Troublesome snoring? Discover 5 effective ways!
Troublesome snoring? Discover 5 effective ways!Troublesome snoring? Discover 5 effective ways!

Although the snorer often does not mind this, because he cannot hear the sounds he makes himself, it can be extremely unbearable for those around him. Snoring is undoubtedly a very embarrassing habit, especially for those who are fairly light sleepers and even the slightest sound will wake them up. However, it can also be dangerous for the snorers themselves, because in the long run it can cause sleep apnea. If you are the “loud culprit” and you want to deal with your problem, or someone who sleeps near such a person – be sure to try the following methods!

  1. Respiratory problems – sometimes the cause of snoring is simply problems with a runny nose or sinuses. Clearing the airways will be the best way out of the situation here. Especially with a runny nose, when we are forced to breathe through the mouth, there are tiring sounds. Then it is best to use inhalation (hot water + oils or ordinary kitchen salt). You can pour a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the pillow, which will effectively clear the airways.
  2. Quit smoking – cigarettes are the cause of many health problems, including persistent snoring. The cause here is cigarette smoke, which irritates and causes swelling of the throat. In addition, the body of a smoker is poorly oxygenated, which means that blocked airways increase the sound coming from the inside.
  3. Losing unnecessary kilos – it is not without reason that it is said that snoring is the domain of overweight people. Men are much more likely to snore than women, and this tendency tends to increase with age. Women are much less likely to experience this condition because their body produces progesterone, which stimulates the throat muscles and prevents them from sagging. Already before the age of 30, almost 10% of men and only 5% of women snore, and after the age of 60 these numbers increase to 40% in men and XNUMX% in women. The basic principle in getting rid of snoring is to lose extra pounds. You need to focus on a proper, healthy and low-calorie diet, and introduce some physical activity into your daily schedule. Why? Well, very often this condition is caused by excess fatty tissue located in the throat area.
  4. Limiting or giving up alcohol – because it works in a similar way to sedatives and sleeping pills. All these substances cause that household members may have trouble falling asleep. This is because alcohol and these types of drugs relax the muscles and negatively affect the respiratory system.
  5. Healthy sleep – that is, the appropriate adjustment of sleeping time and position. The work of the respiratory tract is regulated by the proper length of sleep, so try to sleep for about 8 hours a day. Regular sleep makes you breathe evenly and calmly, so at the same time it reduces the noise of snoring. The position in which you sleep is also important – definitely avoid sleeping on your back, because it makes the tongue fall backwards, blocking the airflow. Sleeping on your side or stomach will minimize snoring.

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