Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

The medicinal properties of the tinder fungus are one of the common reasons why fruiting bodies are harvested. The preservation of their healing properties depends on how they are harvested, and then processed and put away for storage.

The chemical composition of the fungus

Tinder fungus is a generalized name for a group of fruiting bodies that prefer to grow on the stem part of trees. They are found in birch, mixed plantings. In forests, the medicinal tinder fungus is a “orderly”, known for its ability to decompose organic compounds into mineral ones.

Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

Scientists have identified more than 1500 tinder fungi, most of which are classified as conditionally edible.

Chemical composition of fruiting bodies:

  • agaric acid is able to inhibit cellular respiration, which is used for the manufacture of anticancer agents;
  • buricolic acid;
  • ergosterol helps stop the growth of cancer cells and destroys them;
  • polysaccharide “lanofil” is a stimulant of liver enzymes that break down fats;
  • methanol lowers the pain threshold;
  • sodium pyroglutamate, destroys cancer cells, preventing their growth and vital activity;
  • D-glucosamine is a substance that contributes to the normalization of glucose in the human body, therefore it is included in drugs against diabetes;
  • beta-glucans, substances belong to polysaccharides with immunostimulating and anti-cancer properties.

The healing properties of the tinder fungus are also manifested due to the tannins, sesquiterpenes, polyphenols and saponins contained in it, as well as a large amount of acids: citric, fumaric, malic and others. The resin concentration in the fruiting bodies is 30%, but this figure increases to 65-70% as the mushrooms grow.

Among other useful substances that provide tinder fungus with medicinal properties are macro- and microelements: germanium, calcium and cadmium, iron, manganese, copper and others.

What is useful tinder fungus

Due to the multicomponent chemical composition, tinder fungi are able to bring both benefit and harm to the human body. Medicines made from fruiting bodies are used for dysbacteriosis, arthritis, cirrhosis of the liver, stomach ulcers and other diseases.

Medicinal properties:

  • normalization of metabolic processes, blood pressure;
  • excretion of toxic substances and heavy metals from the body;
  • normalization of the liver;
  • antimicrobial action;
  • breakdown of adipose tissue.
Important! You can use the tinder fungus as an anticancer agent, making infusions and decoctions from it.

The medicinal properties of the fungus differ depending on its variety:

  1. Larch tinder is one of the most common species, which is considered to be “universal”. It is used in the treatment of pathologies of the stomach and intestines, joint diseases and other inflammatory processes.

    Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

  2. Aspen tinder is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system: adenoma, enuresis, prostatitis. Infusions from it are effective for diabetes and hernia.

    Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

  3. Birch tinder helps with asthma and tuberculosis.

    Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

  4. Multi-colored tinder fungus is most often used in the treatment of articular pathologies.

    Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

  5. The scaly tinder fungus has high blood-purifying properties: it is able to remove poisons, mercury, lead or arsenic from organs and tissues, as well as other substances that enter with automobile exhaust. The mushroom is distinguished not only by its medicinal properties, but is also edible (young fruiting bodies have a sweetish taste).

    Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

  6. Flat tinder fungus is recommended for use in gastrointestinal pathologies: cancer, ulcers. In the past, healers used its medicinal properties to fight smallpox.

    Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

  7. The healing properties of sulfur-yellow tinder fungus are getting rid of leukemia. In the common people, the mushroom is called dumplings, they are eaten (young fruiting bodies are tasty, with a slight sourness).

    Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

  8. Winter tinder fungus differs from other varieties in the presence of a leg. Young fruiting bodies can be eaten. The medicinal properties of the fungus are in the fight against diseases of the joints and bone apparatus.

    Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

Mushrooms are also known to have a positive effect on the nervous system: they increase resistance to psycho-emotional stress, eliminate the symptoms of depression, epilepsy.

Harm to tinder fungi

When using drugs made from fruiting bodies, it is possible to develop an allergic reaction, manifested by skin rashes.

With improper preparation of the drug or its use, there is a high risk of poisoning the body, which is manifested by nausea and vomiting, weakness, dizziness, stool disorder.

Important! Despite the fact that some of the varieties of tinder fungi are edible, it is not recommended to eat them. There is a high risk of collecting false mushrooms that are poisonous.

How to take tinder fungus

The method of using tinder fungus depends on what disease a person wants to fight.

Folk recipes:

  1. Grind the fruiting bodies to a powdery state, take the medicine 1-2 times a day, 5 g before meals, keeping an interval of 2,5 hours, drinking raw water. On the third day of therapy, the intake should be reduced to 3 times a day at the same dosage. The recipe is used to purify the blood, for poisoning, liver disease and infection. The course of therapy to achieve a therapeutic effect is 1-2 months.
  2. According to reviews, the tinder fungus contributes well to weight loss and the treatment of respiratory diseases. For this, 200 g of crushed raw materials are added to 15 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for half an hour. At the end of the preparation, the medicine should be insisted for 4 hours. Take a decoction 4 times a day before meals.
  3. For skin lesions, 30 g of the fungus is poured into 150 ml of vodka, then the container is removed in a dark place for 14 days. After the time has elapsed, strain the tincture, then use it for its intended purpose: lubricate ulcers or wounds, cuts.
  4. The medicinal properties of the mushroom in hepatitis are used as follows: soak the mushroom for 3-4 hours in water, then chop. In 1000 ml of warm boiled water, add 200 g of raw materials and leave for 2 days in a dark room. The finished infusion is filtered and taken 450 ml per day, divided into three portions.
  5. The healing properties of the tinder fungus against cancer are manifested if the following tincture is made from it: add 500 g of the fungus to 45 ml of vodka, store the container for 15 days in a dark place. It is not necessary to filter the medicine, take it 10 ml 2 times a day.
Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

Ready infusion is recommended to be stored in a glass container in a dark place.

Water decoctions need to be prepared daily. Alcohol tinctures are preserved throughout the course of treatment.

Important! When taking decoctions and tinctures based on the tinder fungus, it is impossible to simultaneously undergo treatment with antihypertensive and antibacterial agents, anticoagulants, drugs to reduce sugar.

Contraindications to tinder fungus

Despite its useful properties, tinder fungus also has contraindications for use. It is forbidden to undergo treatment for pregnant or lactating women, as well as people prone to allergic reactions.

The medicinal properties of the fungus will harm people suffering from anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis, uterine bleeding. The fungus thins the blood, so its intake should be stopped 2 weeks in advance and for persons preparing for surgery.

Important! It is forbidden to give tinder fungus tinctures to children under 7 years of age.

Collection and harvesting of tinder fungus

In order to preserve the medicinal properties of the mushroom as much as possible, it is important to properly collect and prepare it. The optimal time for the procedure is from August to November. It is recommended to collect young fruiting bodies; in old mushrooms, only a hat is suitable for use.

Edible varieties prefer to be eaten fresh, for medicinal purposes they are dried and ground to a powder. To do this, after washing and cleaning, they are cut into pieces and laid out on a baking sheet on parchment paper.

Trutovik: useful properties and applications, chemical composition

The temperature in the oven or dryer must not exceed 50 °C.

If the technology of harvesting mushrooms is violated, their medicinal properties are reduced.

The prepared raw materials are recommended to be decomposed into glass containers or paper bags. Moisture should be avoided on dried mushrooms.


The medicinal properties of the tinder fungus are unique, but in order to achieve a positive effect from therapy, it is important to properly prepare raw materials and use the drug correctly. If there are contraindications, the use of mushrooms is prohibited.

Trutovik – useful properties | Utility Fungi

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