True-false effective ways to protect yourself from coronavirus

True-false effective ways to protect yourself from coronavirus

True-false effective ways to protect yourself from coronavirus
Now present on 5 continents as well as in France, the coronavirus continues to be talked about. Its novelty and its rapid spread quickly worried many people. With more and more individuals affected in France and new foci of spread in the territory, how do we do today to effectively protect ourselves from Covid-19? PasseportSanté disentangles the true from the false in this article.

Hands should be washed regularly

True – Did you know that only 31% of men and 42% of women in France wash their hands after taking public transport1 ? Regular hand washing remains one of the most effective measures to protect against contamination. Knowing that we mechanically touch our face about 3 times a day, it is essential to wash our hands to prevent the spread of viruses. Indeed, the mouth, nose and eyes are entry points for Covid-000 which is transmitted, among other things, through direct contacts such as a handshake as well as via objects (the duration of virus life on so-called inert surfaces would be a few hours). 

We therefore think of washing the hands ideally every hour with soap for at least 30 seconds by rubbing between the fingers and under the nails. You can also use a hydroalcoholic solution. 
Do not forget to do this after sneezing or coughing, and even if you have used a tissue to protect your face. This will also have the merit of protecting you from other viruses currently circulating such as the flu or gastroenteritis! 

The PasseportSanté team is working to provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on the coronavirus. 

To find out more, find: 

  • Our disease sheet on the coronavirus 
  • Our daily updated news article relaying government recommendations
  • Our article on the evolution of the coronavirus in France
  • Our complete portal on Covid-19



February 2020 Ifop survey

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