TSH – examination, standards. Symptoms of low and high TSH

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TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone, is secreted by the pituitary gland. It acts on the thyroid gland (thyroid), stimulating it to produce the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The results of the TSH test allow to assess the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

TSH, or thyrotropin, is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It affects the functioning of the thyroid gland by stimulating it to release T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). The thyroid gland is a small gland whose functioning affects the entire human body.

TSH examination is most often recommended for the diagnostic purposes of the thyroid gland, infertility and in newborns (detection of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism). The test is often prescribed for women who have problems conceiving. Are you planning to expand your family? Purchase a blood and urine test package for the expectant mother to take care of her health and fully prepare for pregnancy. We also recommend Pregnancy Testing – a blood test package offered by uPatient. It can be purchased at Medonet Market.

During pregnancy, the TSH hormone is measured several times, because hormonal imbalances (endocrine disorders) harm not only the mother, but also the baby developing in her womb. The level of thyrotropin depends to a large extent on the current state of health of the examined person and their age. For the test, it is necessary to take a blood sample on an empty stomach.

At Medonet Market you will find the Women’s Hormone Management – Blood Test package, which will allow you to assess the level of individual hormones important for the proper functioning of your body.

Perform comprehensive laboratory diagnostics by ordering an e-test package with a medical consultation, which includes 18 different tests, including TSH measurement. You can also buy a package, narrowed down to thyroid tests, Thyroid function assessment – diagnostic tests, in which you can check the level of TSH, anti-TPO and FT4.

Find out more: Hormones under control, i.e. the hormonal profile for women

TSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Blood thyrotropin levels are ordered when there is a suspicion of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

We make them for the following purposes:

  1. suspicion of thyroid dysfunction,
  2. diarrhea,
  3. heart rhythm disturbances (feeling of palpitations, uneven heartbeat),
  4. weight loss despite good appetite,
  5. anxiety,
  6. agitation, nervousness,
  7. constipation, slowing down,
  8. swelling
  9. weight gain
  10. weakness,
  11. skin changes,
  12. splitting of nails and hair,
  13. screening for newborns,
  14. monitoring of thyroid hormone therapy,
  15. diagnosis of infertility in women.

Also check: What is the 3rd generation TSH?

Testing the level of TSH

The level of TSH concentration is measured by blood counts based on serum. So the test is just like a regular blood donation. A health care worker places a needle in a vein in your arm and takes the dose you need. The sample is returned to the laboratory, where it is analyzed. The results of the TSH test are usually known on the following day. A thyroid gland test, including TSH level, is offered by the uPatient’s medical center. It is worth doing them to make sure that the level of TSH is at the appropriate level and to prevent the development of thyroid diseases.

Testing the level of TSH is one of the basic tests that should be performed before changing the diet or once a year prophylactically. You will find them bundled on Medonet Market along with other important research. Purchase the tests that best suit your needs:

  1. Pre-consultation tests with a dietitian – home blood analysis,
  2. Preventive examinations package – blood tests.

How to prepare for a TSH test? Report to the health center on an empty stomach (the last meal may be eaten up to 8 hours before the examination).

TSH test – price

The TSH test can be tested free of charge if we have a referral from a doctor with a contract with the National Health Fund. Otherwise, the examination may be performed privately. Then it will be necessary to make a payment in the amount of approx. PLN 18-25 (prices vary depending on the laboratory).

Buy now at Medonet Market. Home TSH level test – cassette test.

In the case of abnormal TSH levels, the test is performed a second time. This time, however, the level of free thyroid hormones fT3 and fT4 is carefully examined. The third stage of the examination is an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland for the presence of tumors. The ultrasound examination, which will help to check the condition of the thyroid gland, is offered by the Polmed brand.

Also check: Hypothyroidism in pregnancy – symptoms and tests

Normal TSH

The range of the TSH norm is from 0,32 to 5,0 mU / L for an adult. It should be remembered that the standards specified in the test description are not constant. The level of TSH concentration is influenced by:

  1. age,
  2. płec,
  3. the method that is used by the laboratory for determination.

The range of the TSH standard is from 0,32 to 5,0 mU / l. The situation is different for pregnant women or women who are planning to start a family. In such patients, values ​​above 2,5 mU / l are cause for concern and further tests are required.

To support the work of the thyroid gland and ensure the proper level of TSH in the blood, it is worth using appropriate selenium supplementation. This trace element is involved in the production of thyroid hormones, and its positive effect is confirmed by research. Selenium 200 µg is available at medonetmarket.pl.

