Tulip Apeldoorn: description

Tulip Apeldoorn: description

Tulip “Apeldoorn” enjoys well-deserved love among gardeners. This unpretentious hybrid perfectly tolerates spring frosts and floods, and is also immune to most diseases. In addition, the variety is suitable for spring forcing in a greenhouse.

Description of the tulip “Apeldoorn”

The variety belongs to the class of Darwinian hybrids, which indicates its excellent immunity, as well as frost resistance and unpretentious nature. Although in the northern regions it is recommended to cover the planting with peat for the winter. Another advantage of the variety is the ability to multiply quickly, because each bulb overgrows several children per season. Photos of planting tulips varieties “Apeldoorn”:

Tulip “Apeldoorn” prefers open areas

The flowering period begins in late April – early May and lasts about 20 days. The height of the stem reaches 50 cm. A glass of classical shape, large, about 10-11 cm. The petals are simple with a glossy sheen, painted in a deep red color with a yellow halo. The only drawback is that the peduncles open up strongly in sunny weather.

The plant should be planted in late September – early October. The exact date depends on the climatic conditions of the region. It is desirable that the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm drops to 8-10 ° C. For a flower bed, choose a lighted area that is protected from drafts. Tulips do not tolerate stagnant moisture, so do not plant them in the lowlands.

As for the soil, Apeldoorn prefers light, fertile sandy loam or loamy soils. A month before planting, the site should be dug up and added to each square. m 10-15 kg of rotted manure or compost. Plant flowers this way:

  1. Dig holes 10-15 cm deep.
  2. Plant the bulbs, keeping a 10 cm distance between them.
  3. Sprinkle them with soil and moisten the soil well.

In regions with a cold climate, it is advisable to mulch the area with a layer of peat, and also cover it with spruce branches. The plant needs minimal care. To make the tulip feel good, it is enough to provide it with regular, moderate watering in the spring. It is advisable to periodically weed the flower bed and loosen the soil. During active growth, it will be useful to fertilize with mineral fertilizers.

The bulbs should be dug up annually after the foliage turns yellow. Transplant flowers to a new location every 4-5 years

If you want to grow an attractive and unpretentious tulip, then pay attention to “Apeldoorn”. Its deep red shade will surely attract attention, and at the same time planting and caring for flowers will not take much time and effort.

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