Tulip purple prince

Tulip purple prince

Description of the tulip “Purple Prince”

Tulip “Purple Prince”: planting and care

Planting bulbs in open ground should be in late September – early November. A month before planting, it is recommended to dig the soil deep into the bayonet of a shovel and add 10-15 kg of rotted manure or compost per square meter. Plant flowers this way:

  • Dig trenches 15 cm deep.
  • Plant the bulbs in the ground, keeping a distance of 12-20 cm between them.
  • Sprinkle some soil over the flowers and water the garden well.
  • Mulch plantings with peat.

In the spring, after sprouting, be sure to loosen the beds. This will improve air access to the roots. During active growth and budding, provide the tulips with regular watering. In addition, it is desirable to feed the crops with mineral fertilizers. But make sure that there is no chlorine in the preparations. This substance can damage the bulbs.

Dig up “Purple Prince” should be annually, after its leaf turns yellow. This is necessary in order to separate the babies from the mother plant, as well as check the culture for diseases and pests. Store bulbs in a cool dry place. It is recommended to change the landing site every 2 years.

A novice florist can also grow an attractive “Purple Prince”. After all, the tulip is very unpretentious, and caring for it does not take much time and effort.

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