TSH test – when should it be performed? What is the evidence of too low and too high TSH levels?

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The thyroid gland is a small gland whose work has a huge impact on the functioning of the entire body. To do its job, it needs TSH, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. What do you need to know about it and when is it worth doing the test?

When to be tested for TSH?

TSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Blood thyrotropin levels are ordered when there is a suspicion of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. We make them for the following purposes:

  1. Suspected thyroid dysfunction.
  2. Diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythm (feeling of pounding, uneven heartbeat), weight loss despite good appetite, restlessness, agitation, agitation.
  3. Constipation, slowness, swelling, weight gain, weakness, skin changes, split nails and hair.
  4. Screening for newborns.
  5. Monitoring of thyroid hormone therapy.
  6. Diagnosis of infertility in women.

When you are pregnant, make sure you have comprehensive medical examinations. Buy the Pregnancy screening package – a package of blood tests, which you can find at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

It is also worth testing the TSH level before visiting a dietitian. Its results will help you establish a diet that is right for you. Perform a package of tests before consulting a dietitian – home blood analysis. In this way, you will diagnose possible metabolic diseases that may make it difficult to maintain a healthy body weight and require a different diet.

What does the TSH test look like?

Material for TSH testing: serum.

Preparation for the TSH test: Before starting the TSH test, the patient must be fasting for at least 8 hours.

The course of the study: The TSH test is a single blood collection from a vein in the arm in a laboratory.

Time to wait for the result: 1 Day.

Standard: The standard range is between 0,27 and 4,2 mJ / l. Information about the standard is usually provided together with the test result, so you can judge the result yourself.

Comments: In primary hypothyroidism, when thyroid tissue is damaged, TSH levels are increased. In primary hyperthyroidism, TSH levels decrease.

Try Home TSH Level Test – a cassette test that will help you assess the work of your thyroid gland.

You can check the level of TSH, and additionally FT4 and anti-TPO, by performing the test package Thyroid function assessment – diagnostic tests, which you can buy at Medonet Market. You can also assess the level of other hormones, including TSH, by purchasing the Women’s Hormone Management – Blood Test package.

Normal TSH

The range of the TSH norm is between 0,27 and 4,2 mJ / l for an adult. It should be remembered that the standards specified in the test description are not constant. The level of TSH concentration is influenced by age, sex and the method used by the laboratory for determination. The values ​​that are presented may have different meanings at different laboratory points. Good advice: the test result should be compared with the standards. which are shown on the sheet of results. Always consult your doctor about the results.

TSH test should be performed prophylactically once a year. It is worth combining them with the determination of other parameters important for human health. Buy a preventive examination package – blood tests available on Medonet Market today.

Check it out: What happens when the thyroid gland is sick? Hashimoto – piece of a larger puzzle

What does a low TSH level indicate?

Most often, low levels of TSH in the body suggest an overactive thyroid gland. However, it can occur in hypopituitarism – otherwise known as secondary hypothyroidism. Hypopituitarism occurs when the pituitary gland no longer produces TSH, and the thyroid gland, as a consequence, does not receive information that the human body is deficient in thyroxine and triiodothyronine. In addition to the above-mentioned examples, low TSH may also occur in Basedow’s disease and in the development of toxic nodular goiter.

High TSH Levels – What Does It Mean?

A high concentration of TSH is usually suggested hypothyroidism. It happens when the pituitary gland tries to stimulate the thyroid gland to secrete hormones, but the thyroid gland cannot produce enough hormones. High TSH also indicates tertiary hypothyroidism, in which the damaged hypothalamus stops producing TRH and the pituitary is not stimulated, resulting in a reduction in TSH secretion.

Thyroid cancer: if the cancer is in its early stages, very often the test results are normal.

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