However, there are age norms for TSH, because the results of the examination are interpreted differently in the elderly. The TSH test result above the 4,2 limit quite often turns out to be much more beneficial for health.

According to the studies, in patients over 65 years of age, the risk of heart disease and death as a result of elevated TSH levels is significantly reduced. At the same time, high TSH did not worsen the psychophysical state of the examined person. Information about the standard is usually provided together with the test result, so you can judge the result yourself.

The displayed values ​​can be interpreted differently at different laboratory points. The test result should be compared with the standards. which are listed on the sheet of results. The test results should always be consulted with a doctor! –

What are the TSH norms in pregnancy? There are separate norms for the TSH test result for pregnant women. They are as follows:

  1. I trimester – from 0,1 to 2,5 mIU / l,
  2. 0,1nd trimester – from 3,0 to XNUMX mIU / l,
  3. III trimester — from 0,1 to 3,0 mIU/l.

When interpreting the TSH result in pregnant women, the range of norms characteristic for the gestational age, population and geographical region is taken into account. In pregnant women, TSH testing should be repeated every 4-6 weeks.

TSH results – test interpretation

Reading and analyzing TSH results is not complicated when minimum and maximum values ​​are given in addition to those obtained in the study. Increased TSH indicates primary hypothyroidism, and low TSH indicates primary hyperthyroidism and sometimes also hypothyroidism.

In the event that the TSH results are abnormal, additional testing of the levels of fT4 and fT3 in the body is necessary for the diagnosis to be fully reliable.

The doctor should handle the interpretation of the tests, as well as recommendations for further tests. In order to obtain advice and answers to bothering questions, it is worth starting with an e-visit with an endocrinologist, which can be made without going to the clinic.

Read more: FT4 tests – indications for the test

A high TSH level usually suggests an underactive thyroid gland. This type of hypothyroidism occurs when the pituitary gland tries to stimulate the thyroid gland to secrete hormones, but the thyroid gland cannot produce enough hormones. In order to rule out suspected disease, perform a diagnostic test for hypothyroidism.

High TSH also indicates tertiary hypothyroidism, in which the damaged hypothalamus stops producing TRH and the pituitary is not stimulated, resulting in a reduction in TSH secretion. In addition, high TSH levels may suggest:

  1. pituitary gland adenoma,
  2. genetically determined diseases,
  3. primary adrenal insufficiency,
  4. taking certain medications, e.g. iodine, interferon or thyroid drugs.

Hypothyroidism in pregnant women can cause miscarriage or preterm labor. Often the cause is found in Hashimoto’s disease. To dispel doubts as to the cause of thyroid abnormalities, use the diagnostic test package for Hashimoto’s.

we recommend: Thyroid profile. What should a thyroid test package include?

Elevated TSH – symptoms

Hypothyroidism (and therefore a high level of TSH) can be diagnosed by observing symptoms. The most important are:

  1. constant feeling of cold
  2. tiredness,
  3. somnolence,
  4. headaches,
  5. arthralgia,
  6. muscle stiffness
  7. weight gain (for no reason)
  8. swelling of the face and neck,
  9. water retention in the body,
  10. a drop in mood
  11. depression,
  12. problems with memory and concentration,
  13. decrease in libido,
  14. disturbed menstruation,
  15. dry and itchy skin
  16. impotence,
  17. exercise fatigue,
  18. shortness of breath.

If the thyroid cancer is at an early stage, the test results are often normal.

Importantly, in primary hypothyroidism, when the thyroid gland tissue is damaged, TSH levels are increased. In the case of primary hyperthyroidism, TSH levels decrease.

Most often, low levels of TSH in the body suggest an overactive thyroid gland. However, it can occur in hypopituitarism – otherwise known as secondary hypothyroidism. Hypopituitarism occurs when the pituitary gland no longer produces TSH, and the thyroid gland, as a consequence, does not receive information that the human body is deficient in thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

In addition to the examples mentioned, low TSH may also occur in Graves’ disease and in the development of toxic nodular goiter. It is also often associated with:

  1. acute psychiatric syndrome,
  2. extra-thyroid syndrome,
  3. old age,
  4. medications taken: glucocorticosteroids, dopamine, phenytoin, amiodarone.

