Truncated horn: description and photo, is it possible to eat

Truncated horn, truncated clavariadelphus or truncated mace are the names of the same mushroom. He is one of the representatives of the Gomfov family, and belongs to the genus Clavariadelphus. Its uniqueness lies in its unusual appearance, which is fundamentally different from the general idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe structure of mushrooms. The official name is Clavariadelphus truncatus.

Where truncated horns grow

The truncated hornworm grows most often in groups, with a close arrangement, individual specimens can grow together. It prefers to grow in deciduous forests, in well-lit warm and humid areas. At the same time, it forms mycorrhiza with trees, but mainly with beech.

Ripening occurs from the end of August and continues throughout September. In the case of a warm autumn, this period may last until early October.

This species is distributed throughout the Eurasian continent, and it can also be found in North America.

What do truncated horns look like

Truncated horn: description and photo, is it possible to eat

This species is characterized by an elongated shape of the fruiting body, and its top is flattened or expanded. It does not have a pronounced hat and legs, since together they represent a single whole. The top of the fruiting body reaches 0,5-3 cm in diameter, and narrows closer to the base.

The height of the mushroom varies between 5-8 cm, but sometimes there are specimens 12 cm high. And the width is 3-8 cm.

At the initial stage of development, the surface is smooth, but as it matures, wrinkled furrows appear on it. Inside the fruiting body is hollow. The color of the mushroom can be dark orange or yellow-buff. At the base there is a light white edge.

The flesh is white-yellow or creamy, but when cut, it quickly darkens and becomes brown.

Important! The truncated horn has no pronounced mushroom smell.

Spores are elliptical in shape, smooth, pale cream in color. Their size is 9-12*5-8 microns.

Is it possible to eat truncated horns

The truncated horn is not a poisonous mushroom, it is edible. But due to its small number, it is of no interest to mushroom pickers. Therefore, it is better to give preference to more affordable and tasty types.

The taste of the mushroom

According to available data, the pulp of the truncated hornbill is characterized by a characteristic bitterness, which negatively affects its taste. Therefore, it belongs to edible mushrooms with low taste qualities and mass harvesting of these mushrooms is not carried out.

False doubles

In its external features, this species is in many ways similar to the pistillate clavariadelphus. The official name is Clavariadelphus pistillaris. The difference of the latter is that the top of the fruiting body is round and resembles a mace. The height of this species reaches 20-30 cm, and the width is about 5 cm. At the initial stage of development, the surface of the mushroom is lemon-colored, and as it matures, it becomes yellow-orange. When pressed on the pulp, its color changes to reddish-brown. This species is conditionally edible.

Truncated horn: description and photo, is it possible to eat

At the beginning of growth, the truncated horn is outwardly similar to its edible counterpart – the horn horn. But this is only a distant resemblance, since this species is characterized by a thin fruiting body, the height of which reaches 8-15 cm, and the width is 0,5-1 cm. Initially, its tip has a needle-like sharp shape, but as the fungus matures, it becomes club-shaped and rounded. The surface of the fungus is distinguished by a yellowish-ocher hue, and at its base there is a slight grayish edge. Refers to conditionally edible.

Truncated horn: description and photo, is it possible to eat

Collection rules

The truncated horned beetle is a rare species, so in many countries it is listed in the Red Book. In this regard, it is not subject to mass collection, as it is on the verge of extinction. Therefore, every mushroom picker should know that you should not pick this mushroom out of ordinary curiosity or just because it is edible.


You can eat a truncated horn, but in order for the bitterness to come out, it should first be soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours. And then boil for 15-20 minutes. However, this does not significantly improve its taste. Therefore, for a mushroom picker, this species is not of particular interest, and it is worth giving preference to more common and tasty forest fruits.


Truncated horn is a unique type of mushroom that has a healing effect. Studies conducted in 2006 proved its antibacterial activity. In addition, it has also been found to have an anti-cancer effect. The substances present in its composition are capable of producing, under certain conditions, an enzyme that stops the growth and development of malignant cells. These qualities are of great interest to specialists. Therefore, the conservation of this species is an important mission.

Clavariadelphus truncatus

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