Tulip hybrids: Darwin varieties

Tulip hybrids: Darwin varieties

Darwin tulip hybrids are in great demand among gardeners. These varieties are quite tall and have large peduncles. In addition, these varieties are frost-resistant and immune to most diseases.

Tulip “Darwin’s hybrid”: class description

The variety was bred by Dutch breeder Derek Lefeber in 1960. The class instantly gained popularity, which continues to this day. Hybrids differ from their predecessors by higher growth. The stem of these tulips exceeds the 0,5 meter mark. Glasses of flowers reach 6–8 cm in diameter and 12 cm in height.

As a rule, tulips “Darwin’s hybrids” are colored yellow or red.

Another advantage of hybrids is the early flowering period, which occurs at the end of April. But also many varieties of this class are ideal for forcing in the greenhouse. Such flowers retain their freshness for a long time and keep their shape after cutting. The hybrids are very frost-resistant, with good immunity. And what is important – they are unpretentious in care.

The best varieties of tulips “Darwin’s hybrids”

Breeders have bred many varieties of this class. The following are especially popular with gardeners:

  • Design Impression. The growth of the stem is 60 cm, the glass is up to 9 cm high. The petals are painted pink with silvery-orange splashes. The buds bloom in early April.
  • Ad Rem. The thick stem reaches 60 cm in length. The glass is 8-10 cm high. The petals are carmine red. A special advantage of the variety is that the peduncles do not fully open even in the sun.
  • Banja Luka. The stem reaches half a meter in height. Glass 8-9 cm. The petals are painted gold with bright red edging.
  • Flaming Gold. The stem of the culture is about 55 cm. The glass is cupped, 8 cm high. The petals are bright yellow with scarlet stripes. Blossoms in the middle of spring.
  • Pink Impression. Plant height – 65−80 cm. Classic bud, about 9 cm. Petals are painted in salmon color. Flowers open in early April.

It is worth highlighting the group “Russian giants”, which is also included in the class “Darwin’s hybrids”. These include the varieties “Peter Stolypin”, “Yuri Gagarin”, “Ermak” and “Jubilee N. K.” The height of these varieties reaches 90 cm, and the size of the glass exceeds the 13-15 cm mark. In addition, their flowering period lasts three weeks.

Any variety from the class “Darwin’s hybrids” will decorate the flower bed. Moreover, such varieties are not capricious and a novice gardener can also grow them.

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