Also read: Thyroid goiter – causes, types, symptoms and treatment

Low TSH – symptoms

To the most important symptoms of an overactive thyroid gland belong:

  1. nervousness,
  2. excessive sweating,
  3. mood swings,
  4. irritability,
  5. dyspnoea,
  6. diarrhea (sometimes constipation as well, although it is more common in hypothyroidism),
  7. swelling of the legs
  8. shaking hands
  9. formation of itchy skin lesions,
  10. hypersensitivity to high temperatures,
  11. menstrual disorders
  12. increased heart rate
  13. palpitations.

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism in pregnant women can cause serious malformations in the development of the baby’s nervous and skeletal systems.

In the case of thyroid disorders, supportive supplementation may be indicated. Among the supplements supporting the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is worth paying attention to preparations with selenium, because it contributes to the proper functioning of this organ.

TSH in children

TSH norms in children, as for adults, they depend on age. It is assumed that at:

  1. of premature babies, normal TSH value, measured on the 3rd or 4th day of life, should be between 0,8 and 6,9 µU / ml,
  2. newborns who were born on the planned date, the norm of TSH measured on the 4th day of life ranges from 1,3 to 16 µU / ml,
  3. normal babies from 1 to 11 months of age thyroid stimulating hormone level it 0,9 — 7,7 µU/ml,
  4. children from the age of 1 until the beginning of adolescence, this level should be kept in the values ​​from 0,6 to 5,5 µU / ml,
  5. in mature children, the normal level of TSH corresponds to the norm assigned to adults.

At Medonet Market, you can buy a diagnostic test package dedicated to children, which includes a blood TSH test. Diagnosis undertaken early will allow you to stay healthy and eliminate the risk of developing diseases in the youngest.

It is worth remembering that, as in adults, also in the case of children, the correct TSH result is interpreted according to the standards specified by the laboratory where the test was performed.

If the result is abnormal and the values ​​are very abnormal, it is most often an underactive or overactive thyroid gland. Elevated TSH in children may be due to:

  1. maternal thyroid disorders,
  2. abnormalities in the structure of the thyroid gland in a child,
  3. contact with a drug that affects the functioning of the thyroid gland,
  4. iodine deficiency in utero,
  5. a tumor in the pituitary gland.

The levels of TSH in premature babies and newborns can normalize within a few days, so long-term therapy is not always needed. In other cases, treatment is necessary because, in the long run, untreated hypothyroidism may result in mental retardation. Treatment of diseases resulting from abnormal TSH levels is life-long.

Hypothyroidism associated with high TSH in children may be asymptomatic. However, it most often manifests itself in the form of:

  1. less appetite,
  2. delayed growth,
  3. hoarseness,
  4. constipation
  5. delayed teething,
  6. slow speech
  7. weak pulse,
  8. dry skin and lips,
  9. swelling of the face
  10. hair loss,
  11. weight gain,
  12. puberty delay.

In turn, low TSH levels in children can be caused by:

  1. pituitary gland disorders,
  2. Hashimoto’s disease,
  3. Graves’ disease.

The treatment of hyperthyroidism in children is the administration of antithyroid drugs that neutralize the effects of T3 and T4 on the tissues. In addition, sometimes doctors decide to remove part of the thyroid gland.

The most important symptoms of low TSH levels in a child include:

  1. problems with concentration,
  2. nervousness,
  3. reddening of the skin,
  4. swelling of the neck
  5. rapid heartbeat
  6. excessive sweating.

TSH and the thyroid gland in men

Although thyroid disease is most often associated with women, men should also have their TSH levels checked. Neither hyperthyroidism nor hypothyroidism misses them. They also suffer from the hormone-related Hashimoto’s disease.

However, the diagnosis of diseases related to TSH levels in men is rare. It is most likely related to poor prevention. The tests are most often commissioned to women, while men are looked for other sources of certain ailments.

Symptoms of low TSH, and therefore hyperthyroidism, in men are the same as in women. Additionally, however, unique symptoms are: decreased libido and potency disorders. In turn, high TSH and hypothyroidism in men are identical to those in women. In order not to expose yourself to unpleasant ailments, perform diagnostics for diseases of the thyroid gland. The test is quick and involves analyzing a blood sample.

Factors that increase the risk of fluctuations in TSH levels in a man’s body are:

  1. permanent exposure to stress,
  2. over 40 years of age,
  3. failure to perform preventive examinations for a long time,
  4. genetic burden of thyroid disease.

Read also: Health over 40. How to take care of them well?

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