Try tantrism!

Intense orgasms with tantrism

To reach intense orgasms, in communion with the Universe, of course it takes years. But a regular practice of tantrism will allow you to get to know your partner better and to spice up your sex life …

The origins of tantrism

Tantrism is an Indian doctrine resulting from Hinduism and Taoism, then adopted by Buddhism. This practice knows neither duality nor opposition; the ego and the outside world, the man (the yang) and the woman (the yin), the spirit and the matter are a whole. The practice of tantrism allows them to be fully associated in order then to reach a higher level of consciousness and, in matters of sexuality, to perfect harmony, freed from external constraints. Thereby, tantrism uses sexuality to merge body and soul, the feminine and the masculine and achieve, at the end of a long process of meditation, the ecstasy of the mind and the body. Clearly, it is about reaching orgasm without emitting fluids, so as not to lose your sexual energy. The sexual act, called “mathuna” is not a race to orgasm, but a means of raising the sexual energy (kundalini). Years of practice will thus lead the most persevering to intense orgasms, in communion with the Universe, far from sex as it is usually conceived. We can see your irony awaken from here! But do not worry, if the tantric philosophy remains complicated for us Westerners to understand, it is always possible to be inspired by it with simplicity to bring an additional richness to our sexuality.

Prepare your session

First of all, meditate, seek calm, and get as close to nature as possible. Drink Damania tea, an aphrodisiac and relaxing herb. Treat your body with scrubs and avoid any perfume the hours before the Maithuna. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Right before you start, get in the mood with a good bath. Relax, relax to the fullest and do not forget to chase away the stress and put aside the anxieties of everyday life. See water as a way to wash away accumulated tension, and to focus as much as possible on your feelings. If the exercise turns out to be difficult at first, it will quickly become essential! Then move on to practice and prepare for your session. Rest assured, it’s very simple, the desire to discover new sensations and a few accessories are enough. Start by arranging the place where your special moment will take place. The place must be comfortable, futons, cushions and soft blankets will be welcome. Place a few candles in the room, scented or not, burn an incense stick to get you in the mood. Also remember to turn off your cell phone (tantrism or not, a shrill ringing is never welcome during a romantic tête-à-tête …) During the session, your five senses must be engaged. Smell, through incense or scented candles, sight, thanks to the light that you have taken care to sift, hearing, with music that you have chosen to best match it with the atmosphere of the moment. There remains the touch and the taste.

For taste, take the time to prepare some fruits and vegetables, preferably organic, that you will enjoy together during the session. To touch it, this is the perfect opportunity to introduce you to the art of massage.

 Tantrism in practice

Now is the time to join your partner. Sit comfortably, face to face, still dressed, and look each other in the eyes. Focus on what you like most about the other person. The maithuna begins with the awakening of the pleasure of taste. Each of the two partners must feed the other. Breathe gently and deeply … Kiss and caress each other’s lips and undress each other, without ceasing to touch you. When you both feel ready, begin to undress, once again taking as much time as you need. Then start the massage starting from the lower body. Focus particularly on the sacroiliac area, located on either side of the spine: this is where the center of sexual energy is. Listen carefully to your body: it is your body that will tell you when to go into penetration. Once your two bodies are together, do not seek orgasm at all costs! Breathe deeply to circulate tension without succumbing to it. Let the sensations flow, and do not close your eyes; you are now one with your partner. If orgasm is approaching for him, effective contractions of the perineum should help him to contain himself, hence the interest of doing regular perineal exercises. For women, they improve blood circulation in the genital area and thus amplify sensations. Once the session is over, take the time to cool down. Savor the moment and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts! And if this first try didn’t bring you any particular revelation, don’t panic! Perfect mastery of tantrism requires years of meditation and intensive work on oneself. One thing is certain, however: Tantrism, failing to lead you to Absolute Nirvana, will most certainly bring you a better knowledge of your body as well as a greater bond with your partner. And just for that, we can only recommend it!

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