselves or a loved one

Neoplastic diseases are the second most common cause of death in Poland. Annually, nearly 100 die of cancer. people, which means that they kill nearly 300 people every day. Contrary to the erroneous but popular belief, the occurrence of these diseases is rarely genetic. As much as 80 percent. of cases, developing cancer is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, the result of abnormal habits or exposure to harmful factors.

National Health Test of Poles, which was attended by over 400 people shows that cancer was diagnosed in 3 percent. respondents. One in ten people in the 65+ age group suffers from cancer. It is clearly seen that the risk of developing the disease increases with age.

More than half of the respondents to the question “Has your immediate family (grandparents, parents, siblings, children) developed cancer?” she replied “yes”. Unfortunately, it turns out that Poles are not motivated enough to undergo preventive examinations.

  1. Read also: These daily habits increase your risk of developing cancer

Mammography, cytology, breast ultrasound. How often do women get screened?

Cytology, which should be performed at least once every three years, has never been done by 19 percent. women. On first cytology one should report no later than after reaching the age of 25 or after the beginning of sexual intercourse. This test detects cervical cancer, which is the third most common cancer in women worldwide.


According to the statistics provided by the National Health Fund, the average age of women with precancerous changes is 32–34 years.

It is even worse when it comes to breast ultrasound, which is recommended once a year for women up to 30 years of age. Meanwhile, as many as half of the women in the survey admitted that they had never done this survey. In the last 12 months, only 17% of them have had it. Polish women. Breast self-examination, instead of – according to the recommendations – once a month, women usually perform only a few times a year.

Mammography is also neglected, although it allows for early detection of up to 90-95 percent neoplastic changes. This is a particularly important study for women between the ages of 40 and 69, who should go for it every two years. Meanwhile, it turns out that over the last two years, mammography was performed by 36%. female respondents aged 45–54 and 68 percent. respondents aged 55–64.

  1. Read also: Everything you need to know about mammography

Are men not afraid of testicular cancer and prostate cancer? They avoid visiting a doctor

The most important test in the diagnosis of male neoplasms is the test of the testicles at the urologist. It detects disturbing changes, lumps, and thickenings that may indicate a developing disease. Unfortunately, the NTZP report shows that such the survey in the last 12 months had only 8 percent. men, and within 12–14 months – 7 percent. While in our country about 800 cases of testicular cancer are diagnosed annually, 69% have never been subjected to basic urologist diagnostics. Poles. Testing the testicles is also not common practice. Only every fourth man performs them once a month or more.

  1. Find out: How to Examine the Testicles? Self-examination

PSA test, which helps in the early detection of prostate cancer, in the last year, it did 37 percent. men aged 55-64 and 52 percent. in the age group 65+. It has never been done by 35 percent. respondents between 55 and 54 years of age and 19 percent men over 65. What are the recommendations? PSA status after the age of 50 should be checked at least once every 12 months.

Lung cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer – cancer is killing us silently

The most common type of cancer, both in Poland and in the world, is lung cancer. Examination that detects it – chest X-ray – is recommended every 2–4 years, especially for smokers and people over 9. However, among the respondents there are respondents who have never done it in their life (45% in the age group 54–4 and 55% 65–XNUMX +).

However, this statistic is not as frightening as the data on the prevention of colorectal cancer, which very often develops over many years without showing any symptoms. Obese people are particularly at risk of developing this cancer (according to NTZP, the percentage of obese people in Poland exceeds 30% in the 45+ age group).

  1. See the entire infographic: Is Poland a country of obese people?

In Poland, about 18 are diagnosed each year. cases of bowel cancer, which is the third most common malignant neoplasm in men and the second in women.

Colon cancer is detected by colonoscopy. If this disease has been present in the immediate family, it is recommended to perform the examination after the age of 40. People with no family history should perform a colonoscopy after the age of 50. However, NTZP shows that a colonoscopy has never been done by as many as 61 percent. 55-64-year-olds and 58 percent people aged 65+.

The results of the Polish National Health Test are not optimistic, also when it comes to skin cancer, which is protected against products containing sunscreen. It turns out that only one in five Poles uses such products whenever they are exposed to sunlight, and almost one in four does not use them at all. The largest part, because 40 percent. of respondents, it reaches for protection only in the case of strong sunlight. The percentage of people who have moles but do not have them checked by a dermatologist is very high – 38 percent. Such a check is recommended at least once a year.


Oncologists are alarming that skin cancers are more common and affect younger and younger people. They are favored not only by exposure to solar radiation, but also by the use of a solarium. Each session in the solarium increases the risk of melanoma by 1,8%.

How to stop an oncological tsunami?

– The occurrence of cancer depends on ourselves – emphasizes prof. dr hab. n. med. Maciej Krzakowski from the Scientific Council of the National Health Test of Poles. Whether in the event of illness, one can overcome the dangerous opponent depends, among others, on from the stage at which the disease is detected. However, the data contained in the MedTvoiLokony editorial report prove that diagnostics is still our Achilles’ heel.

Prof. dr hab. n. with. Maria Olszowska:

According to WHO data from 2018, Poland is in third place, after Hungary and Croatia, in terms of cancer mortality per 100. residents. Despite numerous educational programs and the possibility of free tests organized by the National Health Fund, the interest is low. I think that for the sake of the health of Poles, one could think of extending the obligatory, periodic medical examinations appointed by the employer to preventive examinations, using free NHF programs.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. National Health Test of Poles. Health and Lifestyle Index
  2. Every 14. Poles suffer from diabetes. Results of the National Health Test of Poles 2020
  3. The National Health Test of Poles 2020. A few words about obesity
  4. Iza was looking for help for two years. Doctors thought she was too young for colon cancer
  5. Patrick fell ill with medullary thyroid cancer. He turned gray three months after hearing the diagnosis

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