Troublesome infections – causes, treatment, effects, prevention

Intimate infections are still an embarrassing problem. We would like to pretend that it does not concern us at all. Meanwhile, it turns out that almost 30% of women visiting a gynecologist struggle with it. And although the causes of infections vary, the procedure should always be the same – consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Although there are many reasons for the infection, the symptoms are most often similar. – These are usually discharge, itching, burning, swelling, tenderness around the vagina or vulva, pain when urinating. Vaginal discharge can vary in nature, color and smell. The most important thing, however, is not to ignore any of these signals – warns Dr. Jacek Tulimowski, gynecologist and obstetrician. It also encourages you to carefully observe your body. Vaginal discharge is a natural phenomenon in a woman, and its composition and color change with the phase of the menstrual cycle. However, drastic changes in its appearance or smell, as well as itching and redness of the vulva should be an alarm signal for us.

There are many reasons

The most common causes of vaginal infections are fungi and bacteria. Infection occurs in a similar way – generally through sexual intercourse, lack of hygiene, and the use of the same towels. Infections are also favored by the use of swimming pools, saunas, solariums and jacuzzis, high temperature and high humidity, i.e. conditions in which bacteria multiply faster. This is why we are more prone to infections in the summer. We sweat more, we play sports in airtight clothes that retain moisture, we sit on the beach in a wet suit. And on the sand, unfortunately, there can be anything: bacteria, fungi, protozoa. Therefore, especially during holidays, we must follow a few rules: take a shower after swimming in the sea or swimming pool, change to a dry costume, sit on a deckchair or blanket, wear cotton underwear, take care of intimate hygiene.

– Reduced immunity also favors bacterial or fungal infections. When we are exhausted, stressed, weakened after illness, we take drugs that reduce immunity (immunosuppression, steroids), we should be especially careful about ourselves, because in such situations, intimate infections like to recur – adds the gynecologist. The same is true for people with diabetes or those who often have inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, throat and sinuses. This is a sign that the immune system is not fully functional and infections will keep coming back.

Intimate infections can also be linked to allergies. – They are more often observed in women with atopic diseases: atopic bronchial asthma, food allergies, contact allergies, atopic dermatitis. Then the wrong detergent or liquid for washing, washing or intimate hygiene can make the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa more susceptible to infections. The same applies to food allergies, e.g. to milk. The gynecologist should then cooperate with the allergist to minimize the incidence of inflammation – explains Tulimowski and emphasizes that regardless of the cause, every infection must be cured. In addition, there is always a risk that we will infect our partner during intercourse. If this happens, tell your doctor about it. Both men and women should undergo the treatment. Otherwise we will infect each other.

On my own?

Are we able to recognize an infection on our own and assess whether we are dealing with a bacterial or fungal infection? – Usually not, and it is not necessary. After all, the point is not for patients to heal themselves – emphasizes Dr. Tulimowski and instead of self-medicating, he advises to implement a permanent rule – when something is wrong, we go to a specialist. – Many women self-medicate with over-the-counter remedies. They are safe, but not always effective. They can help on an ad hoc basis. However, when we are away from home or we cannot get to our gynecologist, let’s buy such a measure after prior consultation with a pharmacist. Let’s use it for 3-4 days. If we do not see any improvement, vaginal discharge continues, we feel pain or tenderness around the vagina, be sure to seek help from a doctor. Even if it is a stranger gynecologist, shame has to be overcome. The complications of infection may be worse than the fear of the unknown and the stress associated with the visit – warns the doctor and emphasizes that such consultation is very important. After all, we do not know why the infection occurred. It can be a trivial matter, such as infection due to poor hygiene or swimming pool use, but there are also bacteria: chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureoplasmas. If this type of infection is not treated, serious complications can occur, including adhesions and secondary infertility.

Doctor Tulimowski appeals to overcome the shame. – Poles are a shameful nation. They do not admit their ailments, intimate infections are still a taboo subject. During a visit to the gynecologist, ladies often withhold important information.

Meanwhile, there is no time in medicine to philosophize. Certain procedures and workflows are in place. It is worth following this trail. If, after a few days, over-the-counter medication does not help, do not grit your teeth against the pain and do not look for excuses. Don’t convince yourself that a painkiller or a hot bath will help. Infections don’t get through like magic. The treatment must target the problem.

Bad consequences

Our body is whole. When we catch a runny nose and have a cold, we immediately feel worse, although only our nose drips. When we have a toothache, we can’t focus on anything. The same applies to intimate infections. Burning, stinging, pain, discharge and tenderness make us irritable. However, this is not the most important thing. Treating inflammation of the vagina and vulva is important not so much for your well-being but for the consequences. When an infection occurs, it does not stay on the cervix, but it can penetrate further and become an infection of the urinary tract, bladder, and cause infection of the uterus, uterine cavity, and ovaries. And then the antifungal drug alone will not help. With adnexitis, an antibiotic is already necessary, and the treatment lasts for several weeks. – It often happens that women who have recurrent inflammation of the vagina or vulva and have not been treated or treated improperly, complain of painful menstruation, problems with getting pregnant, suffer from abdominal pains, and during the examination, the gynecologist states that in post-inflammatory adhesions developed within the abdominal cavity. So the longer we delay, the longer and more costly the treatment may turn out to be, warns Dr. Tulimowski.

