Tuleevsky potato varieties: pros and cons, yield

At one time, Kemerovo breeders bred a special variety of potatoes that gives excellent yields in Siberia. Tuleevsky potatoes will please individual gardeners and large producers with good taste and external data. Below we will consider a detailed description of the variety and tell you how to properly grow this crop.


Tuleevsky potato varieties: pros and cons, yield

Potato tubers are light brown in color and oblong in shape. The rind is thin and smooth with small superficial eyes. Inside the vegetable has a light yellow tint. The cut shows that Tuleevsky belongs to medium-starchy varieties. The content of this substance fluctuates at the level of 14-17%. As for the ground part of the plant, the stem reaches a medium size. The bush is erect, and the flowers are painted in light purple.

The popularity of the variety was brought by its high yield, especially when compared with such well-known potato varieties as Nevsky and Svitanok. On average, about 1 centners of potatoes are harvested from 300 hectare. The lower level of productivity has been set at 180 centners per hectare, and the highest rates reach 424-458 centners. Tuleevsky potatoes are classified as mid-season varieties. Ripening takes 90-100 days.


Tuleevsky potato varieties: pros and cons, yield

One of the main advantages of the variety is the large size of the tubers. On average, potatoes weigh 120-220 grams, but there are cases when, according to the description of agronomists, root crops reached a mass of 600 grams. Due to its size, the variety has a good keeping quality – 90%. Marketability is 85-98%. Potatoes perfectly tolerate winter storage and transportation.

As for taste, the pulp has a pleasant slightly sweet aftertaste. Due to the average level of starch content, Tuleevsky can be attributed to universal varieties. These potatoes can be boiled, fried, stewed. It boils well enough, but does not lose its shape.

In the description of the merits of the variety, it is also necessary to mention its resistance to plant diseases. Tuleevsky potatoes are not afraid of scab, late blight of tops and tubers, alternariosis and potato cancer. The only disease to which the resistance of the variety is not so high is the golden cyst nematode.

Video “Colored potatoes – growing tubers”

Colored potatoes. Review of varieties and cultivation of seed potatoes from tubers // FORUMHOUSE

Features of agricultural technology

First of all, you need to pay attention to the seed material. Tuleevsky potatoes can be planted in cuts, but they must be healthy. Before planting in the ground, the seeds should warm up well, so you need to worry about buying seed potatoes in advance. In order for the seeds to sprout good sprouts, they need to lie down for at least a month in a dry, warm and bright room. At the same time, you need to make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on them. Cuts must be made 1 day before planting.

Then you need to prepare the ridges. The distance between rows and between holes in the ridge should be at least 60-70 centimeters, despite the fact that the bushes of this variety are compact. Holes are dug to a depth of about 10-15 centimeters. For best results, experts recommend dipping potato wedges in wood ash and only then laying them in the holes. If you are afraid of night frosts, you can line the bottom of each hole with damp grass.

Tuleevsky potato varieties: pros and cons, yield

Caring for potatoes is not difficult. Use humus or compost as fertilizer, but do not feed with mineral and other chemical preparations. This variety practically does not need additional watering. Many agronomists note that for the whole summer they did not have to water the plots at all. Over watering can cause tubers to rot.

For the entire growing season, plants need to be spudded 3 times. First after germination, then during flowering, and the last time when the stems begin to lean towards the ground.

After harvesting, you need to worry about creating suitable storage conditions. Experts say that the variety is best stored in basements with air humidity not higher than 90-95% and a temperature of + 3 ° C. If you use the entire harvest for food, then it can be stored next to other varieties. Seed preparations must be kept separate from the rest of the potatoes.

Video “Growing potatoes in the beds”

From the video you will learn how to grow potatoes of any variety in box beds and get the best harvest.

Growing potatoes in bed-boxes

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