Trutovik ordinary (Real): description and photo, medicinal properties

The real tinder fungus is an inedible, but healing representative of the Polyporov family. The species is unique, it grows everywhere, on damaged trunks of deciduous trees. Since it has medicinal properties, it is widely used in folk medicine. But before starting self-treatment, you need to know the external description, view photos and videos, consult a specialist.

Where does the tinder fungus grow

Trutovik real can be found anywhere in Our Country. He prefers to settle on damaged, rotten hardwood. Also, single specimens grow on stumps, dead wood and fallen trees.

When settling on a living tree, the fungus develops white rot on it, as a result of which the wood turns into dust and breaks up into plates. Spores begin to develop rapidly after penetrating the trunk through cracks, mechanical damage to the bark and branches.

What does the fungus blood sponge look like

Acquaintance with this representative of the forest kingdom, you need to start with external characteristics.

At a young age, the species has a semicircular shape, as it grows, it becomes hoof-shaped. Since the mushroom does not have a leg, it grows to the side of the tree. An adult fruiting body reaches 40 cm in diameter and 20 cm in thickness. The wavy, slightly ribbed surface is smooth, covered with small cracks when fully ripe. A dense upper matte layer with clearly visible concentric zones is painted in light gray, beige or ocher.

The pulp is hard, cork-like, velvety to the touch on the cut. Color yellow or brown. Mushroom without taste, but with a pleasant fruity aroma. The bottom layer is painted in a gray-whitish color, when pressed, a dark spot appears. Reproduction occurs by microscopic, cylindrical, colorless spores.

Important! This representative is a long-liver, therefore, every year it builds up a new spore layer.
Trutovik ordinary (Real): description and photo, medicinal properties

The fungus grows on both live and dead wood.

Is it possible to eat a real tinder fungus

The real tinder fungus is not used in cooking because of the hard pulp. But due to its beneficial properties, mushroom pickers collect it for the preparation of healing infusions and decoctions.

Medicinal properties and use of this tinder fungus

Trutovik real fomesfomentarius, or as it is called by the people “blood sponge”, is widely used in folk medicine. Medicinal properties:

  • stops the growth of cancer cells;
  • stops bleeding, the pulp perfectly absorbs blood, and the fungus can be used instead of a bandage;
  • thanks to agaric acid, it removes toxins and bad cholesterol;
  • cleanses the liver of toxins and restores cells;
  • helps with respiratory diseases.
Important! It is contraindicated for pregnant, lactating women, as well as for children, to take medicines based on this tinder fungus.
Blood sponge – Trutovik is real. Fomes fomentarius

This representative of the forest kingdom has been known since ancient times. In ancient Greece, the mushroom was used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, with the help of it they got rid of stress and depression. It was also used in surgery as a hemostatic material.

In China, the mushroom is recommended for people with obesity, digestive problems, and impotence. And women use mushroom-based products to improve the condition of their skin, nails and hair.

False doubles

This forest dweller, like any representative of the mushroom kingdom, has similar counterparts. Such as:

  1. False – an inedible specimen grows on living hardwood. When infected, white rot appears on the tree, which leads to its death. The species can be recognized by a kidney-shaped or spherical shape of a brown-ocher color. The flesh is thick, firm, reddish-brown in color. The pulp has no smell and taste.
    Trutovik ordinary (Real): description and photo, medicinal properties

    The species infects wood with white rot

  2. Bordered – a perennial and inedible species, resembling a small hoof in shape. The surface with pronounced concentric zones is painted in a bluish-gray color. Beige or light brown flesh is dense, woody, tasteless and odorless. The species is a saprophyte; when wood is destroyed, the soil is enriched with nutrients and becomes fertile. Fruiting bodies are used in Chinese medicine to treat blood disorders.
    Trutovik ordinary (Real): description and photo, medicinal properties

    This species is able to cure blood diseases

Collection rules

Collection of tinder fungus is carried out all year round. To do this, a mushroom growing on living wood is carefully cut with a sharp knife. The harvested crop can be dried and made into infusions. The prepared medicine is stored in the refrigerator for no more than six months.

Infusions are made from freshly picked mushrooms soaked in boiling water or vodka. Insist and take within a month 2 times a year.

Important! Before using the medicine, you should consult with a specialist.

Since the real tinder fungus has similar counterparts, before mushroom hunting, you need to carefully read the description and view the photo.


Trutovik real – a medicinal representative of the mushroom kingdom. It grows on dead and living wood and bears fruit all year round. Due to the hard, dense pulp, the mushroom is not used in cooking.

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