True story: what it really feels like to be a single mom

Your needs are one hundred percent fading into the background when a baby is born. Being a single mother means that no matter how bad you feel, you need to get up early in the morning. This means that a job that you love very much, but which is not always paid, has to be done at night when the child is asleep.

Over the past three months, the heroine of this true story was able to go somewhere only once thanks to her parents, and this was the first trip in three years, not related to work. Grandparents wanted to spend time with their granddaughter, but she needed to complete some business and get some rest.

In addition, during all this time, she only visited the hairdresser once to get her hair cut. And once – to dye, although she combined the procedure with a business meeting while her hair was drying. There was another massage session, but when my daughter grew up, and my mother felt that for many years carrying the child in her arms did not affect her back in the best way. As for the care of nails, even here the circumstances are not on the side of our heroine. She never has time to go to the salon for a manicure or pedicure. If the mother does not like her new hair color, then she has to go with what she has, because there is no time to fix the work of the master either. Yes, she already forgot the last time she plucked her eyebrows, and she has no strength to dress up. But, you see, is this the most important thing in the world? Her close people are alive and well, and most importantly, they are satisfied with their mother and daughter, therefore the heroine herself is happy.

In order to keep up with other mothers, she also uploads pictures of her ideal family life on social networks. But unlike many, she knows their true value! A couple of months ago, she heard from her friend that life seemed amazing in the eyes of those around her and her daughter. And another friend admitted that she dreams of working with orphans in the same way and raising a child alone.

“Indeed?” She thought. Such a life is not at all glamorous. Living without the support of a husband is incredibly difficult and often lonely. Until the child begins to speak, you will be talking to yourself most of the time, although as he grows, the reality will become a little easier.

For those who idealize single mothers, the heroine of our article wants to give advice that, unfortunately, no one gave her at 20: learn to love yourself and pay attention to your education and your interests, everything else will come in due time.

It is a pity that no one told her this at 20, although she does not regret for a second that she gave birth to her Shira. Now it is difficult for her to believe that the young mother is only 23, although many would have given 33 years. Perhaps the fact is that, becoming a parent, a person grows up quickly. After all, every day you need to be as organized people as possible, take responsibility for a small life and think about your joint future. No matter how sad it may sound, children’s games and communication with peers are over. Your needs come last.

All single mothers have days when they literally collapse from fatigue. And our heroine had a whole month when she was really ready to pay her grandparents $ 100 an hour to get some sleep. In this case, they would remind her that life is harsh and she must sleep when the child is sleeping, since she decided to raise him alone!

However, the heroine claims that being a single mother is a wonderful adventure. Even in the most difficult moments. What she lacks the most is spending time with her friends. However, a day spent exclusively with my daughter fills her with joy.

There are many tears in her life, a lot of hard work, many sleepless nights, a little loneliness and a lot of happiness!

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