Truffles growing

Brief description of the fungus, features of its growth

Truffle is a marsupial mushroom. It has a tuberous fruiting body, it is also fleshy, and grows underground at a depth of 10-20 centimeters. The truffle has many varieties. The main place of their growth is the forest of Southern France, Northern Italy. However, these mushrooms are also found in Ukraine, Our Country, Belarus and even in Central Asia.

This mushroom is a saprophyte. Mycorrhism is formed by him with the roots of oak and beech, and he receives nutrition from organic substances in the soil. In most cases, the fruiting body has an irregular flattened shape. In the context, such a mushroom is a bit like a potato, or it has a marble look. There are veins with colorless rims. The truffle has a sac-shaped pouch containing globular spores and blunt spines. However, not every type of truffle is suitable for eating. Black French and white Piedmontese truffles are of the highest value. Our Country is characterized by one type of truffle – summer. To search for such mushrooms, specially trained dogs and pigs are used. Occasionally, you can find a truffle on your own if it is located under the rotten leaves.

For black (winter) truffle the rounded tuberous shape of the fruiting body, which has an uneven black or dark gray surface, is characteristic. The size of such truffles can be very diverse – from a walnut to a medium apple. The fruit body has a reddish tint of pulp, which, after full ripening of the fungus, becomes purple-black. This mushroom has a strong aroma and a delicate taste.

Edible mushrooms contain substances inherent not only in plants, but also in animals. However, it is impossible to name the exact percentage of certain substances, since it is not constant and depends on various conditions. Therefore, with an increase in the percentage of animal substances in mushrooms, they become poisonous.


Site selection and preparation

Black truffles are usually grown in groves with oaks, hornbeams, nuts and beeches. Only on the roots of these trees can the fungus form mycorism. The use of natural or specially cultivated groves is allowed. In addition, truffles require a warm climate to grow, as they cannot tolerate severe frosts or high temperatures. Therefore, a climate with mild winters and cool, humid summers is ideal for truffle cultivation. It is important to remember that the truffle can only grow in calcareous soil, which must be well-drained and have a good set of nutrients.

During the artificial cultivation of these mushrooms, special plantations are laid, and soil is added to the soil, characteristic of the natural habitat of truffles.

The choice of a place for trees is also important, because they should not be exposed to extreme weather events. In addition, such trees should grow away from other trees, and different animals should not have access to them. It is also important to check the level of soil acidity. At home, this is done as follows – a soil sample is placed in a container, then white vinegar is added there. If the mixture emits a slight hiss, then the truffle will not grow in such soil, an increase in the level of alkalinity is required. For this purpose, lime is added to the ground. And only after that trees are planted.


Sow mycelium

The mycelium must be brought in together with the earth, which was brought from the natural habitats of the truffle. To do this, a mycelium is dug up to a depth of 10-15 centimeters, and placed near the trees. In addition, you can break a fully ripened mushroom and scatter it near the roots of tree seedlings. To date, hazel seedlings are already available for sale, to which truffle spores are grafted. The mushroom picker is transplanted at the end of summer or at the beginning of the autumn period.

Growing and harvesting

The main care when growing truffles is to prepare the site for their growth. On the ground there should not be various shrubs, and even more so other mushrooms. You should also carefully monitor that no one tramples this piece of land. The first harvest should be expected 5-7 years after planting seedlings. The duration of fruiting is about 25-30 years. Often, truffle fruiting bodies are located in nests of 3-7 pieces together. After they ripen, the ground above them becomes slightly raised, and the grass dries up. In the event of the appearance of such a sign, you can proceed to the beginning of the harvest. In most cases, truffles ripen in autumn and are harvested before winter. Each mushroom should be wrapped in parchment and placed in dry rice. This keeps the moisture in the mushrooms. You should also refuse to completely clean them from the ground, as this will protect them from loss of taste and the appearance of microorganisms. Mushrooms should be kept in a cold place.

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