Tsimlyansk wine: history and review of the drink + how to choose the real one

The most famous variety of Russian champagne, without a doubt, is “Soviet”. But connoisseurs of classical literature will surely remember that during the time of the Russian Empire there was a domestic drink that was valued above French champagnes. His name is Tsimlyanskoe.

The virtues of this wine were sung by Lomonosov and Pushkin. Sparkling was an honored guest of any state event. Even the emperors did not disdain to sip a glass of this noble drink.

wine cocktails

History of the drink

The birthplace of Tsimlyansky wine is the Cossack village of Tsimly. According to legend, it was here that Peter the Great ordered the planting of vines purchased in France. At first, ordinary wine was made from it. But by the middle of the XNUMXth century, the Don Cossacks had developed a technology for the production of sparkling wine.

The production method was called “Cossack secret”. The grapes harvested in late autumn were dried, and then ground into pulp and placed in vats for fermentation. In them, the pulp was aged until frost, and then poured into barrels.

In the spring, the resulting drink was poured into bottles and sent to ripen in a cold cellar or deep pit. And with the onset of summer, he turned into a great sparkling wine.

“Cossack Secret” outlived its creators for a long time. Even today, there is a special brand of Tsimlyansk wine, made with strict adherence to technology. So, if you want to appreciate the taste of the legendary drink – feel free to take a bottle with the inscription: “Tsimlyansk sparkling Cossack”. You won’t guess.

Beverage Review

Real Tsimlyansk wine is made exclusively from Tsimlyansky black and Plechistik grape varieties. These are relic varieties of Don grapes, whose first plantings date back to the time of the Khazar Kaganate. It is they who give Tsimlyansky Sparkling its signature ruby ​​color.

The taste of the drink is rich, grapey, with velvety notes. Some note a slight smack of smoked cherries and black fruits. The aroma is filled with field herbs with drops of blackthorn. The aftertaste is long, imbued with a flair of chocolate and thorns.

This wine is best suited for special occasions. Before serving, bottles with Tsimlyansky must be cooled to 7-10˚C. When serving, try to put a fruit plate or a sweet dessert with them. You can also serve it with a cheese plate. But do not eat it with chocolate. He will ruin the whole impression of the bouquet.

How to choose real Tsimlyansk wine

Unfortunately, the wine’s popularity has made it a popular target for counterfeiting. Therefore, be careful when buying a real drink. There are a few simple tips to identify fakes:

  1. “Tsimlyanskoye Sparkling” is bottled in branded bottles of the brand. They must be clean and free of chips or cracks. The label is neatly pasted, without bubbles or smudges of glue.

  2. The original manufacturer strictly monitors the quality of its products. Therefore, if you see a sediment or an uneven color of the drink, most likely you have a fake.

  3. The last element is smell. The real Tsimlyansky has a smooth, herbal aroma. If you smell alcohol or the sugary aroma of grapes, skip the toast.

That’s all. Choose wisely and enjoy the best domestic sparkling. It is definitely worth your attention.

Relevance: 08.09.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine brands

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