Tsarga for moonshine: what it is and how to do it yourself

The easiest way to upgrade the distiller is to install a drawer, which allows you to better clean the moonshine from impurities. The device is a metal pipe with a cellular filler (nozzle), which is attached to the distillation cube. Next, the remaining parts of the apparatus are connected: a dryer and a refrigerator.

The degree of cleaning depends on the size of the drawer side: the longer it is, the better the product is obtained at the output. However, it is incorrect to compare this device with a distillation column. Even on apparatuses with a drawstring, it is recommended to carry out distillation twice.

Tsarga allows you to improve the quality of moonshine by 3-4 times

So, a 15-centimeter pipe gives a 20-fold degree of purification, a 30-centimeter one – 50-fold, etc. In this case, the multiplicity is understood as the number of interactions of the condensate with the nozzle, and not how many times alcohol becomes cleaner.

To improve the device with the help of a drawer, you will need minimal skills in working with construction tools: a grinder, a drill, a welding machine, a soldering iron, etc.

Preparation of materials

Stainless steel is best for making a cleaning device. This durable metal is safe, inert to alcohol and tolerates high temperatures.

Alternatively, copper can be used.

It is better to avoid aluminum, as it can affect the performance of the product.

When choosing a pipe size, do not chase the length too much. It is worth remembering that along with the strengthening of the cleansing properties of the tsargi, the speed of distillation slows down. The optimal length range is 15–45 cm. If necessary, it will be possible to supplement the design and add one more drawer or even several.

You will also need a stainless steel filler or a Panchenkov nozzle.

The most affordable option is a regular kitchen washcloth, which is used to clean pots. For a pipe of 20 cm, you need about 3 metal sponges, for a longer length – 4-5 pcs. Even better – use a special Panchenkov nozzle or small coil springs with a diameter of 2-3 mm.

Quite a lot of cellular material is needed: it must fill the entire internal space of the pipe, but not interfere with the free movement of vapors and liquids. To fix the nozzles, you need a mesh (also stainless), which can be cut from an old kitchen strainer. To connect the drawer to the cube and other elements of the apparatus, you will need fittings (ideally stainless or copper, in extreme cases brass), silicone gaskets, seals, nuts.

Tsarga: instructions for making

  1. Install a threaded fitting on the lid of the distillation cube, fixing it with two nuts with a sealed silicone gasket or welding it (if the cube is made of stainless steel).

  2. Make an internal thread on one of the ends of the pipe so that it matches the fitting and can be easily screwed onto it. The length of the thread must be at least 3 cm so that the side can withstand the weight of the remaining elements of the apparatus.

  3. Thread the top of the drawer side to connect a steam line or additional drawer section.

  4. Make a hole a couple of centimeters below the upper thread, screw into it, after having threaded it, a piece of tube about 3–4 cm long. This is a socket for the thermometer probe, which must be inserted with a silicone sealant.

  5. At the bottom of the pipe, fix the mesh and fill in the filler.

  6. Connect the drawer to the steam line and other elements of the apparatus.

Part 3 Tsarga Making a moonshine still

Relevance: 07.02.2019

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Moonshine stills and accessories

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