TRX, the suspension training that burns up to 600 calories per hour

TRX, the suspension training that burns up to 600 calories per hour


Although its practice does not understand age since the sessions can be customized, the TRX assumes risks such as contractures or injuries and it is essential to start these types of exercises with a personal trainer

TRX, the suspension training that burns up to 600 calories per hour

September is synonymous with the return to routine and the entry of autumn. It is in this month of the year that many of us create a list (usually mental) in which we write down each purpose for this new “course” and, why are we going to fool ourselves, starting to exercise has been the pending account of the vast majority who do not step into a gym or do not train online.

Having a wide range of exercises to get our body in shape, it is difficult to choose just one. However, fitness experts are clear that the most complete training always dedicates, no matter how little, time to TRX, which is based on training and working with your own body weight in suspension.

Miguel Ángel Peinado, fitness expert and professional trainer, with whom you can train online thanks to his new portal Better Naked Club, says that this practice has a military origin since, to stay in shape, they did not have the appropriate equipment and used the strings parachutes for suspension exercise. «The main part of TRX it is a strap that is hooked to the ceiling, generally, and at the other end they have a grip where people hold onto to start the exercises, ”explains the trainer.


  • Works the whole body.
  • In a single session you can easily work your abdomen, back, shoulders, legs and chest.
  • Ideal for maximizing muscle strength.
  • It also helps improve mobility, flexibility, and coordination.
  • Your practice has no age limit as the sessions can be customized.
  • TRX is also used in physiotherapy or physical rehabilitation processes.
  • Helps maintain proper posture when exercising.
  • It works very well the lumbar muscles helping to reduce back pain.
  • Because it is such a complete exercise, it helps burn more calories.
  • Tones all muscles by working with your own weight.
  • Performing TRX exercises with intervals strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • You can practice this exercise both at home and in the gym.
  • It is an exercise that can be done in a short time but its practice is intense.

How to practice TRX

If the TRX is already listed as one of the exercises that you want to start practicing, you should know that while you learn its routines and movements, it is better that you be accompanied by a trainer. «As in any exercise, you must have a preheating to avoid injury and it is important that you control the resistance and stability, since if you start to shake in the middle of the exercise, you should reduce it », warns Miguel Ángel Peinado.

It is also essential to control, as advised by the personal trainer faces known as David Bisbal or Paula Ordovás, the lumbar area to avoid injuries such as pelvic displacement: «For this, it is ideal to do exercises for the abdomen and lumbar muscles in united sequences».

An exercise that takes risks

Although the TRX provides numerous benefits to our body and resistance, Miguel Ángel Peinado indicates that risks are also taken … «The most common injuries that occur in this exercise are problems in the shoulder, which receives a lot of pressure and a bad movement can hurt or favor injuries muscular, since it is a very demanding sport and can cause a tear or a contracture».

“People with shoulder injuries, bulsitis, tears, tendonitis, dislocations or rotator cuff weakness need to overcome their injury before starting this sport or they may relapse,” warns the fitness expert.

El TRX It can even be a tool to rehabilitate injuries in some joints since it allows to strengthen a greater number of muscle fibers than other sports.

Exercises with TRX

Bimini. With the feet on the TRX and the forearms on the ground or with the hands suspended and the feet on the ground, we can perform this isometric classic that works the deepest muscles of the abdomen as well as the lower back. In this posture, many variations of the exercise can be practiced.

Triceps extensions. This suspension exercise with TRX is one of the most effective for getting your triceps stronger. You should slightly lean your body forward, hold the handles with your arms outstretched and one hand next to the other. Then bring them to the forehead flexing the elbows while the body continues to lean towards the ground. It is also important to activate the abdominal muscles so that the inclination is correct.

Bulgarian squat. If we want to work glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps we can perform this movement that is usually executed by raising the leg on a bench but in this case we will do it with TRX, which will add instability and therefore intensity to the exercise.

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