Overcome shame and fear

Research shows that Polish women are afraid of visiting a gynecologist. We do not go to the doctor not only because of lack of time or money, but also because of fear. We are afraid that it will detect something more serious than an infection with us. Cancer is a word that paralyzes us. But instead of addressing our fears, having a cytology test, treating the infection and making sure we are healthy, we prefer an escape route. We wait out the ailments, hoping that they will pass. Meanwhile, it turns out that women who regularly visit a gynecologist and have a cytology significantly reduce the risk of cervical cancer (those who have done such a test at least once in their life have already reduced the risk by 40%).

You also need to be able to talk to a doctor – without shame, but to be precise. – Professor Lamann, a British, who deals with the rights of sexuality, showed that the doctor interrupts the patient’s speech between the 8th and 18th seconds of the conversation. Why is this happening? – wonders Dr. Tulimowski. – The answer is apparently simple: because we interrupt each other. The doctor asks and the patient answers. Unfortunately, he often doesn’t do it specifically, so the doctor cuts him off. To prevent this from happening, let’s prepare for the visit and think over what you say. At the beginning, in a few sentences, let’s talk about the ailments: where it burns, hurts and how (does the pain radiate to the leg or spread from the pubic symphysis), whether the vaginal discharge is abundant, what color or smell they have. Let’s not be afraid of the following terms: yellow, greenish, lumpy, cheesy, with the smell of fish, mold. If there is blood, let’s say what color it is. Let’s call a spade a spade – this will not only make the diagnosis easier, but also make us feel more confident. This is the first step to learn to talk about sex and anatomical problems normally, says Dr. Tulimowski.

Security cost

There is no medicine that will clear up the infection immediately. If you need to undergo treatment, there will be several visits to the gynecologist. First, the doctor will prescribe medication, then he will recommend a checkup, then he will make a cytology, the results of which will have to be collected. In any case – be it private visits or at the clinic – you have to be patient and prepare additional cash (even for medicines). – It’s the same all over the world. A French or a Swedish woman also has to see a doctor several times, although of course the billing system is different. Before we boycott ours, let’s ask ourselves a basic question: whether spending even a few hundred zlotys on visits and treatment is so important when it comes to health and safety. We should also remember the basic principle of prophylaxis – prevention is better than cure. At the beginning of each treatment, it is always less (and takes less time) than when the disease becomes advanced and expensive treatment or hospitalization will be necessary – explains the gynecologist and adds: – The ideal would be for patients to have trusted doctors whom they could always call and ask for advice. A good gynecologist will not say that she is on vacation, but will help or refer the patient to her colleague. Professor Romuald Dębski, an outstanding specialist in gynecology, is now urging doctors to create a nationwide network of mutual contacts. All this to make patients feel safer.

Prophylaxis is it!

What can we do if we are in the group of women at higher risk of infection:

• pay particular attention to private hygiene;

• use a separate towel for intimate hygiene;

• use public toilets carefully;

• change underwear daily;

• do not use washcloths or sponges for intimate hygiene;

• avoid long hot baths of liquids;

• reduce protein, meat and sugar in the diet, and include natural yoghurt;

• wash yourself with chamomile and rosemary decoction

or oak bark;

• find a reliable gynecologist.

Let’s remember

The tendency to get infected increases:

• after treatment with antibiotics;

• during treatment with contraceptives that cause hormonal changes;

• after certain diseases and medications (eg immunosuppressants);

• during pregnancy;

• after stress, weakening of the body, illness, exhaustion;

• with diabetes;

• with allergies;

• after damage to the epithelium during sexual intercourse, for example after a scratch.


A visit to the gynecologist is absolutely necessary if:

• you suddenly have vaginal discharge, especially if it is discolored with blood;

• you have bleeding between periods or after intercourse;

• there is pain in the lower abdomen or on the sides of the abdomen, near the ovaries;

• you develop painful intercourse and tenderness in the lower abdomen, ovaries or above the bladder.

Chlamydia and cervical cancer

Research shows that chlamydia infection increases the risk of cervical cancer. Dr Tarja Anttila of the University of Helsinki published the results of her search for the serotype of the microbe that poses a risk of cervical cancer in The Journal of the American Medical Association. After examining 181 women with invasive cervical cancer for infection with different types of chlamydia, it turned out that infection with this microorganism occurred twice as often among cancer patients as in the population of oncologically healthy women.

Text: Anna Niewiadomska

Source: Let’s live longer

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